
Wicked Schemes

Being a Monster Fish human hybrid was the most traumatizing thing that I could have ever experienced but, I can't say same about my victims...

Noah_StrangeSs · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Wicked Schemes

Chapter 1

Ship Wreck Of The Fish

" I Need To Find Her, Help Me", were the words that could escape the lips of Benjamin Reeds as he limped out of the smooth bosom of the Ocean that just spitted him out like an unwanted dinning plate from Nigeria. But wait, what is this he sees, a house just not far up ahead and with a messed-up ear and eyes soaking wet, he gathered the courage to limp some more to reach Final Destination. "Hello is anybody…" and just like that the door to the house that looks like it has sagging breast from being soaked in acid with no locks on it just opens, like that, and he enters into The House like a lost cat, "Mom where is pa".

"No, I need to find my son, HELP, HELP me", and as she scuffles to get herself free from the bowsprit from the ship wreck just a few moments ago and just as we thought all hope was lost, a magnificent creature of absolute velocity and strength, with skin that looks like it had just gotten ironed by your mother who knows how to do everything right better than you can, hair as black as the Moon night and eyes blue as the theme page of Reedsy.com that seeps into the very core of your ovule possessed with a sperm, this was no ordinary creature, this was Ursula, Queen of the Sirens that just came to the sad rescue of Queen Splendor and Yes Queen Ursula and Splendor are both made of Fish DNA, so what, your made of dirt, now tell me whose complaining, OK moving on, " Hold on Friend", as Queen Ursula lifts up the bowsprit from off of Queen Splendor with her mighty bosom um I mean tail, a little red paint could be seen dripping from off of Queen splendor's tail and OMG its Blood OK Blood gees, no need to over think human reader, Queen Ursula lifts up Queen Splendor one more time and carries her to Kill-Rock where she can finally experience the one thing you humans can't live without,…Air….

Queen Splendor transforms into her human form and thanks Queen Ursula for the Favor but need's to go find her son Ben who also was in the shipwreck with her. Queen Splendor closes her Golden rich eyes and tries to Echo Locate Benjamin and it works, OK, it works. "How will you save him alive when you know that…" "that what Ursula, What" "he's on Death Shores", "I will do whatever it takes to get him back, thanks for your help" and just like that she swims back into the ocean just to find her beloved son who probably is licking Ass somewhere ugh I mean Asstrogen, yeah that's what I meant, totally, O…K.

"Maybe ma is trying to find me, I'll go look for her outside then, coming ma" that house was not a sight for sore eyes but a well-designed SHITHOLE house full of booby traps, guns, spears, old science experiments with chemicals and machines. As he tries to get away from all the old man smells of shirts scattered around the flour with dusty furniture and rock bottom bathrooms of the century, he spots an old rusty spear gun on the flour-covered with 90s dried-up mucus but not too worry he doesn't notice it at all and grabs it to go mommy fish searching. He gets out and to your surprise, a scuffling sound is heard from the back of the Old Shit house. "Mama he reads out his mind to say" but as he gets closer to mama, his spear gun shoots out the last spear in it because as it turns out it's racist activated. Mom screams out her last as if she is experiencing her last dick fuck and in the process, large balls of veins reach out from under beneath her dark green skin with glowing red eyes but as she reaches out with her claws she stops dead in her tracks and realizes its Ben and hugs him instead with pain injected tears. The old house sees a story drop down from Queen Splendor's eyes and realizes it's mission, as they both begin to cry out, the house moves between Space and Time and passes through reality to get to the Story of mother and son and as they open their eyes they realize that they are no longer on the beach anymore but rather inside the house. As they try to wrap their fish heads around it they got smitten by the sounds of the raging beast's coming from outdoors and YES, children were the beasts am talking about here, they were having the time of their lives outside the house as in jumping and proposing to each other and what not I don't care.

"Mom look it's…,oh, you cant walk anymore, oops, sorry mom, I'll just tell you what I see from the window"…."OK it's very short, with very um pointy sticks for walking, um, and a very weird looking house sort of thing on their backs, how do they move so fast with that thing on their backs, and screaming out Pool or School I think, mom what is School"…."Huh, back in my time we used to go there and read them light weight sheets and write on them" uttered Queen Splendor, " we used to learn so much there, even how to make babies, weapons, machines et cetera but I don't want you getting ideas about going there" "You just read my mind mom, let's get going" replied brat. Knowing how persistent and curious her boy could be if she didn't allow him, she uttered "let's get to it son" "huh I love you, mom, so what now," said Ben, "now let's see how all this will go down" replied Queen Splendor.

Chapter 2


Seven Cruel Hours Of Our Lives

"Wow its amazing here," said Ben, "Focus son were here to inquire from this awful school, urh there we go, um excuse me sir but um would you be a dear and show us where the King of This Place is hmm, please," asked Queen Splendor to the gatekeeper. "go straight ahead that room and across the hallway you should see a group of gossip mongers on the way together with the popular girl trying to seduce the new kid from Nigeria with a world-class private jet that can travel to any country at a blink of an eye, alongside the road you should spot the nerd squad and the hottest guy too trying to score a way into my tight but fragile heart, penetrating so hard it hurts and…" rambled the gatekeeper "um I think that's enough human thank you um much I guess, son I'm warning you to stay away from him at all cost OK" warned Queen Splendor to Benjamin.

"Hello, sir um I'm Queen ugh I mean Splendor Reeds and I would like to enroll my son in this Gay free institution please," said Queen Splendor to the Principle, "ugh yeah, of course, um please fill out this form here and sign here for me you gorgeous thing" "I'm sorry what," asked Queen Splendor, "ugh nothing my lady, ugh sex, ugh mam" replied the Principle. After all that racket was done, "OK mam, its been a pleasure meeting you" "Likewise" by Queen Splendor. "oh you can't walk am so sorry" and as the principal reaches out to shake the hand of your Queen, a very sharp ass tail with spikes strikes the human in the leg but out of respect and gentleman-like manners he doesn't scream at my Queen but just smiles and waits for them to leave and after "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how ba this happen, maybe, maybe it was the cat, yes, the cat oh darn that hurts, God"….." Now son promise me you will be on your best behavior for tomorrow OK", "OK Mom" ended Benjamin.

Chapter 3

Merman Metamorphosis

A Few Weeks Later,

"Mom, mom you won't believe what happened in school today," said Benjamin, "son"…."I just fixed my science teachers machine and found a way to make you portable and also got you a gift" added Benjamin, fix me am not some Sex Doll that needs fixing you know" by Queen Splendor, "say what now mom," asked Benjamin to your Queen my fellow reader, "um nothing son, so what is it" ended The Queen, "OK, get ready for an experiment and Boom!!!!!", hmmm what a freak, urhh, as far as that sound goes, a very powerful blast could be heard from the mouth of that machine and straight for MY QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE you insolent fool, you, oh, she's OK. "mom are you alright" "what, how…" "It worked you, you look", "Small, turn me back, my ass look's like nitrogen gas", OK, mom, hold on, I got a surprise for you and ta-duh!!!!" screamed Ben, "a fish bowl, seriously, I mean how thoughtful of you son but I don't see where this is going dear" Queen Splendor in distress, "well I was tired of seeing you not experiencing stuff with me, so I fixed this machine and thought why not try it on you, well, of course, I did have some help with a friend from school she's very talented and smart too, her name is Vanes…" explained Benjamin, "OK son I got it, just put me in it" requested your Queen and off in it she goes. Moments after the Shrink Ray miniaturized our Queen an abomination could be heard from the door saying, "Hello, is anybody home" "Son take me to the door, now" as Queen Splendor takes a peak look through the peephole she immediately redraws back and orders Benjamin to run with her now "Benjamin its Sir Noah your science tutor" added Sir Noah, "It knows your name Benjamin, were not safe here anymore son lets flea now go go go go!!!" ordered Queen Splendor. Benjamin was not even given a chance to explain and mention that he knows him. THEY RAN, "Run go go go!!!", the only thing Benjamin could take was his scientific drawings and textbooks in one hand with his mom in the other while running, heading for THE BEACH and being chased by the science tutor from behind him and shouting, "hey kid, wait, I just want to talk to you", as they keep on running they reach closer to the shore of the beach and finally mom starts to mutate back into her glorious form and jumps straight into the arms of the ocean but as Benjamin gets closer to the chest of the ocean he trips and falls on the racist piece of shit called the Spear Gun that he used the first time to penetrate mommy the first time, he falls face-first into the ocean along with his books and never to see the tutor again, all so we thought. As mommy fully mutates, Benjamin was in for the trip of his life, he also mutates, his eyes turn green, his body builds up like a set of Lego's, his chest filled with six-packs and gills for sea breathing, he grows enormously in size and height and looks way older than he did before and as mom would soon tell him time moves faster down here. His books sink deeper into the ocean and as he tries to get used to the new look, mommy sonic calls the Mat-Fish Fix group from the deep to assist her and as it turns out she commands them to go forth to the diminishing books and attach themselves to it to create flesh binds around the book and make whole again and just like that they fix-up.

A few tries and there, a few swims and here and you're looking at a new Benjamin so far, mom finally brings him to Lo-stark Ashedor or otherwise known as Wakanda for a feel of the city underwater and to be with his people for a change and maybe one day help rule them but the People of Death Shores just haven't given up yet, a search was made for dear old Benjamin and wouldn't you know it, by little old Noah, search parties everywhere, "oh no someone grab Hitler, he's drowning", as dear old Hitler almost drowns to his corps a Red-Eyed Glowing Beast could be spotted just beneath Hitler and a very sharp weapon upon his face as well, specifically his mouth area and I think their fangs, a creature of great feet and velocity swims straight at Hitler and grabs him by the gut sending him screaming and flying through the air straight for the search boat he hailed from with a lot of deadly storms spitting out lightning. The creature seems to be naked and unable to walk as well, he, he looks somehow just like us but somehow not like us, just as he came he disappeared and was never to be seen again as the Black Night only leaving behind a spread of Red Trailed Blood across the sea with a lifeless Saw fish merman to his demise thanks to Hitler and that was the beginning of a …

Chapter 4

Customers Vs Fishes'

"War!!!!! is what they want, then war is what they'll get, I told you once before Captain, they don't want peace with us" as that bullshit continues…"My Queen, I believe it is time to end this Madness you call Mercy For the Surface dwellers and Attack them once and for all" and with a heavy hand used to type this story I say," SO BE IT" Ended Queen Splendor

as it was said, a troupe of Merman's were sent to scout the surface to see exactly what your people were doing in preparation for the upcoming war reader, but on the way, they spotted the search boat that started all this destruction and also lead to the death of one of their own, as a psychopath would put it, "there all Collateral Damage to me", and so they devoured the boat, tearing it limb from limb without leaving a trace of blood behind and yes, Hitler was on this boat and well you can imagined what happened to him in your wet dreams but back to the matter at hand, "huh did you see that Captain"…."Men to your Battle stations!!!!!! and prepare...for...SPARTAR!!!!!" ordered the Captain immediately.

Never before have we humans thought of or even I thought that mankind would ever go up against such a war like this, Sardine Fish Vs Customers in a do or die situation. Queen Splendor all though deeply offended by my comment of calling her sardine which is true brought 2,416 Mer-warriors to help fight on her side and customers I mean the Captain of Humans called upon all the men that he could gather at the moment and so there were two. Queen Splendor very much made sure to make this day an unforgettable one and by so doing she brought along Benjamin as bonus to the victory and also because he wanted to come so bad. "Let The Games Begin" said Captain…."Let There Be CARNAGE!!!!" ended Queen Splendor and so the Battle began with the first shot from your local customer I mean human ensued and there was war on Earth. Men being ripped apart like bread baked freshly from the Oven, creatures being gun down like bed bugs spotted on the Headmasters clothes at an award celebration, Blood everywhere, bullets falling like your first bicycle ride and even worse humans shooting and wasting economic resources due to a disagreement with the Fish Seller from the ocean. "Your Highness"...….."Captain"...…."Mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" just like that Queen Splendor falls straight into the arms of Benjamin with a fist size hole up inside her back creating a pipe hole camera from science class remember and blood splatter all over Benjamin with an evil grin on Captains face as he stairs at Benjamin straight through the Iris. Dark Green Eyes accompanied with Killer Claws followed with rotten flesh on the half left face of Pain and random sections on the body as well. Veins like never before seen on a man with fangs that look like they have been sharpened with Obsidian Knife Blades and left to decay for a century crawled its way out of the mouth of poor old Benjamin because he wasn't Benjamin anymore but Death its Self according to me. He is what Nightmares are made of and from that description alone you should be scared of him now…..He looks at Captain in the eyes and Jumps right in his direction but swerves off to the side and straight into the water he goes….

Chapter 5

Wicked Schemes

Back to The Beach, "Wooohooo!!! we did it boys, we finally got rid of the fish dwellers for good" too quick to say captain. It rained for several hours until, the lights in the bar that they were in drinking and boozing themselves away got dark to the pressure of wind coming from the opened door outside as everyone looked at it. Suddenly lightning strikes through the door and breaks it off instantly but as the light from the lightning glows for a split second at the entrance, "what was that, did you see that''...."what in the world was that" a very fine forgotten creature from earlier was just here for the after party, !!!Death!!!!, He swooths in like the Flash and a head falls from its original breed with red dripping liquids pouring out of him, two gun shots fired at Death but ended with fingers for claws right in the naked eyeball of our first shooter and gentle grab of the testicles of our second shooter and ripped out of its socket for equal measure. Spinal cords of our next victim ripped out from behind behind the body with obsidian tearing teeth with liquids more than enough to fill the Black Ocean of Ghana. A head smoothly slides from its neck and falls majestically to the flour like a good girl it is, it was the bar guest. As lightning strikes the old bar again only this time creating a flame, a headless head could be seen dangling in the arms of a limping lad with blood covered body. "This is for You Mother" and tosses the head straight into the creature in festered waters and that was Captains Head.

He jumps right back to where he belongs and only a few swims in and an unfamiliar creature grabs hold of him from nowhere with immense velocity straight high up back the surface grounds and face first to the sand. Benjamin Gets up with Fury in his belly and ass ready to gut down the creature only to realize that the creature has long black hair like The Night and curvy body like the waves of the ocean. "Hey Pretty boy" uttered creature, "Vanessa" remembered Benjamin, "What are you doing here and wow"...."Less talk, come with me" said Vanessa, "oh and also don't worry about where am from or how dear Benjamin knows me OK reader, the writer will figure it out in Book 2 or not, whatever I don't care" . Back into the Liquid, huh, my fingers are killing me, am so tired of typing already.....anyways back to the story, "I heard of what happened" muttered Vanessa, '' yeah they killed her, right into my arms" replied Benjamin, "what, who" asked Vanessa, "Mother, my Mother" ended Ben, " Oh my gods, am so sorry'' again Vanessa, "Don't worry I took them all out and gave mother the peace she needed to rest" said Ben to the inquisitive fish, "Really, How", asked Fish, "I murdered them all while they were busy celebrating over their Death", added Ben, "oh really, and by any chance was there a woman involved in your murderous rampage", asked impatiently by fish as she places one hand behind her back, "I…I didn't notice at the time but yeah there was, her head was split right across her neck as she stood there motionless with a glass of wine or whatever in her hand", added Ben, "but why does it matter anyways…" added Ben some more, "Because that woman was my Mother!!!", and a neck impalement by a dagger from Vanessa to Benjamin who now fades out and blacks out…"You will Pay for What you have Done here Today".

"Come to me my Sisters Of The Night, it is time for the sacrifice to begin its course, for you Mother"..."urhh what is happening, hey let go of me you do not know who your dealing with freaks" stupid Benjamin, "Freaks are we, well then its time to show you how freaky we can be" ended Vanessa. The ship that once housed both Benjamin and Queen Splendor was on course again heading straight for a tired up Benjamin on a rock on which Queen Splendor and Queen Ursula used to stand on. As the ship draws closer, a man could be seen jumping into the water and moving towards Benjamin in an attempt of saving him, who just so happens to be the same Science Teacher from the beach. He prevails and reaches young Benjamin with the ocean waves brushing in and out Benjamin transformations into a human and a merman. "Are you alright my …", and as he is about to speak Vanessa from behind she stabs the man in the back, "go leave" said the Man, "No am not leaving you" uttered Ben, the man manages to push Benjamin out of the way of the speeding ship and holds down Vanessa too and with the last voice of desperation he muttered, "I, AM YOUR FATHER" , "what but how" asked Benjamin," Your Mother told me everything on the beach of her final departure where we all fought together, and since that day I new I had to find you again my Son", crying, .... "Enough sweet talk puny human", Muttered Vanessa, she rips off his head with a velocity of a 1000 jolts and just as she tries to escape, "Kaboom!!!!!!!!" the ship grand slams into them with Benjamin still in Shock and trauma. Yes, we all may need therapy after this story. Even till now I still can't tell if he is still Mental….

to be deemed a War Hero or a Villain….