
Why Did I Have To Be Uzumaki Naruto?!

An office worker with a love for all that is anime dies from choking on ramen. The ROB in charge of this universe finds this funny and decides to reincarnate him as Uzumaki Naruto because of his death. Asahi after choking to death finds himself in the nook of a tree when he wakes up. After picking 5 cheats including an enhanced Uzumaki Bloodline and the three Haki from ROB he laments his situation. Of all people to be reborn as, why on God's green earth did it have to be Naruto.

The_Square_Squad · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Ch 9 - YOUTH And Catching A Spy

*One Training Montage Later*

It is now the end of the school year.

I made some progress with my bending which brought earth bending to adept level.

My air and fire element did not progress at all either.

I was able to advance my taijutsu through some spars which was an interesting story.


I was doing my daily run in the morning before the academy and I ran into the beasts of Konaha.

Guy: "Lee, we will do another 100 laps around Konaha because we didn't finish before dawn. We must stoke our FLAMES OF YOUTH"

Lee: "Yes, Guy-sensei"

I couldn't help but sink into nostalgia when I heard the training duo.

It just feels classic for some reason.

Guy: "Lee, It seems we have a most youthful friend enjoying his flames of youth together with us this morning."

Lee: "Hello, youthful friend, my name is Lee, and this is Guy-sensei."

Naruto: "Hello you two. I always run around this time in the morning so it is kinda surprising this is the first time I saw you."

That answer aroused a response as they both looked at me with an unhealthy amount of enthusiasm.

We continued to run and I decided to complete there workout with them.

My own workout is based on there's with some more modern twists to focus on different muscle groups and to improve my flexibility and reaction speed so I was able to keep up.

There stamina was still higher then mine due to my age though, especially Guy.

We continued to talk and if you get past there... unique way of speaking then they are good people to talk to.

I eventually asked for a spar and I kept my restriction seals on while Lee kept his weights on at first.

I noticed many flaws in my fighting style which I fixed as I fought Lee until I was beating him using my technique.

My restriction seals made me slower than Lee even with his weights on but my technique was just better.

Guy: "Lee you should take your weights off and Naruto you can lift the restriction seals you have on."

Wow he is more knowledgeable then I thought.

I didn't lift them all the way.

I kept them on so that I could move at high-chunin speeds which should be around Lee's level.

We continued fighting and Lee even used the first few gates which I made sure to sense and reference for later when advancing my Whirlpool Unlocking technique.

As we fought, I could feel my technique improving and Lee was also.

We ended up in a tie and I said goodbye to the both of them.

*End of Flashback*

After that fight I tried to unlock the second whirlpool but I realized that the first gate and chakra are still acclimating to my body.

I should be able to unlock the second stage now but it took the school whole year.

I'm hoping the following whirlpools don't take as long or I might have issues as this is my strongest way to improve at the moment.

Ok it is now time to catch the snake's spy so I can ask old man Hokage for the multi shadow clone jutsu.

Mizuki has been sabotaging me from the beginning of this year and I let him.

I purposely lost to Sasuke in the spars as somehow I was always paired with him.

It seems that when I genjutsu'd him with Kurama's help, he forgot he unlocked the sharingan and hasn't tried it since.

He has improved but sometimes it is even hard to lose to him as he looks like he moves in slow motion to me and if I didn't move when he hits me he might break his fingers.

Anyway other than that he casts genjutsu on me during the tests and gives me faulty shuriken.

Jiji said he is worried that I am slipping but he tested me himself and everything was fine so I just said that I would give him a surprise at the end of the year.

So after failing the tests my friends consoled me but I just told them that I would surprise them tomorrow.

I couldn't get any evidence of Mizuki being a spy so I let him tell me about the 'extra test' and recorded it using a seal I made.

I took it to Jiji who promptly set up a trap in the forest where I took the scroll.

Everything went according to cannon except I made sure to block the shuriken that hit Iruka-sensei in the original and beat Mizuki to a pulp then handed him to the Anbu.

The scroll had not only shadow clones but also the hiraishin and the rasengan.

I used a seal to copy the scroll for me so I could study it later.

I think when I unlock the kyumon gate in my head and the water chakra I will get an eidetic memory and better body control as I noticed the first gate improved my thinking speed and physical output.

Iruka thanked me and gave me his headband which I was very touched by.

I thanked Jiji for the jutsu and winked at him to hint that I knew why he gave me them.

After everything was wrapped up I headed home and sealed everything up to prepare for the second stage of the whirlpool unlocking.

The water chakra deals with pleasure and is blocked by guilt.

The gates are easy to open and you only need to open them up by pushing chakra into them and having a physical body capable of handling it.

I could open up to the fourth gate with my low jonin physique if I pushed it but a short burst of strength is not what I wanted.

I slowly fed chakra into the kyumon gate and the water chakra.

I started to feel guilty about taking over Naruto's body.

I didn't even realize that I was guilty about that before trying to activate the water chakra.

I took a deep breath and thought about my reincarnation.

Because my past life's attachments are gone I felt like I was Naruto.

I decided to pray for the old Naruto.

'I'm sorry you died, and I'm sorry I took over your life. From your memories your life was really miserable but I had no right to burst into it. I didn't have much choice in the matter but I'll do my best to live up to this bodies potential and make lots of friends for my own and your sake. I will not waste this chance that you gave me. I am now and will be Uzumaki Naruto. I hope you are in a better place.'

I started to feel good and my chakra burst similar to last time but now my chakra darkened even more.

I could feel that I truly am Uzumaki Naruto now and that I just had a past life in the modern age.

That realization made me feel like a burden was lifted from my shoulders and my chakra started to spread through my veins even smoother and faster.

I was right with my assumptions.

I now, not only had eidetic memory but a perfect recall.

I discovered this when I thought about my time as a baby and could even remember the earthy smell of Obito when he grabbed me after being born.

My body strengthened a little but the most noticeable difference was my muscles seemed looser, more flexible, and it was easier to move.

I just had to think of something and my body would do it.

I checked inside of my self and there were now two whirlpools that intersected each other.

This was a metaphysical representation I realized and there isn't really a loop of chakra in my body.

I could feel that I would get used to this unlocking faster then the first.

I would probably take about six months before I could unlock the third stage or shorter with intense physical exercise.

I then fell asleep with a content smile, dreaming about getting stronger and using the Otsutsuki's horns as coat racks.