
Whispers of the Sporewood: The forbidden path

"Whispers of the Sporewood: The Forbidden Path" follows the journey of Oriana, a young wood elf druid who finds herself drawn to the forbidden secrets of the Circle of Spores. Despite being considered a child by her fellow wood elves, Oriana feels a restlessness stirring within her, a longing to explore the world beyond the boundaries of her woodland home and discover her true place.. When Oriana stumbles upon a mysterious tome hidden in the library of Whispering Oak Grove, she finds herself captivated by the forbidden knowledge contained within its pages. The tome reveals the secrets of fungal magic and the teachings of the Circle of Spores, a sect of druids shunned by their brethren for their unorthodox practices and dark powers. Driven by curiosity and a sense of destiny, Oriana sets out on a journey to uncover the truth behind the Circle of Spores and unlock the secrets of her own heritage. Along the way, she faces dangers both mundane and magical, from treacherous beasts lurking in the depths of the forest to the dark forces that seek to claim her newfound power for their own. "Whispers of the Sporewood: The Forbidden Path" is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the transformative power of forbidden knowledge. It is a story of one young druid's journey to find her place in the world and unlock the secrets of her own destiny, even if it means risking everything she holds dear.

Patricia_Alderson · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Sinister sisters

As Oriana and Finley stepped into the outskirts of the village, the transition from the lively streets to the edge of the woods was noticeable. Oriana's keen senses immediately detected a shift in the atmosphere—a heaviness in the air, a sourness in the soil—that set her on edge.

Despite the unease that gnawed at her instincts, Oriana pressed on, driven by her determination to uncover the secrets of Sporewood. With each step into the depths of the forest, the air grew thicker, and the silence more oppressive. Beside her, Finley seemed unaffected, his cheerful attitude unchanged as he walked beside her. He was still loudly humming as they moved further.

As they delved deeper into the woods, Oriana couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of unseen eyes following their every move. But she refused to let fear dictate her actions, steeling herself against the foreboding presence that lingered in the shadows. Finally, they arrived where the two sisters were said to reside. Oriana's heart quickened with excitement as they approached the secluded cottage nestled against a grove of ancient trees.

Oriana quickened her pace towards the cottage, in a moment she forgot how she felt on her way here but she stopped herself in her tracks, slowing down and being more cautious. As she hesitated, torn between her desire for answers and her survival instinct , Finley's voice broke through her thoughts with a note of impatience. "Oh come on now I can see you're being cautious, but I just don't get why."

Oriana met Finley's gaze, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and uncertainty. Despite his reassurances, she couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a dangerous situation.

Finley happily knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer; he motioned Oriana to come closer. As the door slowly creaked open, revealing a kind face framed by wisps of grey hair and lines etched with wisdom, Oriana's apprehension eased slightly. It was one of the sisters, her eyes twinkling with warmth and familiarity as she greeted them.

"Welcome, travellers," the sister said, her voice soft yet filled with a quiet strength. " We don't get many visitors here, how can I help you?"

As the sister welcomed them, Finley beamed with excitement, his charismatic charm filling the space around them. "Greetings, kind sister," he began, his voice resonating with warmth. "We come seeking help, you see my friend here is on a quest to find Sporewood, the ancient druidic grove. We were told that you might be able to help us." The sister fully opened the door "I'm sure we could help, why don't you come in darlings, I'll make you a cup of tea and we can discuss this sporewood of yours."

Oriana felt uneasy but followed Finley into the small cottage.

As Oriana and Finley stepped into the cottage, the warm aroma of herbs enveloped them, mingling with the soft glow emanating from the kitchen. Oriana's unease grew as she surveyed their surroundings—the dusty shelves lined with old tomes, the peculiar greenish light filtering through the room.

Despite the cosy atmosphere, Oriana couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place, a sense of disquiet settling over her like a shroud. She exchanged a hesitant glance with. Finley, but his easy smile and reassuring presence offered some solace amidst her apprehension.

The sister bustled about the kitchen, preparing a pot of tea with practised ease. "Please, make yourselves comfortable," she said, her voice gentle yet authoritative. As the sister was making the tea she said "Oh where are my manners, My name is Beatrice and yes I could help you, but first I'd like you to help us."

Just as the sister mentioned needing their help, another figure emerged from a doorway, her presence seeming to materialise from the shadows. "Greetings, my name is Mary." Mary's eyes held a glimmer of wisdom that seemed to pierce through Oriana's defences, as if she could see into the depths of her soul. Despite the warmth in her voice, there was an undercurrent of gravity as she addressed the travellers.

As she walked towards Beatrice, she gently caressed Oriana's shoulders. "We're after something, but unfortunately we can't get it ourselves, there's an artefact in the village you just came from," Beatrice explained before she got interrupted by Mary. 

"Well, actually, you mean it's underneath the village," Mary snarled, her tone tinged with bitterness. "Yes dearie, it's underneath, if you'd let me finish explaining I was just getting there." Beatrice responded, her voice sounded slightly annoyed by her sister. Intrigued by the mention of the artefact Finley and Oriana looked at each other "I'm sorry but what does this artefact do?" Oriana asked.

Beatrice glanced at Mary before turning back to Oriana with a gentle smile. "Oh, it's quite powerful," she began, her voice laced with a hint of deceit. "Legend has it that this artefact possesses the ability to grant great fortune and prosperity to those who possess it. It's said to be imbued with ancient magic, capable of fulfilling the deepest desires of its owner."

Finley's eyes sparkled with curiosity, while Oriana's heart quickened with excitement at the thought of such power. But unbeknownst to them, the sisters were hags, and the artefact held a far more sinister purpose than they could ever imagine. "Well it seems like we both could use some help here" Oriana replied "you tell us where to find this artefact and we'll retrieve it for you and in return you'll help us, right?" Both of the sisters grinned and at the same time they replied "Of course dearie, we always keep our word."

The sisters' simultaneous response sent a shiver down Oriana's spine, but she pushed aside her unease, determined to fulfil their agreement and uncover the secret location of Sporewood. With a nod of determination, she turned to Finley, who met her gaze with a reassuring smile. "Very well," Finley said, his voice filled with confidence. "Where can we find this artefact of yours?"

Beatrice and Mary exchanged a knowing glance before Beatrice spoke up. "The artefact lies beneath the village square, hidden within the ancient catacombs that lie beneath the village," she explained. "You can gain access through the village well, but be warned, the catacombs are fraught with dangers, and only the bravest and most skilled adventurers dare to venture into their depths."

"Thanks for the warning, I guess we'll need to get some supplies, or at least a weapon to defend ourselves." Finley replied. The sisters glanced at each other and Mary walked out of the kitchen "I'll be right back with your supplies" she said as she walked out. Beatrice poured them a tea "This will rejuvenate you for your trip" she said as she passed the tea's to Oriana and Finley. Oriana smelled the tea before she drank it, she could smell the scent of fresh herbs, it reminded her a bit of home. 

As Oriana and Finley sipped the tea, its warmth spread through their bodies, invigorating them for the journey ahead. Oriana couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the sisters, despite their eerie aura. "Thank you," she said, her voice sincere as she met Beatrice's gaze. "This will help us greatly." Finley nodded in agreement, a grateful smile gracing his features as he raised his cup in a silent toast. "Yes, thank you," he chimed in. "We appreciate your kindness and assistance."

Mary walked back in with some supplies, she pulled out a rapier and gave it to Finley then she got a Scythe which she gave to Oriana. "These are just basic weapons, but I suggest you learn how to use them fast as you will definitely need them down in the catacombs." Mary said as she gave Oriana a small bag with some food, water and a handheld torch. 

Finley inspected the rapier with keen interest. "This will do just fine," he remarked, his tone filled with confidence. "Thank you for your generosity and guidance." As Oriana grabbed the Scythe she felt a surge of power, even though this was just a basic weapon, it felt as if this weapon was intended especially for her. "Thank you, Mary," she said, her voice steady despite the excitement stirring within her. They finished their teas and then with a nod of gratitude, they bid farewell to the sisters and turned back towards the village, their minds already focused on the task ahead. As they made their way through the woods, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation.

As they reached the village the night already set in, the dark had taken over the bustling village, there were torches lit all around and the only form of life seemed to come from the tavern. Oriana and Finley wasted no time in seeking out the village square. As they approached the well, a sense of worry washed over them, but they pushed aside their fears, knowing that their success depended on their bravery.

With a deep breath, Oriana reached out to grasp the stone rim of the well, her fingers trembling slightly with anticipation. With Finley's encouragement, she lowered herself into the darkness below, the cool air of the catacombs enveloping her like a suffocating embrace.

As Oriana descended into the depths, her heart pounded in her chest, each step echoing loudly in the silence of the underground chamber. With Finley by her side, she pushed forward, her senses alert for any sign of danger lurking in the shadows.

As Oriana's keen elven eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could make out the contours of the underground chamber. The air was heavy and damp, and the sound of dripping water echoed off the stone walls. Oriana scanned their surroundings, her senses alert for any signs of danger.

Meanwhile, Finley struggled in the water, his human eyes unable to penetrate the darkness. Panic threatened to consume him as he floundered, unable to find a way out. Sensing his distress, Oriana swiftly moved to his side, her hand reaching out to grasp his arm. With a firm tug, she pulled him out of the water, her strength and agility proving invaluable in their precarious situation.

"Thank you," Finley gasped, his voice tinged with relief as he regained his footing beside Oriana. "I couldn't see a thing down there." Oriana offered him a reassuring smile, her gaze scanning their surroundings once more. "We need to be cautious," she warned, her voice low yet resolute. "Who knows what dangers lie ahead in these catacombs. Finley pulled out the torch and tried to light it, it took him a few attempts but he finally managed to light it. He held the torch up and now he could also see the walls of the catacombs emerge before him.

"Let's move on," Oriana said, her voice steady despite the unease that lingered in the air. "We must watch each other's backs." Finley nodded in agreement and they ventured into the catacombs. As they reached the end of the first corridor they noticed a big web blocking the entrance to the next room, Oriana halted Finley to stop as she gently laid her hand on the web, trying to connect to the spider that made it. As Oriana's hand gently grazed the web, she sensed a sudden shift in the delicate balance of the underground ecosystem. Instead of the docile presence she had expected, a surge of primal aggression emanated from the web, accompanied by a cacophony of skittering legs and clicking mandibles.

Her eyes widened in alarm as she realised the true nature of the creatures lurking within the shadows. Multiple spiders, their forms obscured by the darkness, converged upon them with predatory intent, their gleaming eyes reflecting the flickering light of Finley's torch.

Reacting swiftly, Oriana grabbed Finley's arm, pulling him back from the advancing arachnids as she scanned their surroundings for an escape route. The corridor stretched out before them, the web blocking their path forward and the spiders closing in from all sides.

With a sense of urgency, Finley raised the torch higher, its flames casting long shadows against the damp stone walls. The light revealed the menacing forms of the spiders, their fangs dripping with venom as they crept closer, driven by a primal hunger for prey.

Oriana couldn't find another way out, their only option was to fight the spiders closing in on them. As the first spider lunged forward, Oriana swung her scythe with precision, slicing through the air with a swift, decisive motion. The blade connected with the spider's chitinous exoskeleton, eliciting a hiss of pain as greenish ichor oozed from the wound. Beside her, Finley brandished his rapier with a flourish, his movements fluid and graceful as he danced around the spiders, parrying their attacks with deft skill. With each thrust of his blade, he aimed for the vulnerable spots between the spiders' armoured plates, striking true with deadly accuracy. 

The catacombs echoed with the clatter of steel against chitin, the sounds of battle reverberating through the darkened corridors. Oriana and Finley fought with unwavering resolve, their minds focused solely on survival as they repelled the spider onslaught. Despite the ferocity of their opponents, Oriana and Finley refused to yield, their determination fuelling their every strike. With each spider they felled, their confidence grew, their movements becoming more fluid and coordinated as they worked together to overcome the relentless tide of arachnids. Finally after what seemed to be hours of battling the spiders they laid defeated at their feet. Oriana and Finley covered in the green blood of the spiders, their bodies felt weary but they managed to survive the first attack in the catacombs. They also felt power surging through their veins.

Feeling the weight of their exertions, Oriana invoked the soothing energies of rejuvenation, channelling her innate connection to nature to replenish their vitality and mend their wounds. With a whispered incantation, she focused her intentions on restoring their strength and fortitude, weaving a tapestry of healing energy that enveloped them in its comforting embrace.

As the gentle warmth of rejuvenation washed over them, Oriana and Finley felt a surge of renewed vigour coursing through their weary bodies, revitalising their spirits and revitalising their resolve. Any minor injuries they sustained in the battle with the spiders began to mend, their aches and pains gradually fading into the background as they basked in the revitalising effects of Oriana's magic. With a grateful smile, Finley clasped Oriana's hand in his own, his eyes alight with appreciation for her selfless act of healing. Together they were ready for their journey through the depths of the catacombs. 

After a moment of rest Oriana broke through the giant spider web blocking the doorway. The narrow corridor opened up into a big chamber, there were pedestals with sarcophagi on them to the left and right, tombs from a forgotten time. As Oriana and Finley stepped into the chamber, a sense of reverence washed over them, mingling with the musty scent of ancient stone and the hushed echoes of ages past. The flickering light of Finley's torch cast eerie shadows across the walls, illuminating the rows of sarcophagi that lined the chamber like silent sentinels of a bygone era.

With cautious steps, they went towards the nearest pedestal, their eyes drawn to the intricately carved designs that adorned its weathered surface. Dust-covered inscriptions hinted at the identities of the long-forgotten souls laid to rest within.

As they moved deeper into the chamber, they couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of unseen eyes lingering in the darkness beyond the reach of their torchlight. Yet there was no sign of an artefact in this room. They reached another small corridor, "I'll go first" Oriana whispered to Finley "I can see more than you so it's only fair." Finley nodded in agreement, with the torch held high in one hand and his other holding the rapier ready for anything. They cautiously stepped through the small corridor until they entered a small room, just another chamber. As Oriana and Finley entered the small room, the air seemed to hum with ancient power, palpable even in the dim light of Finley's torch. Their eyes were immediately drawn to the artefact resting atop the sarcophagus, its form shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

Oriana approached the artefact cautiously, her senses attuned to the subtle energies that pulsed from its surface. As she reached out to touch it, a surge of primal energy coursed through her veins, sending shivers down her spine. Oriana carefully lifted the artefact from its resting place, feeling its weight in her hands as if holding the key to untold mysteries. The artefact pulsed with ancient magic, its power a tangible presence in the chamber.

Beside her, Finley watched with bated breath, his eyes wide with wonder at the sight before him. Together, they had uncovered the artefact, now they just needed to get back to the sisters so they would help them.

But their triumph was short-lived, for as Oriana held the artefact in the palm of her hand, a rumbling sound echoed through the chamber, followed by the ominous shifting of stone. Before they could react, the sarcophagus beneath them began to tremble, as the lid of the sarcophagus shattered into pieces the uncovered bones rose up, the skeleton stood tall, holding a sword and shield in its hands. It's empty eyes fixated on Oriana, or maybe it was on the artefact in her hand. She pushed Finley into the small corridor behind them and walked backwards into it herself, putting the artefact in her pocket all while not taking her eyes off the skeleton warrior in front of them. The skeleton roared vigorously, as its roar echoed through the catacombs it charged at them "run faster" Oriana said as it came charging towards them. They were back in the big chamber and as the skeleton struck Oriana put up her Scythe, blocking its attack, sparks flying as metal clashed against bone. Oriana gritted her teeth, feeling the force of the skeleton's blow reverberate through her arms. With a swift motion, she pushed back against the skeleton, buying them a moment of time. But Oriana had a plan "Finley keep him busy" she shouted. As Finley jumped in between Oriana moved towards the other sarcophagi and casted her resurrection spell in the hopes it would work. With whispered incantations and gestures of her hands, she channelled the power of her resurrection spell, calling upon the spore magic once again. As she casted the spell green spores started to weave around the room again, entering the sarcophagi as they started to rumble and shake. With a deafening rumble, the lids of the sarcophagi shattered into pieces, sending bones swirling through the air in a chaotic dance. Oriana watched in awe as the skeletal remains coalesced, forming a new guardian from the very essence of the catacombs themselves.

The newly formed skeleton guardian rose from the midst of the swirling bones, its form towering and imposing as it faced off against the skeletal warrior that was attacking Finley. Oriana knew that they could now succeed in killing the skeleton warrior . The guardian glowing in a green hue dragged a long sword across the floor, it swung its sword towards the warrior but the warrior blocked it with its shield. As the two skeletons locked eyes they growled at each other. Finley stepped back towards Oriana "What did you just do?" he asked, his voice shaken as he had never seen this type of magic before.

Oriana's eyes remained fixed on the intense battle unfolding before them, her mind focused on the task at hand. She spared a quick glance at Finley, noting the concern etched on his face. "It's spore magic," she replied, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "A form of druidic magic, it's the reason why I need to go to the sporewood. I called upon it to create the guardian, to aid us in our fight against the skeletal warrior."

Finley's eyes widened in astonishment, his gaze shifting between Oriana and the swirling green spores around the guardian skeleton she just summoned. He had heard about spore magic, of course, but to witness it first hand was a revelation beyond anything he had imagined. "It's incredible," he breathed, a sense of wonder mingling with his apprehension. "But is it safe? Can we trust this... guardian?" "To be really honest I don't know, it's only my first time using this spell, but if it makes you feel any better I did resurrect a bird with a similar spell" Oriana replied with a nervous smile. Finley nodded, his expression still wary but somewhat reassured by Oriana's words. "Well, let's hope it's enough to help us get through this," he said.

With a shared glance, Oriana and Finley turned their attention back to the battle unfolding before them. The guardian and the skeletal warrior continued to clash with ferocity, their movements a blur of motion as they fought for dominance in the chamber. But even as the battle raged on, Oriana couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in the air. They had gambled everything on the strength of her magic, in the hope that the guardian would be enough to turn the tide in their favour.

With each clash of swords and each bone-rattling blow, Oriana felt her nerves fraying at the edges. She couldn't wait any longer "We either got to get out of here or help the guardian" she said. Finley nodded, his eyes reflecting the same sense of urgency that gripped Oriana. "Agreed," he replied, his voice resolute. "We can't afford to stand here while the guardian fights alone." Oriana and Finley sprung into combat to help the guardian, Oriana raised her scythe high, her eyes glowing with the light of the spores. Finley steadied his rapier, ready to join the fight again. Together they charged towards the skeleton warrior. Oriana hit her scythe against the skeleton warrior, unleashing a shockwave of spore energy as Finley repeatedly slashed his rapier onto its bones. But no matter how hard they fought the warrior it didn't fall. Oriana started to lose hope and felt the battle turned against them. Then the guardian hit the warrior on a weak spot, causing it to collapse on the floor. "This is it" shouted Finley as he jumped on top of the warrior, decapitating it with one smooth motion.

The battle was over, they had won. Oriana and Finley stood there catching their breath as the guardian moved towards Oriana. "Thanks for your help, you can rest now" as she spoke those words the guardian collapsed to the floor. 

After they took a few moments to get their strength back they headed back to the entrance of the catacombs, it was time to climb back up the well. They looked up and saw the sky was black, it was still night time. They climbed out of the well and headed straight back towards the sisters. When they got there the first light of dawn just started to glisten through the trees, but the air around the cottage still felt thick.

With cautious steps, they entered the cottage once more, the artefact cradled safely in Oriana's hands. The sisters greeted them with knowing smiles, their eyes gleaming with anticipation as they waited to hear of their success. "We've retrieved the artefact," Oriana announced, her voice tinged with weariness from their harrowing journey through the catacombs. "Now, as promised, will you help us find Sporewood?"The sisters exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between them before Beatrice spoke up. "Of course, dearie," she said, her voice laced with a hint of satisfaction. "But first, let us see the artefact."

Oriana showed the artefact and the sisters both started to cackle. The hairs on the back of Oriana's neck stood on end as she exchanged a wary glance with Finley. Something was amiss, and the sisters' sudden shift in demeanour filled her with a sense of dread."What's so amusing?" Oriana asked, her voice betraying a hint of unease as she held the artefact out towards the sisters.Beatrice's laughter subsided, replaced by a chilling grin as she leaned in closer to examine the artefact. "Oh, my dear," she said, her voice dripping with malice. "You've brought us exactly what we needed."Before Oriana could react, Mary lunged forward, snatching the artefact from her grasp with surprising speed. The sisters' laughter filled the air once more, sending shivers down Oriana's spine as she watched helplessly, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

"Thank you dearies, now we'll give you a map with the sporewood location on it" and Mary handed her a scroll.

As Mary handed Oriana the scroll, a sense of apprehension gnawed at her. She hesitated for a moment, eyeing the parchment with suspicion, but ultimately she accepted it, her curiosity outweighing her unease.

With trembling hands, Oriana unfurled the scroll, revealing a detailed map etched with ancient symbols and mysterious markings. As she studied the map, her heart sank. The location of Sporewood was indeed marked, but there was something unsettling about the way it was depicted, as if the forest itself were alive with malevolent energy."Thank you," Oriana said, her voice laced with uncertainty as she rolled up the scroll. "We appreciate your assistance."Finley, sensing Oriana's unease, stepped closer to her side, his presence offering a silent reassurance amidst the palpable tension in the air.

The sisters watched them with sinister smiles, their eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. "Oh, it was our pleasure, dearies," Beatrice said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "Do be careful on your journey to Sporewood. The forest can be quite... inhospitable to those who are unprepared." With a nod of farewell, Oriana and Finley quickly made their exit, the weight of the sisters' ominous warnings lingering in the back of their minds as they set out on the next leg of their journey. As they left the cottage Finley gently said "we should get some rest in the village, plan our next step after some sleep". Oriana nodded in agreement, they went back to the village and towards the tavern where they got a room to rest.