
Whispers of The Ethereal

The Isle of Marenveil is and has always been a simple tropical island floating among the calm waters of the sprawling starlight sea. Marenveil's is a natural beauty that inspire adventure from the beautiful spore lit caverns of the Itari range to underwater reefs Ratashi bay. These natural have always enticed its inhabitants with a sense of adventure from its earliest days that is slowly fostered by its blooming adventure's guild known as Valkyria's Wings. One such inhabitant is an obsidian scaled half dragon by the name of Elisie. Elisie earliest childhood memories are of sheltering among the damp smooth stoned caves from the deluge of rain, foraging in the sprawling rain forest that covered the island, or surviving off the bounty of fish that lived among the reefs. Where there is light, there are shadows. Her memories will always be tainted by those moments of despair as she continued the never ending search to find what was once lost.

ShyLunaria · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"Do something else." echoed through Elisie mind as her body instinctively tense like an animal backed into a corner.

"Wait what did Kia want to do? Were they suggesting something lewd! Oh nos. Ummm ... what do I say?"

Kia was rather confused looking at the currently frozen and blushing dragon girl. Kia gently poked Elisie cheek but this time it seems that the dragon girl was rather deep in thought. However in a sudden flurry of movement that almost sent Kia toppling over as she reposition herself away from Elisie.

"No umm ... I am fine! My room is fine!" squeaked Elisie as she gather her stuff and ran up the stairs to the second floor. Kia took a moment to collect herself after whatever that was about. However not a few moments later did Elisie return like a lost puppy.

"Umm ... I don't have a key let alone know which room I am in."

"Oh right!" chuckled Kia realizing she never told Elisie about the locking mechanisms.

"That crystal you registered with Elisie is your key as for you room its down the main hall on the right. I can lead you to it if you wish?"

Elisie just shook her head in response to Kia before running off to her room. After some trial and error Elisie opened her door to a small cozy room. For furniture there was an armoire in the corner, a matching wooden pair of desk and a chair, a single person bed and a few stands for armor and other adventuring equipment.

The room was small and cozy. The window looked out at the veiling sea and the cascading moonlight. Elisie knew just how bland the room was but something about the lack of decorations made it more comforting.

The realm of dreams came easily to Elisie that night. The long journey coupled with her heart racing encounter with Kia had tired her out. Her social and physical battery was absolutely depleted which made her just collapse onto to the bed and curl up so she could focus on her bracelet, her promise as she lulled herself to sleep.

The following morning was just as quiet as the night before. As Elisie stumbled towards the main gathering hall the spell of sleep still hanging off of her she noticed Kia all alone on by the bar having breakfast. Without a second thought Elisie dashed back to her room and slammed the door shut behind her.

"What am I going to do? I made such a fool of myself yesterday. Okays we just continually avoid them for rest of eternity clearly. I mean what are the chances we have to talk like every day right?"

With a deep sigh Elisie began to calm herself. Her plan was full proof after all or at least to her. Then came the gentle rap taps of a fist against her door that immediately shattered her little fantasy.

"Elisie are you awake? We have a training session this morning so I can test your skills."

Elisie heart began to race as she realized the greatest hole in her amazing plan. Kia was the guild master and as such so long as she was part of the guild then they would be force to interact especially once she starts taking request.

"Hi Kai! I am just getting myself ready! be out in a minute!"

"Okay well I meet you on the training grounds. Just head past my office on the first floor and down into the basement okays."

"Yups! Loud and clear Kia!" squeaked Elisie as she paced up and down the room frantically trying to figure something out.

After roughly an hour Elisie found her way to the training room. Kia calmly scribbling in a book didn't see her approach but in that split moment Elisie lost all her courage. She gently began to back out of the room only at the last second to be met with Kia's warm smile.

"Did you get lost Elisie?"

"Umm no it just took me a bit to get adjusted to the living conditions."

"Well if I can help please let me know Elisie"

"I will certainly inform you." replied Elisie as she gently ran her left hand against her right shoulder.

"So lets get started shall we."