

"You have got to be kidding me" Caleb yelled out as he found out his siblings took the bigger rooms.

He playfully glared at them, and the sound of his sister's laughter melt his heart. What he will do to always see her happy.

"Caleb stop being rebellious" Catherine, their mother called from the master bedroom, and they could hear their father Scott laugh.

They arrived at their new home few hours ago and they've been unpacking.

It wasn't anything much just a little cabin in the middle of the woods, several cabins are around but not much.

Exactly what they needed, privacy.

Alexa smiled before sitting down in the lounge room with her family.

Everyone already recognizes the look on her face.

She's feeling guilty again, she knows how other men in her brother's age range behave, how most of them already have serious relationships going on or some even married but because they never stay in a place for long, they didn't have time to relate with other girls.

And now they have come to their permanent residence in the middle of nowhere.

She doesn't think her brothers will find brides in the middle of the woods.

"I can see the thoughts running around your head but before you say anything, know that mum and dad gave us a choice to stay behind every time, but we chose you, we aren't coming along because we have no choice, we are here because we want to be here, with family" Darius said looking at his younger sister with so much care in his eyes.

Alexa became teary eyed not surprised that her brother could read her so well, she was an open book to him, to all of them.

"Thank you" she whispered, and Caleb jumped on her hugging her, she giggled as Darius came and ruffled her hair before going up to his room calling Caleb up to go unpack and stop being lazy.

He grumbled before going up and following his elder brother.

Alexa noticed her parents starring at her and she looked at them smiling.

"Thank you" she whispered again, and her dad nodded his eyes twinkling with joy. His eldest son said it all, he is a proud father.

"Anytime my girl" he said.

Her mother didn't need to say a word, Alexa could feel all the love in her gaze.


For days the family kept adjusting to their new environment

While the males of the house went to hunt for fun, the females were in their backyard gardening, it was their routine as they had enough money to take care of themselves, Alexa made sure of that, they had companies in the city the put people in charge of as they couldn't be there.

To her the least she could do for them is that as they couldn't keep a job for long with them frequently moving.

At first her parents didn't want her to do that, but they had to accept her way of saying thank you.

She sighed happily as she watered the plants, she and her mother planted weeks before and her mother took joy in watching her happy daughter while they waited for the males to be back.

But both their faces went pale when they heard the scream of Caleb yelling out for them.

It wasn't a surprising thing for either of her siblings to yell out unnecessarily but the panic in his voice couldn't go unnoticed. Something was wrong!

Quickly they both made their way inside the house through the back door and what they saw made their blood run cold.

The sky which was bright a minute ago became stormy and was covered with clouds immediately as it followed his mistress distressed emotions.

Lying on the floor was Darius with a gaping wound by his side.

While they were out hunting, he saw a large wolf, surprised by the size he knew it was a good meat to take home to his mother and sister and he targeted his gun and shot the wolf.

But to his surprise instead of the wolf to go down like he expected it turned his vicious head towards him snarling before jumping and clamping his teeth to his side. His yelp of pain alarmed his brother and father and they rushed to the scene.

When the wolf saw he had back up, it released him and ran off into the woods and immediately they rushed him back to the cabin.

Alexa wasted no time as she knelt beside him, her hands to his side as bright light shot from her hands.

A feeling of Deja vu hit her as she remembered when they were small, and she was healing him.

"Do you always have to end up in trouble" she joked standing up clumsily as she was done healing his would, she can't help but feel weak sometimes when she uses too much of her powers, it's connected to her life force.

The only trace of the wound is the blood on his cloth.

"What would I do without you" he said grunting while attempting to stand up.

His father helped him, and they sat.

"What happened?" His mother asked worried for her kids.

He narrated the event that took place and they concluded that his aim wasn't good enough, even if he felt something wasn't right, he didn't say anything.

He does not want to worry them.

His mother pats his back, told him to go and freshen up before coming down for lunch while everyone was happy, they are all okay.

The people in the Kingdom were confused, the sun was up in the sky as everyone went about their day and suddenly the air became stormy, and clouds filled the sky and now the sky is cleared again.

No one can explain what happened, but some people are scared the gods are angry with them as they are forcing their King to go against nature and pick a bride that is not meant to be his.

The said King sat brooding in his office as he stared out the window, he witnessed what happened and even him couldn't understand the change of weather.

A knock brought him out of his thought, and he told the person at the other side to enter.

His Beta entered bowing before his King and friend.

"Rise" The King's gruff voice said and waved his hand indicating for his royal Beta to talk.

"The Royal ball is tomorrow, I'm not talking as your Beta now but as your friend, but do you think you're doing the right thing" he said seriously and gulped as the purple iris shot up to meet his eyes.

"I do what's best for my people" The King answered simply, he is a man of few words.

"Wake up Eros, you shouldn't do this" the beta, Elijah tried convincing his friend but in a blink of an eye, his neck was in the hand of the King.

"You think I don't know that? Watch your tone with me, I'm your king" he hissed out, he didn't need anyone changing his mind, he needed just a little persuade, and he'll call off the ball, he raised his eyebrows as it seems that wasn't what his Beta really came here for.

"There seems to be a new family outside the territory's border, one of them shot one of our own today" The Beta said, and the King growled angered, he is very protective of his pack.

"Hunters?" He asked growling, it's been years anyone has heard of werewolves' hunters, even before he was born, they are at peace now as both parties know not to bother the other, so he's surprised when someone is shooting his pack member.

"No, they are just a family hunting for fun, they know nothing of our world, so he probably thought it was just a normal wolf" the King nodded at the Beta's explanation his anger calming down a tad bit.

"Inform the pack to be more careful, tell them we have humans just outside the territory and to be careful" he ordered, and the Beta nodded bowing before taking his leave.

'He should check the humans to confirm they are harmless; he didn't want any threat on his pack members' he thought.

He will check the humans after the ball tomorrow.

His beast suddenly surged forward in his mind growling.

He calmed himself down immediately, he was slowly losing control.

He needs to pick a bride fast, maybe that will sate his beast's anger because he has no idea why he suddenly lost control a moment ago.






Hey guys.