
White-Robed Chief

Chu Li was a particle physicist until a freak accident took his life and transmigrated him to a parallel universe — one where he wakes up with inexplicable abilities and finds himself in the running for a job in the imperial palace. This is a story of heroic adventures, cunning strategies and romantic tales. How will our MC thrive in a world completely strange to him? Where will his ambitions and abilities take him in the palace?

Xiao Shu · Action
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1215 Chs

Chu Li replied, "Sun Jizhi, hurry up and get out if you know what's good for you. On behalf of the Holy Church of Light, I'll spare your lives. However, be prepared to face the consequences if you refuse to act wisely!"

He raised his voice as he turned to the crowd and yelled, "Members of the Windstorm Association, listen up. This place originally belonged to the Holy Church of Light's Radiance Clan. The Windstorm Association has been extremely bold to occupy this area without permission. You should leave immediately. Otherwise, the Holy Church of Light will not spare your wretched lives!"

"Young man, did you think that we'd believe that you're a member of the Holy Church of Light just because of your bold claim?" Sun Jizhi shouted, "Furthermore, we've never heard of Radiance Clan. Did you simply come here to deceive us while flaunting the banner of the Holy Church of Light?"