
Chapter 7

"Talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish."- Toru Oikawa


-Time Skip to Lunch-

"Let me guess you have to go and buy yourself something." Akina said while she put her stuff down on my desk and I just nod while I dig through my bag

"I didn't have time last night to make myself anything." I said while I grabbed my money from my bag and stood up

"Hurry back!" Akina said to me while I left the classroom

I walked down the stairs until I reached the vending machines and noticing somebody standing on the side of them while watching two other figures

'Kageyama?' I think to myself while I put my money into the vending machine and pessed the button for strawberry milk

"Are you following me now?" I hear Kageyama say while I grab my strawberry milk and I look up at him

"What happened to not talking to me at school?" I say while I pock my straw into my milk and take a drink

"Its hard to avoid when you are following me"

"I'm not following you!" I protested and he smirked before saying

"What have you caught feelings for me?"

"In your dreams." I say with a laugh while I put my money into the vending machine again while I push the button for milk pudding

"Like you would be in my dreams."

"Yea you're right, you're dreams are probably filled with nothing but volleyball."

"Hey-" Kageyama was about to say something but I quickly remembered something

"Akina!" I say while I quickly head back to my classroom

"I'm sorry I ran into someone at the vending machines" I apologize to Akina who already started eating

"What did Kageyama have another crazy fan?" Akina asked and I laughed before shaking my head

"No I just ran into an old friend." I lied with a smile and Akina nodded

"Oh, did you hear about the kidnappings?" Akina asked and I shook my head while I opened up my pudding

"Kidnapping? Where at?"

"Its at that park near your apartment. Apparently then is a guy who is kidnapping high school girls late at night when they are coming home from actives." Akina said and my eyes widened

"Really? That's scary." I say while I take a sip of my milk and Akina looked at me worriedly

"Aren't you scared?"

"Why should I be? Volleyball is done before the sunsets, I will be home before its even dark."

"I guess you're right. Just stay safe." Akina said and suddenly the bell rang so Akina quickly packed up her stuff

"See ya!"

"Bye!" She said while she hurried out of my classroom

-Time Skip to After school-

"Akkkiiiinnnaaaaaa" I yell down the hall while I run to her classroom

"Stop running in the halls!" I hear a teacher yell and I quickly stop running and walk the remaining way to Akina's classroom.

"Akina!" I say while I stop at her classroom and she looked up at me

"Come on we are going to be late!" I say and she grabs her stuff and walks towards me

"Your definition of late is different, your late is 'We wont be 15 minutes early.' " Akina said and I smiled at her words

"Of course, what other meaning would there be." I say and we both laugh a bit before we began to walk down the hall

"So I have an idea." Akina said with a smile and I looked over at her before asking

"What's your idea about?"

"Well I feel bad for not helping you unpack yesterday, so I thought...."

"Thought what?"

"We should have a sleep over!" Akina said excitedly and I smile at her words

"I'd love to-" I started but then I realized what that meant, and added "but my apartment is a mess right now..."

"I can help you clean it."

"No, its fine. Anyways I want to try that new quick attack that we were working on this morning."

"But we worked on that all morning and it wasn't working." Akina pouted

"Yea, but I feel like we are so close to getting the hang of it."

"We are close, but I don't want you to get hurt trying to do this quick attack."

"It will be fine."

"You don't worry about things at all."

"Of course I don't." I say with a smile while we open the gym doors

-Time skip to after practice-

"We were so close." I pouted while we help clean up

"We have tomorrow to practice it."

"Why not tonight?" I contained to pout and Akina sighs and looks at me

"I promised my mom I would be home right after practice."

"Because of the kidnappings?" I ask and she nods

"My mom is scared since I have to walk close to that park. Anyways I will see you tomorrow Y/N!" She said before heading towards the club room to change.

"Y/N if you want I can help you practice." I heard our second year setter say and I shook my head

"Its fine. I need to head home anyways." I said and I noticed the sadden look on her face before I turned on my heel and headed towards the club room.

Once I'm done changing I peak into the boy's volleyball

"I cant believe he actually got kicked out." I mumble to myself while I turned around to walk away, but instead I bumped into somebody causing me to fall.

Hello! know on my message board I said I would update this book on the 15, and I'm sorry I didn't. I ended up getting injured, and I could type with one of my hands so I have been typing with only my right hand this whole time.

So I am sorry if there are spelling errors, or anything wrong with this chapter.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed!!!




_Anime_Qalaxy_creators' thoughts