

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


Alex struggled to concentrate on the steering as he was driving because the woman next to him was tempting his demon and him a lot. It was not that she dressed to kill she wore a simple peach dress it was at mid length so it was not as if he could see her thighs or anything, so why on earth was his demon restless, was it her scent?? She smelled like papaya and he liked it. He tried to focus but once in a while he would turn to steal a look at the beauty in front of him. She wasn't even putting on makeup yet she was pretty. it was not a long drive since gaby's house was only a few miles from his. It wasn't a silent drive, he answered all of anne's questions without even complaining about It. In devin and even here no one dared question him, he was the one asking questions and here he was answering a woman. He silently laughed at himself. He became happy the moment he knew he was going to be driving into his compound any moment from now. He could sense her expression change the moment he drove into the compound, she hadn't seen something like that before.

He parked right in front of the front door to enable easy transportation of her suitcase to the house. He beckoned on mary who was standing at the door to carry the bag before he led anne into the house.

I had troubled him a lot with my questions about his business and that was because i felt like i needed to know. I was shocked when he drove into the compound that looked like a field. IT WAS BIGG. Anne saw the number of different cars parked in the compound ranging from Bugatti's to range rovers to Chevrolet's and lots of other cars anne didn't know their names.

i felt i had seen the best thing until i set my eyes on the inner part of the house and it's interior designs. it was amazing and i felt embarrassed as i gasped because i knew alex heard it clearly. She looked up to him and saw him staring at her.

" I'm sorry " she blurted.

" it's okay.....you don't have to apologize" He said grabbing her hand gently.

"let me show you to your room." He spoke while leading her to the second floor.

He took her slowly and gently to her room and led her to her bed her showed her the bathroom and her wardrobe.

" Mary's going to bring it later." He said trying to avoid her gaze. when on earth did he start avoiding people's gaze that was what people used to do to him not what he used to do to people

" My room's downstairs....just in case you need anything" why was he telling her that he wanted to avoid seeing her ad much as possible that was why he made Mary prepare the room that was furthest away from his room." freshen up and come back downstairs for breakfast" He said before Turning to leave the room.

Anne watched as he walked majestically out of her room. it was her room now and she liked it. the interior was a bit different from the other places she passed while coming up here. She felt the room was made just for her.

she walked towards the huge glass window and gasped as she realized that she could see almost the whole compound and even the outskirts of the building. it was beautiful just looking at it.

She went to the bathroom to freshen up as instructed and had her bath she tied a huge towel that later became short and small because of her shape around her chest. She lifted her suitcase up to the bed and opened it only to find several revealing clothes, three lingeries and a lot of sleeping gowns and a note from gaby which said 'enjoy'.

What was gaby's plan anyways, why would she put such clothes in the case.

she went to the dressing table and picked up her phone, she dialled gaby's number immediately and she picked up at the third ring.

" I knew you were gonna call"

"What were you thinking putting such clothes in my bag, what am i supposed to wear now gaby"

"Just pick up anything you see in the bag, It's as easy as that"

" i can't wear such in a mans house, ate you trying to make me seduce him"

" he's YOUR man, so u have every right to seduce him"

" But....."

" No but's anne...You said you wanted to live your life to the fullest before you know what happens, and i am only trying to help. Besides it's not like you have a choice darling, in fact you actually do, it's either you go to him tying a towel on your chest half naked or you wear the clothes i got you.....Busses"Gaby replied and hung up.

Oh my gosh what am i going to do now.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door

"Who's there "

" My lady it's mary the house keeper....My lord said i should inform you that breakfast has been served"

" ok i'll be there in a jiffy" i told her while moving towards the bag to get some clothes.

anne ruffled through the clothes and found the nicest top she could find and a stretchy short that exposed most of her thighs down to her feet, she felt the least comfortable. As she left her room she found her way downstairs and mary lead her to the dining. There she met Alex. She wanted to have at least sat down before alex looked at her because of her clothes but it was to late because it was soon as she walked in alex looked up at her. she felt a blush creep through her face as she saw his eyes move from her feet to her head.

" you look Amazing hun " she heard him say. Hun that echoed in her mind for a while.

" sit" he said pointing to the chair by his right hand side he sat at the edge of the table. she walked down to the chair he pointed at and sat down.

" Eat" he said again pointing to the food in front of her.

she had already eaten before she came there but she had an appetite the moment she saw the food. She began to dig in and finished everything that

was on her plate.

As she finished she noticed alex had eaten almost nothing on his plate.

" You didn't have anything to eat." she asked him

"No am fine, wasn't really that hungry."

" ok..... i have to go somewhere today"

" where " he asked

" The orphanage...i assist there"

" ok, i'll drop you off".

" anything else" Alex asked knowing fully well that she wanted to say something else.

" i need to get some clothes"

" when do u want to leave" he asked

" anytime you're free"

" let's go then" he said standing up to leave to his room. Anne was shocked, why didn't he question her or something.


What on earth is wrong with me. alex thought to himself. was he really letting himself do whatever she wanted, why is her happiness and peace of mind important to me.

" Probably because you love her" Zain said materializing inside the room.

" And you will never admit it now".

" i'm glad you know " alex replied giving Zain a deadly stare

" You don't scare me " Zain said knowing fully well that that was a lie. Alex was the only demon of his kind and that alone could scare anyone because that meant power.

" Why are you here, just state your mission and leave, i have things to do."

" there has been a uproar in devin t...."

"The fire demons are causing havoc for the land demons" Alex said cutting zain short.

" If you knew what was happening why did you let me waste my time coming here."

" Cause i wanted to torture you" Alex said with a smirk on his face. Zain rolled his eyes.

" Besides i thought you will be sensible enough to handle them, they are you kind after all."

" i think you are forgetting am a smoke demon not a fire demon." zain replied clearly getting pissed.

" smoke and fire was the difference?? "

" i see you're trying to piss me Ramirez"

"You dare call me by my demon name Zain"

they were interrupted by the knock on the door.

" Alex are you ready now" they heard anne call from the door.

" i'll be down in a few minutes"

"ok" and they heard her leave

" i'll deal with the fire demons later, just handle them till i arrive" alex said before leaving the room.

Zain stayed in the room for a while plotting a strategy to use when he gets to devin before he finally disappeared.