
Wicked Schemes

Being a Monster Fish human hybrid was the most traumatizing thing that I could have ever experienced but, I can't say same about my victims...

Noah_StrangeSs · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Wicked Schemes (Part 2)…

Back to the city

"So Mr Smith you are telling me you saw an actual Siren killing a man on death shores??Hahahahahhh

They all laughed😂…

Every one present at the police department of San Diego laughed to the top of their skulls.

"Am sorry are you high🔥 right now?"

one Officer asked.

"Listen to me am not high, I know what I saw and I tell you I saw an actual Siren stabbing that man." Smith blurted out of anger.

"Listen carefully Mr, this is a very serious, we don't deal with paranormal activities here at this precinct so just get lost."

Damian who so happens to be billed out for disturbing public Peace, saw this man getting his ass kicked out from the police👮‍♀️precinct and immediately bumped into him.

Damian"I think I know what you are saying"

Smith"What?? you believe me"

Damian"yes I believe you, I work for the Paranormal Research Lab and I have been searching for those sirens my entire life and now I just got the opportunity to find those creatures.

."he handed his card to him" Call me when you get a lead on how to get them.

The Amazon Rainforest…

Benjamin stayed the entire night without any food. He was starving.... He needed a prey.


,,, The last man standing got his limb striped of As Benjamin chewed the body like free 🥩🍗 meat. The armless body on the floor seems to be in great agony.

"why is my food shouting" he said.

The man in pain here seems to be naked. He twisted around from his slumber for a bit and the saw the most beautiful 🍆 thing upon waking up…

he had never seen such a strange lunch 🥙 before. "Wow that looks delicious I wanna have a taste of it" The Beast said and roared. The man saw the 👹 beast intentions and tried to protest.

"please not my d**k !am still a virgin, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

please, but Mr Reeds as hungry as he is had already sliced the cucumber of the man and the blood spilled like an erupted volcano 🌋spilling all around until much blood🩸was gone 🥵. The castrated man soon became lifeless making it less attractive for him to devour. He then moved around searching for it's prey .He searched and searched until he found a very beautiful young girl bathing on a far away beach.

She was not the quite type. she kept on singing and singing making loud noises scaring all the birds around with her awful singing 🎶🎵🎵 preventing Benjamin the Beast from echo locating the environment around her.

Normaly before any predator attacks a prey they first scan the environment for any threat before they consume what ever they haunt.


The woman felt the presence of something near her.

Crack!! This time she heard the stumping of a very large beast🦶.

With fear and fright she ran towards her tent to seek for refuge.

With a large roar the beast attacked the 😱🙎Lady and in just a sec..... Her full body had been tiered into pieces of meatballs 🥩🥩🥩🥩 .

Benjamin keeps on licking his fangs until he woke up from his endless dream.

"This is a dream? I need to find food"

he sniffed the air and a familiar sent engulfed the area .It smelled really good and from the smell one could tell it will actually taste great.

Benjamin not knowing he is in his beast form, started tracking the smell.

What in the world smelled this good....he thought 😋. He had traces this smell from far away and the sent keeps on getting stronger. This time he felt he was very close to his Food.

This strange smell made him curious and uneasy. He was ready to eat whatever awaits in those bushes.

"mom Ricky keeps on making my tent dirty tell him to stop"Clara yelled.

Mom"come on my child,

you can do better than that; Stop annoying your elder sister".

Clara. "Tell him mom make him stop his stupid attitude. I knew I shouldn't have come for this stupid vacation, this place is not good for me,."

mom"Where will you rather go darling?"

Clara "Am going out I need to clear my head besides I want fresh air"

Mom " oh darling there is air in your 🎪 tent. We built it close to each other for security purposes,

if you want air just get out there but don't go far".

Mr Grayson. "honey what are you trying to tell her it's too dark out there."

Clara " Dad am too old for your pet talks, am going out and if anything happens don't come and get me. I can take care of my self." She stormed out 😡 angrily forgetting her dad's warning ⚠️ .

"am going to the 🌑 dark "she ended.

Not far away...... Benjamin stopped his trip as soon as his nose lead him right behind his meat .

The Beast recalled his dream and thanked Mother nature for making his dream😋😒 a reality.

Suddenly his fangs 🍽️ elongated, his his claws drew out, he was ready to eat his prey.


He roared as he ran towards his prey...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"She screemed...

To Be continued….