
Why should I save the world when the good side discard me?

Seraphina, a girl from Rapier Hero's party found herself being discard by her party. When she was in despair a demonic being appear and offer to become her subbordinate. Will she tried accept it and turn to the daek side or she will stay in the 'right' path?

Icy_Frostburn_VX · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Lucifel and Seraphina's former Mate

Death Forest

"T- the seventh?" Seraphina stutters in shock and fear.

The Top 10 rank Demon, are 10 demon kings that have the strength to pummel a whole continent or maybe a world. Each of the 10 Demons have their own personal army to attack Human Race.

These 10 Demons are based on their danger level not their strength since humans didn't know about their overall strength.

For example, The 2nd rank, King of Sky, Ernest always sends his underling to attack every capital of human nation. His attack is very random and the fight will continue for a week. In contrast, Lucifel, Queen of Nightmare only attacks at night to steal every weapon and gems and rarely annihilates a whole town like Ernest. But since she still attacked humans, her rank is 7th not 10th.

To counter the devastating force of Demons. The gods and goddess would bestow the power of the hero to 10 random people. It could be an old man, a baby, a tenager or an adult which is very random.

Not just power, the chosen one would also have a gear and weapon of 'SS rank' and long way to their journey the weapon would become 'SSS rank'.

"Hey, don't be absent minded." Lucifel words wake Sera's mind. She looked at her surroundings, still in Death Forest.

She looked up at Lucifel blush a little before asking "Why are you naked?" Before Lucifel could answer, a gust of wind suddenly appear and Sera shivered in the cold.

She looked at herself and realized she was also naked. "Why am I also naked?" Lucifel smile mysteriously which makes Seraphina uneasy and anxious.

Underneath the moonlight Lucifel leaned closer and her fingers grazed Sera's cheeks, sending a shiver towards her spine.

Lucifel bodies leaned in, and their lips met in tender, electric kisses. Time seemed to stop. Seraphina is dumbfounded and widens her eyes in disbelief.

The first kiss that she already guarded for 15 years, just being robbed by a demon. Yet, Seraphina couldn't help but blush.

Although she convinced herself she is straight but deep down, she knows she is 'bent'. Back then before she and her sister join the heroes party, she really loved her sister in a romantic way.

And after she join, Sera falls in love with Raisa, The Rapier Hero. She already told Raisa about her love to her in secret but Raisa thought she was joking.

Unknown to her, everyone in their group already knows that Seraphina likes girls. And that is also the reason why Jean decided to discard her since he deem her dangerous.

Lucifel continued her assault by hugging Seraphina tightly. Their breasts are touching each other, making Seraphina blush because it looks very lewd.

Lucifel stops their kiss and a bridge of saliva forms between their lips. "With this, both of us will always connect with each other."

"What do you mean?" Seraphina, still blushing, asks her with confusion on her face.

"Oh? You didn't feel it yet? The Soul bond between us?"

"Soul Bond?"

Soul bond is a technique of skill Soul Manipulation that has a purpose to see, hear and feel everything of the subject. It is also able to pinpoint the location as well.

But in the hands of Demon, Soul Bond is a technique that also makes them able to give their power. Although the subject will only able to exert 80% of the full power. But Seraphina didn't know it yet.

Seraphina now could feels Lucifel's emotion. Lust, love, dominance, delight. Moved by her instinct, Seraphina covered her breast and garden with her hand.

Seraphina could Lucifel's disappointed. Lucifel smile pervertedly and use her hand to see Sera's beautiful breast.

"Wait, Lucifel-sama. Don't do it, please."

"Hey, don't you want love? I could give you love right now."

"W-wait. I don't want to do this in a forest."

"Bad luck, I really want to do it here."

"Ah.. Ah.. Ah."

Dizaya, Capital of Wonaf Kingdom

In a 5 star hotel. The Holy-Demonic Swordsman, Samantha, the little sister of Seraphina looked absent minded in her room.

'This is my fault.'

Guilt continuously stabs her heart. Her mind is showering a bunch of possibilities that will happen to her sister.


"What the fuck did you say?!" In the entrance of a hotel, Samantha glared angrily at Jean.

A little while ago, Jean request a meeting for unknown reasons. Samantha, who is very sleepy, couldn't help but complain to Jean.


"Seraphina went to her hometown." Jean said casually.


Everyone was dumbfounded since they didn't expect it. Seraphina, a cheerful yet shy girl went to her home without telling them.

"Eh, what?" Samantha asked while still in shock.

"Hump, Saraphina went to her hometown. I'm the one who encouraged her since she would become a hindrance." Jean answers her questions which makes Samantha boiling in anger.

"You also agree with my judgment, right? Raisa?" Jean turns to ask Raisa, The Rapier Hero or known as Demon Nightmare.

"Ah.. Y.. Yes." Raisa said not sure.

"Tch, you don't need to be afraid. If she still continues with us, then she will die sooner or later." Sensing Raisa's emotion, Jean quickly tried to give logical reason behind his action.

Samantha grit her teeth since she couldn't sense her presence, which means. "This bastard definitely killed her!!"

Samantha roars in anger. She is very angry and just wants to kill Jean. Samantha didn't know that his sister is still alive and the reason why her Soul Bond couldn't sense Seraphina is because of how thick the dark aura in Death Forest.

It's also Samantha's fault since she didn't bother to feel her sister's emotion.

If she knows that Seraphina didn't die, then she would give mercy to Jean. But if she knows that Jean leaves Seraphina in Death Forest, then she would kill every single one who is very dear to Jean.

Note, 'Very Dear'

"What do you mean?" Gladio, the bulky man who uses claymore, asks in a deep tone.

"I couldn't sense my sister. My Soul Bond should be working yet it's not working." Samantha exclaimed while sending killing intent towards Jean.

"Soul bond?!" Jean mutters in surprise.

Jean didn't calculate that both sisters will use soul bond since both of them didn't tell anything about it. He also didn't know since both of them seems have less interest in magic.

But Jean tried to calm himself since Samantha's influence in the group is far lower than Seraphina. And Jean is slightly lower than Seraphina so his words should carried more weight than her.

"Calm down, Samantha. You will make the Goddess sad, you know." Sophia, the holy maiden said in a gentle tone. Although there was anger in her words but anyone didn't notice it.

"Do you have any explanation for this, Jean?" Zela, the archer demanded.

"I already told you, I have talked with her and she agreed." Jean said in a calm tone.

"Liar." Wendy the magician mutters in a low tone.

However Jean didn't know that Wendy had magic to tell someone's lie or not. Fortunately Wendy is a quiet person, so she didn't tell anyone about her discovery which Jean already calculated.

However, Zela, who has sensitive ears, could hear Wendy's muttering, but since he didn't know about Wendy's magic, he concluded that Wendy is just angry.

But even if he knows, Zela won't tell anyone about it since it could break their relationship and the party would come to an end.

Samantha grit her teeth and decide to get out to search her sister. "Where are you going?" Raisa asked.

"I'm gonna go find my sister."

"It's futile, she used her teleportation scroll so even I don't know where she is." Jean said nonchalantly.

Samantha, glared at Jean. "You said Sera went to our hometown and now you said you don't know where she is."

Jean narrow his eyes and click his tongie, realizes the error in his lie. 'Shit! Curse my fool short term memory.'

"She said she wants to go to her hometown. I don't know if she speak the truth or not." Jean said calmly.

"Hmph." Samantha turned her head in anger, then she went to her own room, ignoring Raisa who ordered her to stay.

<Flashback Ends>

Tears of anger and sadness flowing from both of Samantha's eyes. She didn't know how to handle this anger and sadness.

Several minutes later, Samantha then stood up and prepared to search for her sister. She only join the party because of her sister, since she is not here then she doesn't have any reason to be with them again.

Samantha writes a small letter about her intention to leave the party. She wears her 'SS+ Rank' armor and sets out to journey.

Unknown to her, Wendy monitors her movement using her magic 'Eyes of Water' but since Wendy only uses a tiny droplet of water, Samantha who always has keen eyes didn't know about it.

Moreover the 'Eyes of Water' camouflage is really good. Rather than floating in the air, Wendy place it on the leaf of the plant so even Samantha sees it, she just thought the employees were watering the plants. Even though it's a bit weird to do it in the middle of night.

Wendy dispel her spell and begin to wonder whether she needs to quit her not.
