

I had to let him lead me once we got inside the house. It was pretty big

and also I was a stranger here so all I could do was follow what he tells me to do. My head was still aching and that's why I did not argue with him to let me go home. He might have sensed that because he went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water and some painkillers. I felt relieved because I did not know how to start explaining that my head was aching and I needed some medicines.

In the few minutes we got involved I learned that he doesn't talk much

and only talks when it's necessary that must be another reason why I did not insist. I was sure he would not bring me here to harm me, if that's what he wanted then he wouldn't have saved me in the first place. Also, I felt that he was a good person and he meant well to me. One thing is for sure I wouldn't have been able to sleep at night if I had gone home alone. I would be afraid since I'd be alone in my house and I'd still be traumatized about earlier. I would not be able to close my eyes and sleep comfortably.

'Don't think too much... let's go upstairs" I looked at him as he said the

words. Though the voice was calm and quiet I could not predict his mood.

His face was motionless. He then led the way and I followed.

We all have dreams of living in big houses and beautiful ones but never

have I ever dreamed of a house like this one? Its hugeness and everything in its place arranged neatly and gracefully. Its furnishing and everything appeared to be done excellently. We walked up the stairs to the first floor. I'm a keen observer so I had already seen all the rooms there. He stood for some seconds and then took my hand. I followed him as he opened one room, If I'm right this was a big bedroom and if I'm wrong then all the bedrooms in this house are magnificent. We hadn't gotten inside but I could tell that the room was grand. He led the way and I followed inside and it was just like I had said. A grand canopy bed with side tables that had lamps.

There were also huge wardrobes filled with different types of clothes, all arranged neatly. The ones which needed hangers were on them. Then there was another shoe wardrobe. This was also huge and filled with different types of shoes. If I were to count them then I'd take some time to finish. On the other side was a huge curved television and then the other one was the bathroom. I could tell due to the translucent glass.

I was busy examining the room. I don't know how my eyes focused on

one bedside table. It had his picture in a frame. So this is room, I was


"you can use this" when I heard his voice I turned immediately to face

him. He handed me a white towel.

I am not stupid and I knew what this meant but then wait, was I going to

shower while he was still in the room? And why did he bring me to his room? This house looks huge enough to have more bedrooms, he could have taken me to a guest one and I wouldn't mind since it would be much better than mine anyway.

" By the time you're done, I'll have already left the room..I'll just try and see what can fit you in my wardrobe. But be fast within twenty minutes I'll be back" he might have sensed what I was thinking and without any other word from him, I headed for the bathroom.

The bathroom was huge than a normal one. It had a bathtub and a

shower. I had been given only twenty minutes to take a shower and get

dressed so I had to use the shower since it would be faster. But I didn't forget to scrub my body well and apply a lot of shower gel because I felt like I smelled like the brat earlier.

once I was done, I proceeded back to the room and found a satin night

dress. Where did he get this one from or does it belong to his girlfriend? And if it does then why would he give it to me? On a closer look at it, it still appeared to be new and without any more questioning I put it on. I did not want him to come back and find me still on the towel.

After some minutes the door opened and he came inside. He was

carrying a small tin.

" Looks good on you.... had bought it for my ex but I guess now it has

an owner." He said bending down and un bandaged my knee. The tin had

hot water and he used a piece of cloth to clean it and help stop the swelling. The good thing about the knee was that I wasn't limping and I thanked God for that.

"Want to eat something? I'm not a good cook but I made some noodles

but if you don't like them we can order something. " He said once he was

done checking on my knee.

"here's no need....I'll just have the noodles" Honestly I was hungry and

don't think I'd get to wait for whatever he would have ordered to be

delivered. And I'm not a foodie either so much of it would go to waste and to avoid that I think the noodles would do.

We went downstairs for the meal. I was curious about a lot of things and

had to ask.

"Do you live here alone?" This was my first question and he answered it


"Currently yes, used to live with my ex but now...." He stopped there

and don't go ahead. I knew what that meant and there was no need for asking about her.

"SO since it's only you in the house how do you manage it? Like cleaning

and everything else?" Forgive my big mouth but I had to ask that. The house is too big for him to manage alone.

"My ex fired every house help I hired....and once she left I fired

everyone else... I manage quite well, some cleaners come twice a week" He said taking a glass of juice and sipping it. He wasn't even looking at me while talking. It seemed that he wanted to get done with the conversation already and knowing my manners I did not ask anymore.

"You'll use my bedroom for tonight....ill be on the other one...sleep

well," He said and headed for the other one. We had already finished eating and we were now on the first floor. I watched him as he walked to the room and locked the door once he got inside. I also decided to do the same. He didn't even give me the chance to say thank you or to say that I prefer sleeping in another bedroom than his. Right now all I was thinking about was sleep and I did not want anything else to distract me. I also didn't want to remember the occurrences that took place earlier and end up having nightmares. I immediately got to bed and sandwiched myself between the bed and the blanket. I did not even switch off the lights. I hate darkness.


While still in the car I noticed that Natalie had a headache. Her eyes

turned red and her veins could show on each side of her face just below the head. I had some painkillers but no water that's why I waited until we

reached home and I gave her. I'm sure if I had not done it then she'd not

have said anything about the headache.

I made sure that she was fine before we each went to our respective

rooms. I left the master bedroom after my girlfriend broke up with me and have been sleeping in the guest room ever since. Memories taunt me every time I try to sleep in that room that is why I shifted. I still love my girlfriend so much and I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep in that room without her. I miss her every day but I don't know how to reach her. I'm twenty-four but already suffering because of love.

Many times I drink just to avoid depression but it never goes away. I

don't even think I'll ever be able to love again. Every time I try to forget her something happens and I end up missing her badly. Wishing that she was still here with me. We were happy, at least I was happy but now what remains are just distant memories. I have never been able to date any other girl after she broke up with me. Not because I was afraid of falling in In love and getting hurt but just because it's only her, I gave in my mind heart, and soul.

Today was my first day bringing a girl home. I wouldn't have done it but I don't know how I did it. Maybe I was just overcarried by my emotions and had sympathy for her. it's been twelve months since I broke up with my girlfriend and have never touched any other woman. This is how much

Elodie means to me. Yes, I get lonely but I'm used to it already. Maybe my heart was meant for her and only her and that's why it's always hard for me to get over her.

But what if bringing Natalie home means something? What if it means

that I'm the only one who has been hard on myself and I could actually get over Elodie? As much as I want to get over her I still don't want to. I mean for the past three years she has been my life and everything I needed. But what if I forget her for good? Will I be okay with that cause honestly if someone asks me if I want to forget her then i'd say no! Even the tiniest bit of her I don't want to forget It.