

Suddenly one day I remembered "I am a villain in a fantasy novel??!!" Me who lived my life as a mob character in my previous life is a villain now? well, what can I do? I will just live as I want or so I thought. Can my life be that simple as I wish?... A real life mob character. Maybe that's one of the way to describe my past life. But I never hated that kind of life, neither loved it. Cause it saved me from a lot of troubles. Peace was the only thing I needed. It was enough. No main events, no plot change, no trouble. Continued to live as a mob character and then finally die as a mob character. This shouldn’t be a teenager wishing. Maybe because I am an orphan and wanted to know what its mean to have a family. It always made me sad and sometimes this kind of thought made me realize, that I was living a meaningless life. To get out from that boredom, that's why I tried to step in to the world of books. That's where I met “Magic kingdom.” And in this novel what I really hated was the life of Londo Alexandria. He was once a man who only knew how to love. Losing his only childhood love to the protagonist was made him mad. From that day forward he saw everyone differently. Even his attitude towards his family changed. That was his greatest regret. After losing his family to the Monster invasion he lost his mind. The hidden power in him awakened and he was on a rampage. Unable to control his emotions, unable to control the power he destroyed everything on his way until the protagonist slain him. In short he was just a stepping stone for the protagonist to move on. Everything that made the protagonist stronger ,was what led him to his demise. Now I regain my memories?, before everything started?. By the way, how the hell did I die in my sleep??!! ........ Series [SACRED HEART] [FIRST BOOK] ..... cover photo not mine... .....

rinazaz_04 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

It was noon brake. I was rubbing my head with my left hand thinking about all the troubles that I caused to my selves.

"Doesn't he seems a bit different now.."

I can hear the low mumbling of the girls past by me. I even so some girls taking glances at me while passing by. My handsome face and change in behavior affected them to some extend.

"Being handsome is troublesome too I guess"


Even though I said it in a barely audible voice she heard it well.


"Why are you following me?"

It was the red haired princess again. She has been following me to the cafeteria since the class ended.

"What? you are also headed to the cafeteria, so I thought I will give you some company"

"Suit your self then.."

What was I doing? I didn't even know what this girl was thinking. She was always unpredictable in the novel too. Well, asking for her to leave was not a good idea either. So I decided to let her be.

I was really hungry at that time so I just began to eat everything they gave me without paying Alice much attention. She doesn't seem to mind and just sat opposite to me and began eating in an elegant manner fitted for the princess. That also reminded me to eat in good manner fitted for a noble. Such troublesome rules..

"Do you think someone like you can sit besides nobles like us!!!"

Ah! I remember, some part of the story was about to take place here. So turned towards the place where the commotion came from. Alice was also curious and paying attention too.

"You better stop right there!! Don't you dare cross that line Jacob!!"

It was Livia who yelled, she was standing beside the protagonist Sam.

"What line? What can a men like him who has no family name can even do?"

Jacob tightened his grip on the shoulder of Sam and said mockingly. What a typical bully.

"What can you even do Samuel?"

Sam was not really a noble. To say he was just an illegitimate child of some famous noble and was not even allowed to use the family name. But they still let him study on the academy. So what Sam hate most was mentioning about his family name and that poor Jacob just had crossed the line.


The next thing people saw was Jacob falling down and lying on the ground motionless. He was unconscious of course. A jab that was faster than our eyes could follow was delivered to his chin. Everyone was surprised. Even I was surprised even though I knew what was coming.

Sam and Livia left the scene just like that. As for Jacob his lackeys came and took him to the infirmary. The incident was over just like that. But the thing was it brought back some memories.

"What is it?"

Seeing me little flustered Alice asked.

"Sigh..nothing it brought back some memories"

"You sound like an old man"


"Well, were you also bullied like that?"

She asked again.


I put my hands on my chin tried to remember those bad moments. And for some reason I can recollect every face of the person who came to bully me and got beaten up instead. In my past life I was a martial artist. But how am I going to say that to her? So I replied.

"No, I wasn't"

"So, what you said about your old memories"

"I guess my mind has been a mess after meeting you. Must be some side effects"



The conversation was over just like that. When will I be able to control my mouth? I was clearly annoying everyone near me.

"What about that girl then?"

I thought she stopped, but there she go again.

"Which girl?"

"The one with the guy who caused a commotion earlier"

I don't like where the conversation is going.

"Livia? what about her?"

"I thought you were interested in her, but she seems to be with him"

Really? how much does she know about me?

"Are you a stalker? "

I asked while taking two steps back.


"Well, since you are so curious I'll say this much. Its true that I liked her. But she said she likes him more so I let her be"


That was it? she just gave me an oh..

"So why do you ask? My girlfriend position is vacant now that you want to be one?"

What was I saying? is that some thing that you can say to a princess? or rather is it something that you can say to any girl?

"I'll think about it"


What the?... she even said that with a blank face.

"Don't get the wrong idea. The only think I love about you is your beautiful eyes, nothing more!!"

What did I even say? She didn't reply and continued to walk beside me. For some reason her cheeks seems to be rosy....