
Why be a hero when I can be a mercenary

This is the story of how an entire class of normal student was transported in to another fantasy word were they will be trained to save said word from the great evil... with maeby the expecion for one

DeimosArt15 · Fantasy
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17 Chs






I started to slowly wake up, I got out of the bed and started to strech my body. I really had a good night of sleep, the bed was very comfy... At least for me... I look toward Hyakki who was getting up now he didn't look like he rested at all he had bag under his eyes, well I can't blame after yesterday.



I was a bit surprised to see only one bed, but I wasn't agaist it. I look toward Hyakki and he seems realy shocked it's really funny.


This is bad realy bad, I can't sleep on same bed with a girl and it's not any ordinary girl but Kira. What if I do something wrong, what if she think I'm a pevert. Even if she love me she can't be ok with this right?

"I'll go to Albert to see if he has another room avvialble you can stay her-" "theres no need, I don't mind sharing a bed with you" said Kira cutting me of from what I was saying. (s-s-she d-doesn't mind b-but how?) I thught for my self as I fell my face getting hot. "W-w-what a-a-are you talking about it's not normal for a boy and a girl who aren't related or dating to sleep togher" I say to her but then she say "Then let's start dating, this way there should be no issue" "THAT NOT HOW IT WORKS, PLEASE STOP IT!" "Sorry sorry. But real I don't have a problem with sharing a bed with you. In the future we might encounter similar situation again, so better get uset from the begging" I sighed in defeat knowing I can't change the sittuation "Ok you win, for tonigh we will sleep on the same bed." I said to she seemed happy at the though of it. we both layed on the we to sleep (everything alright thingh she is your sister, thingh she is Yuna) I thingh to myself to help calm down and sleep...




I couldn't sleep at all we better find a different room for the night. After finishing preparing our self we went to the dining room to have breakfast when we arrivated there were some sitted in different table eating and chatting we seated in empty tabble than Albert come to our tabble with a smile on his face and asked "So how was the room? did you sleep well?" asked him Kira was the first to answer "I slept well, thank you" then I asked him "For tonigh to peraps have any room with 2 seperated bed?" "What the problem I though coupple predered to share a bed" "We aren't a coupple" I say, he seemed shocked "Eh really, but you really look like a cute coupple" I start to blush it's really embarasing to hear this kind of think "we are not a coupple yet" said Kira (YET) "Oh I see the situation" said a smirking Albert I put my hood up to cover my face from the embarasement "please stop it." I was dying from the embarrassment "Ok I will stop. For now" said Albert, I took my hood off and asked him "Do you know where is a good shop place, we have different things to sell" he tough it for a moment the said "Ah yes theres the shopping district, it's near here and they have different shops of all kind" "Thank you, we will go there". After that he brought our breakfast, we eat and when we finished went directly to the shopping district.



When we arrived there were alot of people from civilian for normal chores to anwakened prepariring themself. There were alot of stands to that selled different thing, some selled weapons and armors some selled potion and different item. We proceded to go in different shops to sell all the item we got from our hunting, we were able to get 1500 gold coins not bad.

"What do we do now Hyakki" asked me Kira "For starter we need to get our mercenarie registration" during the 2 month of training in Runecairn I discovered that to become a mercenaries you just need to registarted in a mercenarie guild there no kind of exam or anything anyone can become a mercenarie but you have to pay for registration. I asked around if they knew a mercenarie guild near and there was one, so we went straigh toward it.



When we entered we saw that the place was big, it was divided in 2 section the reception on the left side and a bar on the right we firts went to reception at desk there was a female elf with the tipycal pointy ear (this is the first time I see another race) "Welcome to our guild, how can I help you?" Asked the receptionist and I answered "We want to register as a mercenaries" "Yes, you just have to pay for the registration, it's 100 gold coins." It's not that much I though it would have been more, we pay for the fee and the elf girl brought us to another room behind the reception it was a small room with a tabble on center of room with a gem in the center of the tabble "For the registartion you have to put your hand the gem so we can register your information in case of level up or any change the registration will update it self automatically." The explication was easy so I went first and putted my right hand on the crystal and it started to illumited than a similar window of the system with my profile apperead and after some second dissaperd for another message to appear.




I have to put a code name I didn't expect that. Now let's thingh... I got it.






With this now I'm officialy a mercenaries, after me Kira did her registration too and the same thingh happened she choose ~Red Ronin~ as her code name, we exited the registration room. We could now do the job proposed by the guild or we can be assumed by private.

I went in the direction of the bar were there was a board with different jobs that we could take then Kira said "Hyakki how about we first pay off Albert for the room then return here to take a job" yes that way is better if we take a job now and deppart directly would not be right "You are right let's return to the tavern" I said to her as we started to return.

During to walk Kira pointed out something I totaly forgot, "By the way if we want to go on a mission we need to equip ourself, we need to buy some potion to recover health, mana and aura. then we should even buy some other survivelance thing like a tend something to cook and ecc." She is right, if we go like this even If I have the necklace for mana recory it wont always suffice, and it doesn't cover for my health, and theres even Kira with me I can't risk her life because I want to level up. I have to think better of this situation since I'm not alone.

"You are right, after we pay Albert let's look for some equipement." I say to her and she respond nodding with a smile, now that I have a companion with me I have to be more carefull of my action, and be sure to procted them.


We entered the tavern and went directly to dinning room were we meet with both Albert and Ness "Hello Albert, hello Ness" "Oh hello you two, how did it go?" "We selled everything and got alot of money. After we went to a mercenary guild to register ourself" "Interesing we don't see many mercenary around." "We still have some money and we would like to pay for the room" I say reaching for the money in the inventory, but Albert stopped me "There no need, and for tonight we found a room with 2 separated bed, we will offer it after yesterday" "Thank you Mr Albert" thanked Kira, they smiled and their thump up like to say -it's alright- "Then we are going out again, we will see each other tonight" "See you tonight" "See you."

After saluting we went out of the taver, and directed in the shopping district to buy all the necessity, "After we buy all the necessity we return at the tavern to sleep, than tommorow we will go to get a mission" said Kira I nodded to her then we bought different potion and a pair of cover to sleep at night when we are out and some some food for the travel. Now from the 1400 gold coins now it only remains 25 coins, we returned at the tavern and went to the dinning room to eat something for dinner. after eating Ness showed us our new room with 2 seppareted bed this time we thanked her and went to sleep. Tommorow will be a big day.