
Why Everyone is so Dumb ? (A Naruto Fanfiction)

So, my life was boring, to say the least. I was born in a poor family, we strived to better ourselves day by day. I studied with my all, did everything I could just so that we would be where we were before all shit went out. My only wish ? I hope my mother is well, and that my father can take care of them when I'm not around... I am... Sorry, let me correct myself. I was James R. Alfred, 20yo, married, 2 children (a son and a daughter), died by lost bullets from a thief. Now I am Naruto, 11yo, don't really need to continue, right? Let's do all I can to survive this fucked up world full of dumb idiots... Cover is not mine. All characters are not mine. Nothing there is mine, I'm just writing this for fun and don't have any schedule to post chapters, peace.

Albreth · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Body Flicker, First Mission and Countermeasures

>Konoha - Training Ground 7 - at 6am

Well, what should I say... Shunshin is one of the easiest and best techniques to learn, but to perfect it like Shisui did? Nope. I can body flicker already - my 100 shadow clones made sure of that -, but I need the handseal and it isn't as fast as Itachi, much less Shisui! 'Maybe because the way to do it seems easier, I thought it would be easy to perfect and use in battle...' I think, a bit distraught about my movement speed.

My reserves are really something. Right now I have so much chakra that I can simply overwhelm any Jounnin with shadow clones, until they run dry and lose the fight because of the loss of stamina. To make it simpler, lets separate chakra by numbers.

Civilians should have something like 1 to 10 chakra, while normal Academy Ninjas should have somewhere going from 11 to 100.

Gennins have about 101 to 1000 chakra;

Chunnins have 1001 to 5000;

Tokubetsu Jounnins are a little better, somewhere to 5001 to 7500. And there comes the thing, Jounnins range from 7501 all the way to 15000 chakra, while Kage level ones goes from 15000 all the way to 50000!

Super Kage level shinobis should have so much chakra that I can't even know right now! I estimate it's like 50000 to literally infinite or something like that.

Well, just so you know, I have capacity of a nearly full out Kage! I'm a monster! Or better, I have a monster inside me AND I'm a monster! 'I'm at my full capacity right now, so I should spend some before Sasuke and Sakura come...' I think, doing a one-hand seal and insta-casting 500 clones, losing 80% of my reserves.

'Well, now that I think about that, I'm lucky that Hiruzen and the anbu don't care about me that much, but I should take measures about they eyeing my clones, right?... Yeah, I know what to do...' I think before saying "Henge into someone else after going out! Make sure that nobody see you guys and, if push comes to shove, dispel right away!" To which they all nod and flicker away.

'Well, hope Hiruzen isn't watching me right now, or else I'm fucked up... And I need to take care of the Root too... Maybe get rid of the anbu following me and the creepy crystal ball first... Things for the future me, yeah... Lets chill...' I think before laying against a tree and going asleep.


Waking up to Sakura yelling my name, I see that everyone's here, even Kakashi. "Oh, Hey guys!" I say before jumping from the tree. "So, what will be our mission, sensei?" I ask Kakashi, to which he simply say "Follow me..." and starts walking to Hokage's Tower. I look at Sasuke and Sakura before going after him, with they following right after.

"We are here to see the Hokage to take a mission." Says Kakashi to the attendant. "Ok, I'll check..." She says before going inside and talking with the Hokage. After a few minutes of waiting, which I thought was strange to take so much time to simply "talk with the Hokage", she comes back and give us the green to enter the tower.

"Hey, grandpa!" I yell, entering the door without knocking, much to the awe of the three that were with me. "Hello, Naruto! Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke, hello too! Are you here for a mission?" Asks Hiruzen, looking at Kakashi. "Yes, a D-Rank mission, please." He says and I frown. 'Should I just send my clone to do that?' I think while waiting.

The first fucking mission we got was the famous one. Everyone has done it at least two times in their shinobi's life. Yeah, you got it right. Tora, the cat! It wasn't easy to catch him, and I really didn't want to. As everyone knows, he dislikes his owner and runs away from her every single time. 'Ah... I just want to be done with it...' I think, panting like never before. 'Fuck it! I should have trained my body and the basic jutsu... I should've known better than just let the shadow clones do all my training... Fuck this dumb disease!'


After Operation T.O.R.A, which took hours to complete, we did a couple others chores. Yeah, chores. I won't call making and paiting fences or tending to gardens as missions. After all that, Kakashi just bade us goodbye and said to meet again tomorrow for more missions. "I will go too, see you guys tomorrow!" I said, but before I can flicker, Sasuke holds my arm and says "Naruto, train with us..."

'What the actual fuck?!' I thought while looking at the duo. "Why? Didn't you guys dislike me?" I ask, with a monotonous voice. "Uh... At the bell test, your display of strength made us recongnize that we are behind..." Sasuke says, with a gritted teeth and let my arm go. "Yeah..." Say Sakura, with a soft voice of guilt. "Sure, I can train with you guys!" I say, faking my thoughts. 'I don't wanna deal with them... Lets just do this faster and go away...'

"I will tell you guys what to do, but it depends on you to make it or not. First, take a leave and try to stick it to your forehead with your chakra. Like this..." I say, showing them how to do it. "After you done with one, try to pick more leaves and sticking them in different parts, like that..." I continue, sticking a leave on each of my limbs, on my forehead and on my chest. "After that, try climbing up the tree without using your hands. You need to balance you chakra to do that. Too much and the tree will simply explode, very little and you can't stick your feet. Like that..." I again show them.

"If, and only if you can do it pretty fast, then comes water walking. It's the same as the tree, but water is much trickier! The waves will take you down with them, so prepare some towels beforehand. That's it! It will take you guys some time to get everything right, but it will make your chakra control better, so you will waste less for doing more! I will go eat something, bye bye!" I said before flickering from their view.

"Wow, how does he know all that?" Said Sakura, looking at Sasuke. "I don't know, but if it makes me stronger, I'll do it..." He says, before trying to stick the leave on his forehead. "Yeah, me too!" Sakura says, doing the same. They go at it all afternoon.

"It's really easy to do this!" Says Sakura with some leaves sticking on to her body. "For you, that is...." Said Sasuke while sweating bullets, with only one leave on his forehead and another at his shoulder, trying his best to not drop the leave. "Well, I will try the tree one first! You can do it, Sasuke-kun!" She says, cheering her idol while walking towards the tree.


After flickering, I came to my apartment and lay in my bed. 'What should I say if they ask me how I know that?!' I think a bit and come to a conclusion. 'Lets just say that I saw some shinobis doing it while doing pranks, and now that I changed, I tried doing it...'

"What to do about the changes..." I say out loud. After some time thinking about that, I thought of just saying that I got an inheritance from my parents. That should cover for why I know Rasengan and for my change in behavior, and for some more knowledge that I may just let out. After all, I'm prone to do dumb things sometimes... 'Fuck this disease...' I think before standing up again. "Lets do some shopping!" I say before walking to the shopping district.


Lets summarize my shopping spree:

1- Storage Scrolls! Where else would I put the other things I bought?

2- Clothes! Yeah, the much needed normal clothes. After all, those orange jumpsuits aren't really good to wear.

3- Food! I will be doing a new diet and body training, so I need a stock of food for that!

4- Fuinjutsu utensils! Yeah, I'll be doing it pretty soon, as that is the main thing of Uzumakis before the canon!

And that's about it. But I need to say, this village really hates me! I needed to henge into someone just to buy all those things, because the first time I came into a shop, the owner started throwing things at me. I thought of just killing the man, but that thought was just to much, wasn't it? Well, nothing I can do about that. After getting all I needed, I came back to my apartment and crashed in my bed without even showering. I wasn't physically exhausted, but mentally that is. Those insults took a toll on me, even if I knew it beforehand...


Hey, Author here again! Ugh, yesterday I had an hectic day, so I didn't post a chapter, sorry for that! This one is up to standard lenght, nothing much, just my 1500 standard for starters. As I said, it's a short fanfiction, so don't expect many chapters OR many words per chapter! As always, thanks for reading and please comment in anything that you have doubt!

Also, thanks for you guys, you're really helping me there! I'm getting new ideas from you and adapting to it! Peace!