
White rose tears

Experiencing loneliness has become a natural thing. All the bad memories that she experienced in the past she always buried so that she didn't want to talk to anyone. But when she was about to go to the flower garden to water, she instead found someone who was in quite a worrisome condition. His body was dirty, covered in bruises. And also a scar on his left eye. They look at each other but in different ways. One sees the person as a lost memory of the past. One sees that person as a good person who has been treated unfairly. A love story between two people who share deep dark memories. a cafe employee who has another identity, and a flower gardener but hides a singing talent and is always haunted by guilt because of inner ability. They both try to complement and heal each other's wounds in their hearts. Behind the suffering of bad things that causes one of them to be dragged into the search for an unsolved murder for 3 years.

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

17. almost shrouded..

Lucas tried to avoid the bikers. The gunshots almost made him lose concentration. Worse yet, the shot made the rear view mirror on the right side of the car just fall off.

Worse yet, Lucas had to step on the gas and swerve out of the bottom lane which was quite sharp because of the rocks. Shocks are unavoidable. Before long, he managed to steer the car back onto the road again. And he got back up to speed.

"Looks like we're safe for a while. You two okay?"

Unfortunately, when he adjusted the position of the rearview mirror on it... even though it was only partially visible, he saw Brian signaling to be quiet. But quickly, he noticed that there was blood running down part of his face and even a little bit on the bandage covering one of his eyes. Very disappointing because he can't look back while he still has to drive the car.

(I'm sorry, brian. You must have tried to survive the shock of the car earlier and still protect Emily. Hang on! We have to find a safe place first. It shouldn't be far from here.)

Brian doesn't want Lucas to panic because he's worried that Emily will find out and she's scared again..

However, the calm didn't last long. The armed motorbikes attacked them again. Even some of the motorcyclists did not hesitate to shoot, which again made Lucas quite weak..


( code 3.. Need backup. Now!? )

Miraculously, something happened not long after. One of the motorbikes they were driving suddenly experienced a strange condition that caused the motorbike behind it to be affected, and ended up exploding.

"Lucky.. looks like we're safe for now. Hold on, we'll be at the save place soon. It's not far from here."

Lucas probably felt relieved for a moment. Whatever it is, for sure, he feels that bad things will surely come to him when he is still with Brian and Emily. No matter what the situation.

About 20 minutes later..

Lucas stopped at a workshop house. Brian, who was holding the wound on his head, felt dizzy. Even as long as he held Emily he was still trying to endure the pain.

"come on! I'll take you both inside. Excuse me.. anybody home?"

However, after only a few steps, Brian had already fallen unconscious. Not only that, Emily also fell because he was still hugging her while her eyes were still covered by Brian's hands. Suddenly made Lucas panic..

Worse yet..

(I'm sorry.. emily!)

When Emily opened her eyes..

(Don't cry! Don't let them catch you!)

Her body was difficult to move. Even moving her mouth was too heavy for her. Just like back then.

All that was left was her face which was very pale as long as she looked at brian.

"Brian. Hold on! Emily, Calm down! You don't have to be afraid."

Lucas tried to free Emily from Brian's arms. Unfortunately, he realized that her arm was hit by a rock scratch causing a wound. Hard to believe that Emily wasn't aware of that.

(Emily. Did you remember that, again?)

As long as she sees brian. It was as ifs he couldn't get her emotions back yet.