
Why do I look like Andrew Garfield?

George has always been a tough man, as a retired General when he reached his 60s there was really nothing to regret, closing his eyes and surrounded by his family he finally welcomed what every living being would eventually experience, the death... or so he believed, since when he opened his eyes in a room illuminated only by the moon he saw a renowned actor in front of the mirror, Andrew Garfield? This work is translated by Google since I don't know how to speak English, so please forgive any errors. The cover is not mine, I took it from Pinterest, if the original owner wants me to remove it, just let me know.

Samp23 · Movies
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18 Chs


After a successful meeting with all his employees in a building in which Peter had to "force" the owners with a lot of money to sell it, the beginning of League of Legends and Android became official.

(Those guys wanted to take 600 million dollars from me for this building? Screw them, all they get is 200, the other 400 million will be invested in Riot Games to speed up LoL, I also need to buy Activision and Blizzard).

At this point, Peter was not short of money and although the money originally belonged to the Kingpin, for Peter "giving money away" was not something that made him happy.

(Well, after he finishes infiltrating all the spy spiders in all the places Kingpin has, he could steal all of his assets and kill him, no one will miss him anyway... but I must say that this building was a bargain).

The building is 30 floors and is located in the center of New York, near the future Avengers Tower, after purchasing the building, Peter changed the name, to the name of his company and all his employees did not believe that his new boss was so young, after teaching a couple of lessons to the doubters (he slapped them) Peter decided that since he didn't know much about business, an advisor and a CEO would take care of everything, while he supervised as the founder of Samp Inc.

Naturally, the people he chose are business professionals with more than 25 years of experience and of course, good pay and a few promises to run more companies, which made them accept such a juicy offer.

(Besides the fact that I could have threatened them that if they betrayed me, they would pay dearly).

Feeling happy to have officially started his company, Peter decides to take a walk before heading to the funeral of the guy he doesn't regret killing.

Eating candy and buying things, Peter enjoys a small moment of peace in which he is not a married man, with a family, responsibilities, and not a poor teenager who is bullied at school.

After all, he doesn't have to go out and patrol the streets, risking his life to be criticized on television.

(Poor Spider-Ghost).


"Hello Peter, thanks for coming". He says a haggard Harry with sunken eyes and a scraggly beard.

"Harry, I'm sorry for your loss". With all the hypocrisy in the world, Peter tells Harry.

"....Thank you, Peter, for being here, it means a lot to me".

"No problem". Peter says, "acting" sincerely.

"Hello Harry, I'm so sorry for your loss". Mary Jane who came with her aunt tells Harry.

"Hello Mary Jane, thank you for coming, I'm sorry but I have to go prepare the speech, see you later".

"Mary Jane". After Harry leaves her, Peter sees Mary Jane and greets her, and goes to meet Gwen who came with her parents, leaving Mary Jane confused by everything that has happened.

(What happened to you, Peter? Why are you avoiding me? And since when do you go to the gym?). With many questions, Mary Jane sees Peter talking to Gwen and notices how she looks at him.

(Does she... like Peter?). With even more thoughts running through her head, MJ returns to her aunt as she watches Peter smiling at Gwen.


"So you're Peter, it's a pleasure, my daughter talks a lot about you, although she didn't tell me that you were so handsome and strong".

"Mom! You're embarrassing me, and I don't talk about him much, you're the one asking". Gwen says embarrassed.

"Come on Gwen you didn't tell me you liked big men". Whispering Helen tells her daughter with a mischievous smile.

"Mom!! What are you talking about!". She whispered back a tomato-red Gwen to her mother.

Without knowing that Peter heard everything, he introduced himself.

"The pleasure is mine, Sra. Stacy". Peter with a smile greets Gwen's mother.

"Oh please call me Helen, Sra. Stacy sounds very formal".

"I understand Helen and where could Mr. Stacy be?". He asks Peter, knowing that he has to win over his future father-in-law since his mother-in-law loves him.

"Dad is working, talking to the mayor to secure the area". Gwen answers.

"How horrible what happened to that man and his son was orphaned at such a young age". Helen says pitifully.

"Mother!". She whispers Gwen to Helen pointing her eyes at Peter.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Peter, I didn't mean anything by that dear". Remembering that Gwen told her that Peter is an orphan from a young age, Helen quickly apologizes.

"Don't worry about it, it doesn't bother me, May is all I need". Peter says with a smile, after all, he didn't remember these parents of his and only had memories of May acting like a mother, a father, and an aunt.

"That's wonderful, you must love her". Helen says happily, starting a pleasant conversation with Peter.

After a while, Gwen intervenes in the conversation.

"You know Mom, you say that this event was sad, but you must also remember that that This man murdered hundreds of innocent people". Gwen quietly tells her mother.

"Yes, I know, but no one should die that way, plus I left that poor child alone. Well, leaving aside such sad topics, Gwen, have you told Peter?".

"Y-you mean 'that'... well, not yet". With sudden shame Gwen stutters.

"So when do you plan to tell him?" Helen, who could see that her daughter liked Peter, pressed the issue.

Just when they were going to continue the conversation, they saw that the funeral was beginning and decided to postpone the topic for another time.

While Harry was talking about his father and everything he accomplished, the atmosphere became sad and it started to rain, people covered themselves with their umbrellas watching how Norman Osborn was buried.

People were crying and May, who had arrived in time for the funeral, was with Peter, while he calmly saw everything as if it were someone else's problem and not someone he killed.

(Harry, will I have to kill you too? Or will you be different from your father?) With those thoughts, Peter watched Harry, who couldn't tell because of the rain if he was crying or not.

Knowing that Harry would complete the Goblin serum and seek revenge against Spider-Ghost, (since it is unknown who killed Norman) Peter hoped that in this universe not everything would have to be the same.


After the funeral, Peter introduced May to Helen and Gwen, they chatted a little and decided that they would meet at a better time.

Arriving home, Peter goes to his room and creates a portal to Kamar-Taj, seeing that there is no one, Peter decides to explore the area a little, after meeting a monk, who guides him to Ancestral.

"It didn't take you long to come". Ancestral says with his typical stoic face.

"I have priorities, training magic is one of them". Sitting down across from Yao, Peter says.

"You know, sorcery isn't that different from coding data or numbers".

"I'm glad, I'm very good at it". Peter says confidently.

"It's also about patience and willpower... but seeing as you don't need it, we'll move on to testing how well you can use that sling ring to fight or deal with various situations. I'll attack you and you can't use any other power, just the sling ring, are you ready?".

Getting ready, Peter gets up from the ground and concentrates

(She said I can't use my powers, that will be a little complicated, seeing that she can be equal to or faster than me, I have to use my 5 senses and the spider sense to defend myself).

"I'm ready".

Just after saying that, Peter felt like his spider-sense told him where he was going to be attacked and dodged accordingly, after all his superior physique was not a superpower.

Seeing how an orange sword of fire crashed against the wall next to him, Peter did not panic and calmly followed Yao with his gaze, suddenly feeling an attack behind him, well in advance Peter opened a portal without making a sign. With her hands behind her back and next to Yao, the attack hit her but she still opened a portal to Peter.

While the fiery sword went back and forth between portals, Peter could be seen trusting his senses and very concentrated on opening portals so that the sword did not hit him.

Ancestral does not make it easy for him as he continues to throw more swords and various weapons to distract Peter, turning the room into a battlefield of portals and weapons flying at high speed.

Seeing that they are at a stalemate, a portal opens beneath Peter, with great speed he dodges it but a spear suddenly appears in his face.

Exceeding all the speed that his body could muster, he grabbed the spear with his hand and began to feel how his skin was heating up, without thinking much he used all of his strength along with his speed and threw the spear. throws towards Yao.

The spear that traveled faster than the opening of the portal seemed like it would crash into Yao, when the spear was closed multiple round shields of mandalas spread out in front of the spear.


The shields broke as if they were paper, giving Yao room to maneuver to dodge the spear. When he was going to resume his barrage of attacks against Peter, he had disappeared from the battlefield of portals and weapons, reappearing behind Yao and hitting her with all his strength.


Bursting Yao's illusion, she appears behind Peter and when she goes to touch him, a portal opens and Peter's hand touches Ancient One.

"I'm impressed, just like I told you you didn't use any powers other than the portals".

"Does that mean it happens?". Peter asks doubtfully.

"That's right, you have a good head on your shoulders and your strategy is excellent, generally speaking there really is nothing to correct about you other than your inexperience with sorcery".

After saying that, the Yao that Peter was touching disappeared like an illusion and returned to its position. It turns out that at no time did Peter fight with Ancestral, only with his illusions.

(That's not so surprising considering who she is).

Peter, who was not the least bit discouraged by not detecting Yao, only strengthened his desire to learn magic at all costs so as not to have to run away with his tail between his legs from future confrontations with wizards and sorcerers.

"After practice comes theory, here are all the books you will need to familiarize yourself with the Eldritch mage".

Without objecting Peter sat down and began to read, his reading and comprehension speed was only increasing as the books ran out.

(I feel like my brain is expanding and knowledge is flooding my being, this is strange, the information from "the voice" said nothing about becoming smarter.)

Peter had unknowingly read and understood 5 volumes of magic in 25 minutes, and his intelligence was not the only thing that increased since his strength and speed, without him knowing it, were increasing as he battled.

Yao, while she was meditating, only observed Peter with scrutinizing eyes, seeing that in less than 30 minutes she had finished with the history and concepts of magic, she only raised an eyebrow.

After finishing the magic tomes and understanding the basics of magic and sorcerers, Peter felt as if the world was different, for some reason, he felt as if one eye was being covered before and now he can see the world with both eyes.

Seeing Peter silent, Yao decides to speak.

"Intellectual enlightenment".

"...". Peter just looks at her silently waiting for her to continue.

"It is very rare for an individual to reach that state and much less in record time, I think you could be one of the few in this universe who has achieved it".

"You say I have just elucidated my inner enlightenment?" Peter asks what he understands about the subject.

"I'm saying you've just been one of the few people to open your inner mind and be yourself with what's around you".

(So the increase in intelligence that I felt was enlightenment, but why? I also feel as if I were stronger and my body was harder, if it weren't for the fact that I have a hard time feeling pain I wouldn't have noticed that my muscle fibers, my bones, and my blood were being rebuilt).

"I must say that this is unexpected... I didn't think that with just one day you would make so much progress, or should I say as expected of you".

"Tell me something, in that test did you let me win?". Changing the subject, Peter, who still had doubts, decided to ask.

"It's not about winning or losing, but if that calms you down then no, I didn't let you win, I admit I didn't use all my strength or abilities, but after all, it was just a test and you were also limited to using portals".

"I understand... so what's next?" More motivated than ever, Peter asks.

"You will learn all the basic magic you can".

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