
Whispers of nortale : a tale of Magic and Resilience

In the midst of James Pogger's tumultuous life, a twist of fate has set him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and revelations. From the shattered dreams of a promising soccer career to the sudden imposition of rent by Olivia, his journey is marked by resilience and determination. As James navigates the complexities of his new reality, the introduction of nortale, the oldest academy of magic and wizardry in the New World, adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative. This unexpected twist hints at a realm of magic, adventure, and possibilities that James is yet to explore. The contrast between the harsh realities of his current struggles and the promise of a magical world creates an engaging dynamic feeling. James's quest for education through photography takes on a new dimension as the magical realm of nortale beckons, offering a glimmer of hope and transformation. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel is inspired by the story of Harry Potter, but there is no resemblance or identical characters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you. You add my Novel to your library for reading it . and it will be kind of you if you can support me with Power Stones. And thank you for your time

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Chapter 6 : Magical Revelations and Entrance Trials

I'll go search for Sam. Where was the meeting point? . I turned my head in search of her. Ah ! Think of the devil and here is . 

" James , there you are . Let's step aside!"

" Samantha! I was just looking for you!" 

She dragged me and whispered " not here ! Follow me ."

" Sam , wait up! Where are we going? 

She placed her finger in front of my mouth." shhhh, you idiot, speak quietly . I came to warn you . As I've promised I will " 

I spoke in shock " about what? "

She replied" about the entrance exam. Did you notice anything unusual while on train? " 

I answered" you mean like dragons outside of the window? Of course I noticed dragons, they are freaking dragon, come on! "

" I'm not talking about that, you fool ! did you notice anything unusual behind you ? Did you feel .....powerful? " 

Wait a second. I thought I could hear Haley's thoughts . Should I tell Sam about this ? " Well Sam while I was on the train . I think I heard thought of the girl that was with me "

She stood there, shocked. " is that true ? What am I thinking right now ? "

I tried to read Samantha thoughts . Sam huming avrel Lavigne _ girlfriend in her mind 

" You have horrible taste in music Sam " 

She smiled" very cool! Try again " 

I attempted to read her thoughts, but this time, I heard . : inaudible interference " I ..... I can't....."

She started explaining" This is called mental block . A telepath of your level will not be able to read the toughts of a talented magician like me , the first time I let you do it " Sam explained why I couldn't read her thoughts 

" It sounds like a useless abili.."

Samantha stoped me and said " don't be like this , you will have plenty of time to practice your skill . If you don't fail the entrance axams...and your memory isn't erased "

" My memory isn't erased "

She approached and placed her hand in my shoulder" damn , that's why I was looking for you , listen , all the freshmen will have an entrance exam in magic. If you fail , your memory will be erased and you'll be sent back to the world without magic . And you will never be able to come here again, ever . "

Feeling stressed after her words, I inquired. " what should I do?"

She replied " don't fail the exam "

I looked at her while raising my eyebrow."and this your wise advice? "

" Let me finish, you goof! Magic is powered by passion, remember this during the exam . focus on something that you have a passion for and you will definitely succeed "

I was still confused about the ability of reading mind so I asked " but why am I just now.... Starting to read minds ? "

Sam replied" this is no ordinary train . To prepare students for the difficult exam... The nortale train saturates everything inside with magical power . While you slept , it charged you with power like batt.. ." 

The radio station interrupted our conversation" first year students who don't appear on the platform within a minute will lose the opportunity to take part in the entrance exam " 

" Damn , I gotta run! Thanks for the advice " 

Before going she stopped me " wait " 

She approached me and kissed my forehead" good luck . " 

This is exactly what you can be passionate about. I started running, and upon reaching, I saw a man standing with a list in his hand." all set ? Great let's begin! Gather around , so you can all can hear me ! "

He raised his hands " applicants! I am here to welcome you ! "

Then he pointed behind us " there you can see the academy itself "

I turned to see. And Woah , it looks so neat ...I can't wait to get a closer look . I bet it's gorgeous .

Teacher start speaking" Soon you'll prove yourself Worthy to stay...or fail and leave this place forever . Oh, by the way __ my name is Jacob Constantine . I'm the teacher of defense against the dark magic . I was assigned to meet the freshmen and take them to the exam location.

 I'm sure you have a lot of questions ... But people are already waiting for us . So let's hurry! All your questions will be answered very soon . "

We walked until reaching the academy, and with only one word In my mind " woooow" is it really the place where I'm going to study? It's even better than I've imagined . It's like I'm inside of some story . I have to make sure I'll pass the exam .

The teacher start explaining again " there are only three magic institution in America . Nortale, egerwood, and N.O.M.A Wich Stand for new Orleans magic academy . Our academy was founded in the 18th century..... "

While the teacher speak. I zoned out and still can't believe this is real . Am I really going to study in a freaking castle? 

" By four wizards who immigrated from Europe. This make nortale the oldest academy in new world "

It sounds like getting invited here is a honor 

" Being a nortale alumnus is very prestigious .it opens a great bunch of doors...and serve you for the rest of your life . Not to mention that magic is always a risky business . You'll have a better chance to survive If you learn from the best . And the best is the only kind you can get here , at nortale. So try as hard as you can to pass the exam , kids! "

He don't need to tell me that because I will . 

 A random girl threw a question " sir you said 18th century didn't you? But it looks modern "

He replied" no wonder , this castle was rebuilt few times " 

This time I was the one who asked " and why is that? " 

He answered "well , you know..... Magic can be dangerous . Plus , it really looked pretty outdated before renovation "

Then another girl asked him " excuse me, sir. About the exam you've mentioned "

" Yes , what's about it? "

" How can we possibly pass it " 

He replied" this is an exam of wizardry, do a spell "

After hearing this I comment " as if it was so easy "

The teacher raise his head to me and said " what is your name, young man ? "

I replied " James, sorry, I've meant no disrespect...but how can I pass an exam if I have never practiced magic before? " 

He replied" if you got an invitation, that means you're a wizard, James "

" It's still to much to fit in my head , I know you say that .. but it feels like I'm just James.."

" Well 'just James ' you are a wizard. And this goes for all of you , if you were invited there is magic within you . Just try your best to find it when the time comes . "

He started heading towar

ds the castle and said," everyone , please follow me " 

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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