
1:Their first meeting.

Every time she looked back she saw no one but she couldn't erase the

feeling that someone or something had been following her. As she walked the feeling increased and still she saw no one. She did not expect that at this time there would be no people that's why she overstayed at the hospital. She glanced back one more time and when she saw no one again she increased her walking pace. The more she increased the pace the more she felt that the thing following her did so too.

This time around she was too afraid to look back because she could

hear footsteps behind her. As much as she wanted to look back she could

not. She was frightened because every time she looked back she saw no one but now she could feel footsteps behind her. Were ghosts or vampires real? How could that happen and if they were real then was she the first one to get ambushed? This only increased the fear inside her,

As the sound of the footsteps increased indicating that whoever was

following her was close by, she decided to take out her phone. with her

hands shaking she opened the zipper of the handbag she was carrying. At normal times it would take her just a second to open it but with her hands shaking and her body trembling uncontrollably she took almost a minute. Getting the phone was easy but the problem was unlocking it. With her walking speed, her hands filled with sweat because of hoW scared she was meant that she couldn't use the fingerprint or type anything fast. All in all, she managed to unlock it after several attempts.

She didn't know what to do next and she pressed the digit 999 to call the

police. She wasn't able to make the call when she was pushed from behind and she fell with the phone some meters always from her. She groaned in pain. she looked up to see who had ambushed her. The man was in a black mask and she couldn't see his face clearly but only his eyes. He had a dagger in his hands and he stared at her with mocking eyes.

"H...he... hey..if you want money ill give you all I have I promise..just

don't hurt me...look you can take my phone too it's expensive," She said

stammering while moving back on her behind. The man moved closer and closer to her. Tears ram down her chicks uncontrollably. The more she begged the man the more he laughed devilishly. "You are more valuable than money pretty girl," He said in a mocking voice squatting in front of her, his dagger caressing her chicks. " A bad idea for you to walk alone at night...and good Luck to me" He added again and laughed. He then grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the ground. He held her hand firmly and tightly that he was hurting her wrist.

Where are you taking me...please leave me alone," she said trying to

free herself from the man. He wasn't paying attention to her but instead focused on pulling her along with him. She did not know where the man was taking her all she knew was that this was not going to end well. She had to do something to free herself from the man but as much as she struggled to free herself it was all in vain. The only thing that rings in her mind after the failure is to bite the man's hand. At first, she thinks that the idea is disgusting cause the hand might be dirty. She even tries to erase it from her mind but that's the only way she can free herself from him.

She said a little prayer then With her eyes closed, she mastered all the

the courage she could then like a hungry lion pounced on his hand. She bit him until he let go of her hand while wincing in pain. When she saw that the man was a bit distracted and his concentration was on his paining hand she ran to take her phone. she wanted to use it to call the police but the phone was already off. She looked back only to see the man walking towards her. She got up immediately and started to run. She did not get far when the man caught up with her. Her right knee had been scratched when the man had pushed her.

'Come here little brat," He said harshly pulling her braids. " You thought

that id let you get away huh? You can run all you want but I can just catch up with you in a minute" He said dragging her along with him.

"lease sir...just...just let go of me please" she begged in a shaking

Voice. " promise to pay you every single penny I have sir..please just let

me go" she begged while crying. The man did not even care. He was pulling her braids. He was more furious now than before. " where are you taking me, sir. she asked and he did not answer. She wished that something could just happen and be out of the situation. She even wished that she was dreaming but in a real sense, she was not.

The man was pulling her across the road to an abandoned building

When she saw that she couldn't help but tremble even more. They were now done crossing the road to the other side when the lights of a vehicle flickered. They both looked and saw that it was a vehicle approaching them. The man tried to pull her to cross the road immediately before the vehicle got to them but all was in vain. She didn't move even an inch. She had it in mind that it was either the person in the car stops and saves her or if not that just crashes her instead of being abused by that man. To her surprise, when the car got close to them, it evaded them.

Having all her hopes gone she saw no point in resisting moving again and she just let the man drag her along with him. She didn't want to look at

the car and where they were going either. Her head was down. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she don't realize that the man had let go of her.

"Hey...are you okay" she knew that voice didn't belong to the man. It

was then that she realized that no one was holding her. She smiled stupidly and slapped her face thinking that it was a dream and she was just imagining things. After confirming that she was not dreaming she looked up to where the voice was coming from. She then looked ahead and saw the man who was dragging her lying down.

"what. what did you do to him... did..did you kill him," she asked taking

steps backward shaking in fear. She then looked and saw the car that had evaded them. So this man was in the car? Then why did he leave at first? He should have stopped when I signaled that I was in danger. Is he a good person or just a moron like this one lying here? And wait, what did he do to him? Did he kill him?

The questions couldn't let her think straight for a moment. The man who

had just saved her walked close to her but she moved some inches back.

" Hey, I'm a good person...and I did not kill him, I just hit him but he will

wake up anytime soon" she just looked at him with eyes filled with fear. She was still trembling.

" Your knee is swollen and you have some bruised on your hands too,"

he said after taking a close examination of her.

"I won't harm you I promise.." He said and then moved close enough to

her. She then started crying, she couldn't help her tears and just let them flow.

" Hey, it's okay... it's Okay.. you're safe now" the man said hugging her.

She shed her tears uncontrollably. When she was done he took a

handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.

"It's clean.." He said after giving it to her.

She was not sure if to use it but when he smiled at her she knew she could use it. He looked at her knee and she followed his eyes to it. She had wanted to put on a trouser while she was leaving the house but it was too hot she wore a dress. And if it could have been longer then it would have maybe helped somewhere and right now her knee wouldn't be in such a bad situation.

" I have a first aid kit in my car ... can do something about your knee," he said looking at her and waiting for her approval.

" It's okay ... ill be fine. I live down the steer and ill be able to walk. I'll check it once I'm home " she said trying to smile. " Thank you ... you have already done enough and I appreciate that " she then turned around to leave. From how the man talked and behaved he was a rich man and even with the BMW car he had then she saw no need of giving him money or something. He didn't look like he needed anything so a thank you would do It. She walked a few meters when someone held her hand. She almost shouted but when she looked and saw that it was him she controlled herself. This time around his face wasn't as calm as it was. He pulled her and took her to the car. She waited for the worst as he got inside the car.

" Lemme see your knee " He ordered and she obeyed. He then took the first aid kit and after cleaning it he bandaged it. He then cleaned the other bruises on her hands. As he did it his face changed from a furious one to a calm one. " I can't just let you go home with a bruised leg ... I will take you there. " He then did her seatbelt and started the car.

" I'm Marvin what's your name? " He asked still driving. When she hesitated to reply he then changed his mind . " it's fine if you don't wanna say it ... no pressure "

He did not want the girl to feel insecure about him. What was she even doing on an empty street at night all alone? Well, she was going home but didn't she know it's dangerous, especially for girls to walk at night alone? Who knows what that lunatic could have done to her? He didn't even want to imagine what could have happened if he wasn't there in time.

"Natalie," she said after a long pause.

"So Natalie, cute name, aren't your parents worried about where you

are at this time of the night? And why we're you all alone ifs dangerous you know?" He asked looking concerned.

"I live alone, parents dead and grandma hospitalized so no one worried

and I'm already fine aren't I?" She answered in a low voice, with her head down.

Marvin stopped the car immediately. He looked at her and then turned the

car. "We are going to my house, it's safer"

" Wait, what? I've been living by myself since I was sixteen and I'm twenty and nothing has ever happened to me so just drop me here I can go home alone. It's not a big deal," She said in a low calm voice but it was serious.

"I know your angle to take care of yourself but if there's no one home to take care of you today then I will. You can leave tomorrow."'m sure you won't even be able to sleep at night. You know your face shows that you're still scared" He replied in a low but concerned tone

" I have to go to work early in the morning, and we are strangers so

can't just follow you to your house because you saved me. Yes you did and appreciate you for that but please just let me go home" she begged but Marvin was not listening to her.

I know it's strange that I want to take her to my own house instead of hers but I'm just worried about her. She looks like a scared little puppy and I'm sure the actions from earlier are still on her mind and cannot be erased that easily.


As much as I talked he didn't stop the car or say anything. My head was

aching badly and I had to stop talking cause it only seemed that I was just talking to myself. It took only twenty minutes and I guess we arrived at his home. The electric gate opened and his car got in. The house before me wasn't just a house but a mansion. Seems I was right about this guy. He is wealthy.