
White Knight-Batman SI

Reborn in Gotham City as the younger brother of Bruce Wayne. A young man tries to reform the city despite his limitations as he tries to give the city another symbol of hope apart from the elusive Dark Knight. This is the story of Thomas Wayne, Gotham's White Knight. Mainly based on Nolan's trilogy.

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41 Chs

Chapter 40

Chapter 40


"Will this really work?" Selina questioned as both of them stood infront of a massive screen as time ran out for humanity.

"It should," he answered honestly, knowing there was little use in lying now.

This was a gamble. It was a massive gamble, yet the truth was that humanity had run out of options. Only a few days remained until Darkseid's armies landed on the planet and brought death and destruction to all.

Already humanity had shored up its defences, armies around the world were ready and preparing for the attack yet he knew that in face of the demon that was Darkseid they had little to no chance.

"Flash, are you ready?" he questioned his speedy colleague on the com and received an affirmative as an answer.

"I just have to provide enough energy to him that it could initiate a fission reaction, right?" he confirmed and Bruce nodded.

"Yes," Lex's experiments on the body of the Kryptonian boy had left little salvageable for them. The alien's DNA was a thing of marvel and something he could not replicate in the lab no matter how much he tried.

"In the end, whatever material they possessed they had grafted inside Thomas's body as they pushed it into a vacuum chamber. Thomas's body was somehow stopping itself from deteriorating by using a fission reaction. He wished to overpower that regeneration and force it to use that alien material for its survival.

It was a process in which a hundred things could go wrong.

"Diana, are you ready?" he questioned.

"I am," and everything was ready.

With a final sigh and prayer, Bruce reached for the coms and gave the final order.

"Do it!"







~Three Days Later~


It was over. All over. Selina sat in the Batcave, looking at the display on the screen with a sense of hopelessness she had not felt in over a decade as she watched alien armies lay waste to their planet. All of humanity's preparations had proven themselves to be futile in the face of an enemy so overwhelming.

Darkseid. The name of the monster that had come for their planet.

She saw that monster swatting away at flash sending him tumbling through buildings, as he faced humanity's mightiest warriors, yet to no avail.

Even Diana, the juggernaut that she was, amounted to barely anything as the monster swatted away her attacks like nothing before simply punching so hard that she crashed into the ground so hard that it formed a crater around her.

Humanity's finest, Bruce Wayne, tried it all, weapons that he had never used to this day, that behemoth of an armor, a last gift from a brother that could have been their savior, did nothing as well, as Darkseid overpowered him as well.

She should have been there alongside them. She was powerful enough, yet she could not be, for she was tasked with an insuperable task. A task of leading the final exodus.

To save as many as she could, including what remained of their last hope.

"Is this all humanity has to offer?" Darkseid taunted as he stood victorious over humanity's finest warriors. Her eyes blurred as she saw her daughter standing beside her, watching the screen in horror as Darkseid crushed Bruce's armor under his leg and pinned him to the ground.

"Uncle!" Martha gasped in pain, yet Selina could do nothing to help but watch as Darkseid reached for the ground and pulled up the limp and bloody body of Diana, his hand clasped around her neck.

"Is this your final stand? Pathetic!" he snarled as she saw Diana thrash and try and get away from his grip.

"Let her go!" a voice came, as lightning raced across the screen as Flash tried to get her free, yet to no avail as Darkseid caught the red speedster with his other hand, crushing Bruce under his leg, the metal armor creaking and breaking.

"Pathetic!" Darkseid snarled as he threw Flash into a massive building once more and kicked Bruce Armor once more, pushing it into the ground. She saw the lights on it shut down as she gasped in pain.

"It is over," and in her pain, she missed how her daughter had walked away from her and was not standing beside the pod placed behind her in which floated a single body.

"Wake up!" she heard Martha scream as she punched the glass door of the pod.

"I said, WAKE UP!" she screamed as tears stemmed down her face.

"Uncle Bruce believed in you! Aunt Diana said you could save us all! SO WAKE UP!" Martha screamed as she punched the pod again and with her weak arms.





Hopelessness flushed in her as she gasped and felt her strength leaving her as she found herself looking into those monstrous, fiery eyes.

"You have failed Amazon!" Darkseid taunted as he scrunched his foot, and she saw the red peeking out of Bruce's armor, and she could feel nothing but hopelessness at her own weakness.

The whole city around them had been destroyed as para-demons spread all around and lay waste.

And she could not help but feel responsible for this. She had caused this. She had doomed humanity.

And so, as she felt her vision blur, she felt that it would be up to her to buy them as much time as she could, and she roused the power that hid inside her, the power of the King of Gods, as she let it overflow, and fill her up unlike what she had ever done.

Her skin was burnt, and she felt her body begin to glow as she let go of Darkseid's fingers, giving up on her attempt to pry them away from her neck.


"If I am going to die..." she eeked out as her body continued to burn away.

"...then I am taking you with me!" she snarled in defiance as his eyes narrowed in rage as he raised her and then, with all his might, pushed her into the ground.

"AGHH!" she screamed in pain as her body began to glow.

"Let us see how you survive this!" and with that, she saw him raise his fist, which gleamed an ominous red, and she closed her eyes before he brought it down.


Yet the pain she had expected never came, and she felt a shadowy figure appear above her. As she felt a pair of eyes focus on her before a soft hand touched her forehead and all the power she had been gathering seeped away as her body cooled down and the burning died down.

"WHAT!" she heard Darkseid scream in rage. She felt his arm being pushed back. As her vision began to clear up, she found herself looking at a rather familiar face.

"You..." she gasped out in between coughs as she looked at the shirtless form of Thomas Wayne standing above her, blocking Darkseid's punch and pushing him back.

"Hello there," he said seriously as Darkseid's rage grew, and after he had broken out of surprise, he punched Thomas with his other arm.

"Look out!" she screamed.


"Ouch!" Thomas screamed as Darkseid's punch connected, yet she did not miss how he had barely stumbled despite the force of the attack. This surprised Darkseid as well, as Thomas's feet suddenly lifted off the ground. He floated above Darkseid as he crushed his arm in his grip.

"ARGH!" the giant monster screamed as she saw his lips thin.

"My turn!" he whispered as he pulled back his arm and then, with a scream, punched him in the face.