
Why not go a little easier?

After a freak accident, Gabriel is reborn as a Raven in a foreign land. Trying to find his way in a different body, Gabriel will use his newfound life to relax in luxury, or so he hopes... First time writer, I would love any genuine feedback y'all can offer. Also, I'm a bit of a stickler for spelling errors so if you guys happen to catch any, Please Please Please comment on that paragraph and I will fix it ASAP! Thanks for reading!

The_Fox_Hole · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Ch. 14 Let's learn

Waking up the next morning Gabriel took the head of the one wolf out of his Tiny Dimension. They ate the body of this wolf yesterday and left the rest outside to rot. Gabriel store the other corpse and the head into his Tiny Dimension for food. Unfortunately, the corpse took up most of the remaining space he had in his Tiny Dimension, he wouldn't be able to store much until they finished eating it. Gala began with the eyes as they seem to be her favorite while Gabriel began at where his blad head severed it. After eating most of the meat they left the skull in the cave, while getting ready to head out.

"Okay Gala, today I want to learn. You seem to only know how to pounce on an enemy and use your teeth for the kill. You still have claws you can use. I want you to go practice using your claws as a weapon. Just attack a log and try to break off the bark, or if you can find a rabbit try to kill only using your claws."

"Okay Gabriel, what do you plan to do in the meantime?"

"I'm going to learn more about my magic by practicing. If I can make those stronger wind blades all the time, we won't have trouble when we're attacked." Gabriel was proud of killing those wolves, but he was terrified of something stronger attacking. He could only produce the sharper wind blade by taking more time to release it. Not to mention he immediately felt weak after using it. He needed to get stronger and since his body was still weak, he could only do it with his spell power. (I haven't checked my stats in a while, I'll do that before I start. Oh, and I have that basic animal care book to learn.)

'Host: Gabriel

Species: Raven - Adolescent

Realm: Broken - Mastered - 85%

Stats: Available Points: 5

Agility: 4

Endurance: 0

Strength: 1

Intelligence: 4

Magic: 8

Abilities: Leaf on the Wind, Basic Herb and Ore Knowledge, Language Mimic, Extreme Comprehension


Wind Manipulation - Beginner

Wind Blade - Beginner'

First, let's put those stat points in. I'll put 2 into magic, bringing it to 10, 1 to strength, 1 to agility, 1 to Intelligence, and 2 into endurance. That should make things easier and make it so I can at least survive a hit if we get attacked. I hope.

'Stats: Available Points: 0

Agility: 5

Endurance: 2

Strength: 2

Intelligence: 5

Magic: 10'

Okay, now let's learn this book.

'Would you like to acquire knowledge from Book of Basic Animal Care?'

(Yes.) The pain started immediately, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as learning wind magic. After only 30 seconds the pain subsided and Gabriel felt fine.

'Host has acquired Knowledge of Basic Animal Care.'

(That went much better than I expected. Now on to this wind blade.) Gabriel flew up into a nearby tree and started to visualize his wind blade. He first imagined the winds gathering into a ball, then he compressed the ball into a disc. Stretching the disc as thin as he could, Gabriel released his wind blade at a nearby tree. *Crack* The wind blade smacked the tree dead center, leaving an 1cm deep line across. (Too weak, that wasn't like those other two I've managed to cast. Maybe more wind? The harder compression?) He brought up the image in his mind again, willing more wind to gather faster and into a larger ball. He again compressed that image, then began stretching the disc in two directions making it thinner and sharper. (Here goes nothing.)


*Crack* The wind blade again hit the same tree just below the first blades mark. This time leaving a cut almost 6cm into the tree. (Yes! That's it, I need that every time I shoot!) Ecstatic, Gabriel began hopping up and down with his wings lifted up. He brought up the same image in his head and went through the process again. *Crack* Another 6cm line came across the tree. Gabriel repeated the process two more times before feeling exhausted. (At least I've almost got it figured out. I just need to practice a few more times after I rest. I'll snack on some berries, that'll help.) Spotting a nearby Parlberry bush Gabriel flew down to have a snack.

After half an hour of rest and snacking Gabriel got back on to his practice branch and again brought up the image in his head. After 4 more wind blades being launched and getting the same results every time, Gabriel got a notification.

'Wind Blade - Beginner has become Wind Blade - Adept. Increase of 20% to Realm.'

'Realm Evolution reached Host will upgrade from Broken to Basic Realm, please find an appropriate location for safety and confirm.'

(No way! Not only did I increase the mastery over my skill, but I even got my Realm to increase! Maybe I won't be so little after this!) Gabriel took off to look for Gala as soon as possible. He needed to get back to the cave and complete his evolution before sundown, in case they were attacked. The cave wasn't very well protected and they were exposed, but it's the best they've got for now. "Gala! Gala! Come back to the Cave! It's urgent!"

Gala heard Gabriel from a ways off and ran to the cave as fast as she could. "Are you okay Gabriel!? What happened?"

"I'm fine, it's nothing to worry about, but I think I'm about to increase my strength, I feel an energy building up in me. Can you protect me here while I find out what's happening to me?" Once again telling his friend a white lie to protect his secrets, Gabriel prepared to go through his Evolution. "Yes, Gabriel, I will protect you, good luck." Gala went and laid at the front of the cave while Gabriel gave the go ahead to the system.