
Why I hate Middle Class Women

"I endured this pain day after day, drowned in the ocean of tears that weren't allowed to leave my eyes. I held on for long, but they didn't love to see that, they stepped upon my head, content to watch me drown in the emotional mess they caused." Seven relationships and all were doomed from the start. The same issues and the same outcome, all the girls he loved left him, cheated on him, stabbed him in the back. Was he hexed? Was he really the problem? Why did they never last? Chang Wu didn't know. All he knew was that, they were breaking his heart to smaller pieces every time they walked out of his life because he couldn't 'afford' them. He'd tried everything to the extent everyone called him a simp for women who wouldn't even do half of what he'd done for them. 'Why were all middle class women the same?' Why hadn't he met one that wouldn't push the burden of financial responsibilities on his shoulders. The more he thought of it, the more he bore hate, until he decided to give up on them, and aim for something higher.  Dating a rich woman was his next step. As impossible as it sounded and difficult to achieve, he thought the woman on the magazine cover that caught his attention would actually love him, not because of money because she already had that. There were problems, he had to live falsely to catch her eye and watch out for potential threats to avoid the truth from getting exposed, but how long would he pretend to be the opposite of what he truly was? How long would he lie? How long would he continue to live in fear? And most importantly, how would he put an end to the facade without getting his dream woman hurt?

SofarLunar · Urban
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152 Chs

Chapter 15: Tag along

Music played over a dance floor as if it had fused with the bodies, and a group of college students weaved through the older guys and girls around like pros, looking for a comfortable spot to let loose. 

Hana's older friends brought up their own perfect way for the fresher to celebrate her 18th birthday, a party at a nightclub. Their feet moved to the crazy beat like they belonged to the music. With Hands in the air, Hana moved in her dress like her hips were made to sway as the sequins caught the rainbow light that twirled above. She knew her mother wouldn't like it, but she didn't care. She was now an adult, and she could live the way she'd always wanted to. Her mother's forced moral only caged her, now she was dancing to the intoxicating beat, caring so little about who was watching. That night was for her, a bird that had finally been set free.

"Hey Hana" Her friend called out as the girl poured herself a glass full of alcohol.

"Yeah, what's up?" 

Her friend angled her head to the man by a dark corner who'd been looking at her the whole time. Hana returned the gape openly as she observed his sharp jaw, chin, and prominent cheekbones, and on either side of his straight nose were two charcoal black eyes that brought a certain weakness to her knees as she grew immersed into his devilishly alluring features. His raven black curls framed his pale face and his dark brows sloped downwards in a serious expression.

Hana looked down for a moment, pouring herself another shot of whiskey and bringing the alcohol to her lips. The burning sensation poured down her throat, creating a warm feeling deep inside of her stomach and leaving her whole body flushed.

"That man looks kinda dangerous though" Her friend commented.

"He fucking seems like all those hot boys from erotica." 

Hana's friend watched her move to the seat beside the handsome stranger. 

The man was amazed she made a move first. He was aware of her sitting next to him, no word was expressed, but her arm was close to his. 

He kept on smoking heavily in their silence until he said something, particularly to remark on her dance moves.

"You're quite a good dancer. Your moves caught my attention. I'm pretty sure other guys were aiming to talk to you as well." 

"Oh, thank you" She appreciated his nice comment, as she crossed her legs, and purposely gave her body a little shake so he'd see her bosom bounce. 

"I'm Hana, nice to meet you."

"Xin. Pleasure is mine. What brings you here?" 

"My birthday," She said proudly.

"Happy birthday." He thought it would be rude to ask her for her age, but he could estimate. She looked young, so she was probably within the range of eighteen to twenty.

"Thank you handsome" She winked, and he stroked his jaw, marveling at the cleavage she exposed. 

"And what brings you here?" She asked before drinking straight from the bottle of whiskey.

"I'm looking for a sex partner."

She was startled at how straight those words came out, but she waved it off with a subsequent giggle "Sex partner? Why would you need that?"

"Because that's the only type of relationship I seek in a world that believes love exists."

"You don't believe in love?" 

He shook his head.

"What if I'm your sex partner and you eventually fall in love with me?" 

He angled his head to meet her face and their eyes met "You're beautiful, but I can't fall In love. Although, you can give our sexual relationship a try. It's your choice?"

"Tell me Xin" She whispered, then bit her lip "What are the advantages of being your sex partner?"

"Good sex." 

She straight smiled "That's it?"

"What else do you want? As long as it doesn't involve any actions lovers do, i'm willing to comply."

She said nothing afterwards but a few seconds later, a mischievous smile appeared on her face "Fine. I'll be your sex partner. And I promise you you'll fall in love with me…"


Her memories faded, and she slumped on her desk after another failed attempt to concentrate on her books without thinking about him.

"It's been weeks since we last spoke. I miss him… I miss him so much" Ever since she chose to avoid him, Hana had been brimming with only regrets. She'd cry herself to sleep most of the times, and even sulk around her friends that were always trying to offer their support and consolations, but it wasn't enough to stop the melancholy tearing its way into her already aching heart.

Her grades weren't the best, but ever since that happened, her performance at college made a turn for the worst, and her mother had been on her neck for days. She lifted her head from the table, then parted her lips. "I'm obsessed with him." 

Her hands slid across her chest and she groped herself, imagining his hands there, imaging his deep voice echoing his naughty desires into her ear. Tears formed in her eyes "Being his sex partner is better than being nothing to him at all." She'd finally accepted the truth.

No one understood why she was madly in love with a guy like that, but to her, he was amazing in every aspect. 

Despite how much he acted cold to her, he still showed his concern about her health, but his distance was either to not make her fall in love with him, or it was a tactic to stop himself from falling in love with her. 

She picked up her phone beside her coffee and dialed his number, hoping to at least hear his soothing voice that night so she'd sleep properly. Even if it was a little.

Her call wasn't answered, so she decided to leave a text. "Hi Xin, it's Hana. I want us to talk whenever you're free. If you'd want us to meet at the bar, then that's fine. Just tell me whatever suits you as long as we can both say a few things in private."