
Whispers of The Ethereal

The Isle of Marenveil is and has always been a simple tropical island floating among the calm waters of the sprawling starlight sea. Marenveil's is a natural beauty that inspire adventure from the beautiful spore lit caverns of the Itari range to underwater reefs Ratashi bay. These natural have always enticed its inhabitants with a sense of adventure from its earliest days that is slowly fostered by its blooming adventure's guild known as Valkyria's Wings. One such inhabitant is an obsidian scaled half dragon by the name of Elisie. Elisie earliest childhood memories are of sheltering among the damp smooth stoned caves from the deluge of rain, foraging in the sprawling rain forest that covered the island, or surviving off the bounty of fish that lived among the reefs. Where there is light, there are shadows. Her memories will always be tainted by those moments of despair as she continued the never ending search to find what was once lost.

ShyLunaria · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Budding Relations

Elisie released an exaggerated sigh as she watched every elegant stroke of the quill against paper as Kia's nimble fingers scribbled her details onto sheet after sheet of paperwork. It wasn't until Kia lit a small candle on their desk did Elisie notice how little sunlight was entering through the window.

"Wait how long have I been here?" mumbled Elisie.

"4hrs and 8mins since I poke you in the cheek."

"Huh! How did you know that? Has it really been that long?" replied Elisie while staring at Kia expressionless face.

"I am rather good at keeping track of things."

A rapid cherry hue spread across Elisie's cheeks as she thought, "Oh no! She is cute and smart!"

After several more moments, Kia neatly stacked the completed paperwork on her desk before looking over to Elisie with a smile that warmed her heart like a campfire on a cold winter night.

"Well now that is completed I must say your abilities are rather unique. I believe anyone would be lucky to have you. I suspect it wouldn't be too long before you find a group!"

Elisie gently brushed a few loose strands of hair from her face as she turned to look at her boots. The pinkish hue quickly evolving into a deep rose red. It had been a moment since anyone had openly complimented Elisie especially not someone with a smile that beckons dawn's light back into an empty void.

"Well you are new to town and honestly I haven't gotten anything to eat all day so would you mind having dinner with me?" said Kia with that same warm smile that made Elisie's heart rate spike.

"Ummm ... Sure if you don't mind."

"Well What kind of food do youlike Elisie?"

A simple question but it had manage to stump the one functioning brain cell in Elisie's head.Taking a moment she realized she honestly didn't know. She for the longest time just ate what was cheap and available. Not to mention she barely had any coin.

"Something warm please?"

Kia could not help but giggle at the request which immediately caused Elisie to tense up.

"Any further ideas? Oh would you rather I just pick."

Elisie could only muster a small nod as her hand gently grasped the coin pouch at her side. Kia eyes had noticed the small movement which immediately clicked a thought into place.

"Well we can get you properly set up in your room and then grab something to eat. Is that all your belongings?"

Kia's eyes scanned timeworn pack as well as the various other aged accoutrements while Elisie's hand began to gently apply more pressure on the coin purse at her side. Elisie face reddening under the gaze and words of Kia as Elisie didn't want to gather pity on her first night especially from Kia. Every singular reaction was noticed but it was met with a warm and caring smile.

"Well it is late and you might be a bit weary from your arduous journey. How about we take a look at the guild's menu. It is a bit customary after all for the old guard to treat the recruits to hearty meal on their first night in the hall."

"I guess if it is tradition then I will happily accept your offer."

Kia happily lead Elisie to the bar stools before motioning her to take a seat before head pass the the doors that lead to the kitchen. Moments later Kia happily returned baring fresh warm homemade chicken soup. The taste was subtle but to Elisie it was the most delicious meal she had in recent memory. The gentle spreading warmth of the soup soothe her aching muscles and calmed her nerves.

In mere moments Elisie had finished her first bowl as Kia was had barely started hers. Hearing the wooden bowl rest emptily on the counter, Kia couldn't help but look over in disbelief before offering Elisie her signature warm smile.

"Would you like another bowl?"

Elisie happily nodded in affirmation. That night Kia learned the easiest way to Elisie's heart, a warm bowl of food. The night progressed quietly between the two as they savored their meals. After Elisie's fifth bowl and Kia's first bowl they both sat in awkward silence until Kia shattered it.

"So do you want me to show you to your room or would you rather do something else instead?"