

A very long time ago,

In the history of humankind.

Witches' flourish in their coven, not depending on the outside word but depending on each other.

But what happened when they were all wiped out for no reason.

No one could tell who took the attack, no one could tell why the attack was taken, or even if anyone survived.

But someone did survive, the head of the coven, she survived, hid her powers and lived her remaining life has a human, married a human and gave birth to a human.

Generations after generations the power seems to dissipate or so they thought.

Not until Alexa.


Alpha King Benji.

A man everyone fears, respect, and almost worship.

He is a just and fair King.

But that doesn't mean he is nice to people.

He is fearful to everyone but his pack members who knows the real him. To outsiders he is the monster parents use to scare their children. He is the villain in every scary story, he is the scary mateless King who the moon goddess punished to never find his other half, or so they thought!

Everyone found their soulmate at the age of 18 but now he is ancient without a mate, centuries gone without his other half.

A soulmate, a very precious thing to the whole of werewolves' existence, the other half of a werewolf's soul. It hardly ever happens for a person not to find their mates and those that it happened to; within years they slowly get depressed then enraged the only cure for that is for them to find their other half.

And now the Alpha of Alphas, King of all Alphas, King Alpha Benji remains mateless.

He used to be close and free with people but with time he became a shell of who he was, too sad to see other people with their mate so he started to hate people and became cold and distant or is that a mask he just wants everyone to see.

What happens when the two powerful entities clashed.

It is a story to tell.


She is a gentle and calm soul with mischievous ways.

Everyone loves her, what's there not to love.

Her smile brightens up people's day like the sun up the sky and gives light to people's night like the moon among the stars.

She knows she's special, at least that's what her grandmother always told her.

And true to her grandmother's words at the age of 10 she noticed she had powers like no other, powers some people would be greedy for and as she grows into the beautiful woman she is, so did her powers.

It was hard for her mother to protect her, she was only human surprised to have her youngest daughter a powerful being like no other, there was only little she could do. It felt like a dream at first but after so much pinching, she realized it was anything but a dream.

Her father didn't relent either, he took care of his beautiful angel like that was his last mission on earth. He always put up a strong font for his family, but he is scared for his baby, it's only a small amount of time before they won't be able to hide her again.

So did her two brothers.

They all loved her and cared for her but at times it gets overbearing.

They all treat her like a fragile glass that is ready to break but she was no fragile glass she was more like an unbreakable rock. She had a gentle but fierce soul.

But her family didn't see that, she and her family change location from time to time to ensure her safety so no one will know her gift talk less of be a threat to her. As they have all heard of the legend passed down through their generation which they all thought to be myths to scare little children, the legend of how the powerful witch history was wiped out.

Her family is getting ready to move once again hopefully now to a permanent resident near the woods where they think safety should be, it is less crowded and peaceful.

While everyone is in the rush of loading their luggage, Alexa is on the roof listening to the early birds sing their songs, while waking the neighbors up from their sleeps.

She sighed!

She never got attached to this place, she learnt it the hard way when moving frequently. But she could never blame her family, they are only looking out for her.

But now her mama is telling her they are moving to a permanent place now, hopefully!

She doesn't blame her family for it either, the witches' story has always been a story passed down in their family and with time it started fading and turning to myth. Even her mother didn't believe and thought it was just a story not until she witnessed her own daughter, Alexa doing magic for the first time when she was 10.

Her elder brother Darius scrapped his knee while playing with the other kids, she could see the pain in her brother's eyes, but he was trying to pull his big boy pants and act tough.

Their mother was scolding him and trying to treat his leg while their father and his other sibling watched with amusement, but it all turned to shock when little Alexa came forward, instincts told her to touch his injured knee and when she did bright light surged forward from her hand to her brother's knee and in a second, he was as good as new.

She smiled at the memory; everyone went into panic mode surprised by her abilities.

And since then, they've been with her all through the process and now she's a proud 22 years old with her powers in check. She learnt to make herself look or smell like humans do because we can't say which other mysterious creature is out there that might recognize her powers and come for her head.

She sometimes feels guilty that she's the reason her family never lived a normal lifestyle, so she always tries her best to do things to make them happy.

"Lexa" she heard her brother yelling her name probably wondering where she suddenly disappeared to

She looks around at the early morning fog one last time before getting down and making her way down and into the house.

"Why yell my name brother" she laughed as she could see him pacing around wondering where she was.

He looked up at her and sighed in relief. At times she gets riled up and want to tell her siblings that she's a big girl and they should stop being so overprotective, but she hasn't gotten the gut yet.

"You hurt me sister, I was worried you puffed off again to scare Caleb shitless" he said going closer to her. That's a lie, he was worried maybe someone found out and kidnapped his little sister. He has always admired his younger sister both he and his other brother Caleb.

She has this grace in her like royalty.

"I wouldn't dare, Caleb's revenge is always too much to handle" she laughed lightly as the said brother came to join them at the back pouch where they were.

"Can't go a minute without talking about me" he teased as he went close to his younger sister.

A mischievous glint in his eyes which made Alexa glare at him with suspicion.

Before anyone could react, he was over her tickling her sides as her laughter filled the house lifting every soul's spirit that could hear the joyful sound, that's the extent of the effects she has on people and animals alike.

Some people might just wake up happy with a cool breeze making them feel good, not knowing it's the emotion of a particular goddess manipulating the world.

Her mother sighed teary eyed as she heard the laughs of her children, her husband looked at her and smiled, love shining in those silver eyes his daughter inherited from him.

He moved close to his wife and hugged her.

"She'll be fine" he whispered before kissing her forehead.

As the family packed and got ready to move, Alexa's happiness radiating through her body and blessing everyone honored to experience it things were different in the Alpha King's palace.

Everyone in the throne room was almost trembling as they could feel the rage of their King.

There was a gathering among the council and the King, they wanted the King to have a ball and choose a bride since he couldn't find his mate after centuries of waiting.

But the King refused, repulsed by the idea of getting together with someone that isn't his mate.

It's their audacity for him.

"Your highness, it's for the best, the people need a Queen" one of the brave council members said and the King's eyes turned to him, and they all realized when instead of his unique purple iris they are met with pure bleeding scarlet, the beast is out.

The council member who spoke was shivering and, in the moment, regretting he ever stood up to counter the King. He forgot lately his King is easily angered.

The beast growled and everyone cowered. The smell of urine in the air, the King snickered, cowards peeing themselves just because he growled.

When the King noticed he was frightening the council members, he smirked.

They are little cowards; he shouldn't be wasting a breath on them.

But he knows they are right; his people needed a Queen and heirs to the throne, it's either his mate is dead or what the people say is the truth, the goddess never gave him a mate.

"I'll grant permission for the ball" he hissed and everyone in the throne room was happy, their King is finally granting their wish.

"But" he growled and immediately the room went silent, no sound made everyone waiting for the Kings condition.

It seems even the air stopped moving if that was possible.

"I can't promise I'll choose a bride, but I'll try" the King finally said.

Though his expression was as steel as stone but inside he and his beast were defeated. They have to do this for the Kingdom.

His wolf kept growling at him for accepting such thing, but they know they had no choice.

They've waited years to find their mate but she's nowhere to be found.

He doesn't know if she's dead or she hasn't been born or he doesn't even have a mate.

Everything remains a mystery.

All council members were happy the King has finally listened to them, already planning how to invite all packs to the royal pack for a royal ball.

The room went silent when the King stood up, his royal robe falling behind him, his crown proudly laid on his head. His beauty frightening, almost unworldly. His confidence growing around the room.

Standing tall among his subjects, one of his guards thought ' a King indeed. '

No word was said has the King left the throne room.

Everyone breathe a sigh of relief when he was out the room. It went better than expected, they were expecting heads to roll but instead they got a positive result.

"All hail the King" a council member said, and the others bowed and repeated as they know their King took a brave move by accepting their plead.

He is taking their happiness before his own.

Not one of them could give up their mate for another.

But their King did.

For the better of his kingdom.

All hail the King indeed.







I'm loving the two main characters already.

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