

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" Alex..." she called out while they were sitting together in the car.

" hmm". He replied holding unto the wheels and her hand at the same time.

" Did you manipulate my dad??".

" Excuse you....huh".

" I wanted to know".

" Why did you ask "

" He let me go with you so easily without questions".

Alex burst out laughing. " Okay.....Well for your information i didn't....i just asked him if i could borrow you for a few days".

" Borrow??...do i look like an item to you". she said raising her brows high with her finger pointing towards him.

" Sorry, sorry sorry....if you get angry now we won't get home quickly."

" And why's that??". she said folding her hands across her chest

" Because then i'd start looking for ways to pacify you".

Anne rolled her eyes and scoffed. The car stopped with a screech.

" Why'd you stop the car". she asked still not looking at him.

Without answering her he came down from the car walked over to her side and carried her out.

" Hey....what you doing".

" My lady.....please Make your request known to your humble servant.

" Seriously!!".

" Should we fly home or we walk with you on my back."

Anne was quiet for a while.

" Did i just hear you say fly??...how??".

" If you agree to it i'd show you my lady."

" Fine.... lets fly". Without hesitating he teleported her to the top of the highest building.

" Did you fly??".

" Of course not alma.....patience".

" i can't wait any longer Lexi".

" you don't have to." he said dropping her and stepping a few paces away from her.

" what are you doing??".

" Watch".

Within a split second a perfect set of dark blue wings grew from his back. They were so long that from annes point of view they touched the moon. They had this unique curve that suited alex and anne loved it.

" Alma....your mouth".he said and she shut them quickly due to the embarrassment she felt.

" Are those....real wings??". she said going closer.

" Yes ".

" i love them!!". she said almost screaming.

" I love you" he told her.

" I'll pretend i didn't hear you.....can we go now".

" As my lady wishes....should i carry you or you'll hug me".

Without a word she hugged him tightly holding unto his neck, he followed suit by placing his left hand around her waist.

Gently and steadily he flipped his wings elegantly against the cool breeze.

Its not a dream..... this is reality, Anne kept saying to her self.

" Can i look down??."

" Sure".

" I won't fall right??".

" Do u think i'll stand and let you fall". Anne gained immediate confidence and looked down still holding unto his neck.

" Its beautiful.....". she said looking back at him.

" It can be compared to your beauty alma".

" Stop flattering me"

" I'm not...." he said before placing his other hand around her waist.

" I want to kiss you so badly alma.."

" You'd lose focus and i really don't want to fall on my birthday".

" I won't let you fall". he said seriously. And without a warning anne placed her lips on his and kissed him passionately.

The next moment they were in the house, then the couch.

Placing her gently on it he let go of her and turned away.

" What happened..??" she asked.

" " I don't feel we should do this anymore.....at least for the time being.....we're going to get married soon right.??"

" Well of course we are...nothing's stopping you from having me right now Lexi"

" Lexi...i like it". he said smiling.

" Don't change the topic". she said sternly.

" But....."

" No buts...you've made me want you so you can't leave me half way through

" Now you're blackmailing me".

" I learnt from the best" she said to him.

The next moment they were in alex's room and it didn't take time for both their clothes to come off. Just as a hungry lion he and his demons had her there and then.

It wasn't so bright as it was when i woke up form my pleasurable sleep...why wont it pleasurable when alex had done all that to me a few hours ago. I turned to find him but couldn't and probably thought he was in the bathroom....i called out but instead of a response he appeared in the room.

" someone missed me.." He said walking towards me with just a pair of shorts and a bare upper body. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips causing my legs to shake....Thank goodness i was still sitting on the bed or i would have fallen.

" I didn't.....just wanted to know if you abandoned me." she said folding her arms.

" Hmmmm...Deep down you know thats impossible"

Anne rolled her eyes playfully and looked the other way.....where was she getting this attitude from anyways.

" Hey ma'am...." He said making her face him.

" You have to come down now i've got to show you something before dinner."

" What" she asked inquisitively.

" Uhmmm....i think thats supposed to be a surprise".

" Tell me.....i want to know".

" My lady has to be patient for a little while."

" But..."

" I know...i know....you don't have that type of patience" he said mimicking her

" You're teasing me" she said using one of the pillows to hit him.

" Whoa....calm down alma....you can hit me all you want but not now.....what i want you do now is to go freshen up then come down with me". He said coming closer to tickle her

" Fine fine fine, i will....don't tickle me" she said avoiding his hands and rushing into the bathroom with only the sheets around her chest.

Before leaving the room he had left a dress he bought for her on the bed with it's matching heels and clutch, wearing the dress now was actually a waste cause it was going to get wet later on.

He came back after he thought everything had been set downstairs, he could feel that she had already come out of the bathroom so he opened the door the moment he got to the room not minding the fact that she might be naked inside.

His eyes met a perfectly shaped woman who could make all men , women inclusive yearn for her....The hazel blue sleeveless evening gown in which he bought was fitted and accented all her curves making her pleasing to the eyes...it had silver simmering designs all over it which accented her beauty and eyes...with the heels and her hair style she looked like a goddamn pretty goddess.

" You look.....amazing alma". he said almost in a whisper but to her hearing.

" Thank you.....but whats the occasion". she asked.

" It's your birthday"

" i know it is...is this my present..." she said pointing at her gown.

" Its one of it."

" So where are we going now".

" downstairs". he said plainly and led her down. He took her to the centre of the living room and held her hands in his.

" Whats wrong??" she asked clearly worried.

" Hold on". he said and within moments water began to fall on them. Anne looked in astonishment as she wasn't expecting it she always wanted to know how it would feel when it rained indoors and now she was experiencing that now. soon slow music began to play at the background.

" shall i have this dance my lady".