
Whispers of nortale : a tale of Magic and Resilience

In the midst of James Pogger's tumultuous life, a twist of fate has set him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and revelations. From the shattered dreams of a promising soccer career to the sudden imposition of rent by Olivia, his journey is marked by resilience and determination. As James navigates the complexities of his new reality, the introduction of nortale, the oldest academy of magic and wizardry in the New World, adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative. This unexpected twist hints at a realm of magic, adventure, and possibilities that James is yet to explore. The contrast between the harsh realities of his current struggles and the promise of a magical world creates an engaging dynamic feeling. James's quest for education through photography takes on a new dimension as the magical realm of nortale beckons, offering a glimmer of hope and transformation. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel is inspired by the story of Harry Potter, but there is no resemblance or identical characters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you. You add my Novel to your library for reading it . and it will be kind of you if you can support me with Power Stones. And thank you for your time

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Chapter 4 : Journey to Nortale

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. "Knock knock "

I opened my eyes . Oh it's morning already. Hello miserable life . And this morning camed with a bonus, I have boner . 

Good morning James junior . You seem to be enjoying our dream too. 

Ohhhh .the sun entered the room . So It's going to be a sunny day . It's a good luck . Gotta get ready if I'm gonna play along with Samantha's joke .

The door opened and I heard Samantha speaking" no thanks. I've already had breakfast ma. We should getting ready now . I'm just on my way t wake up James . And don't worry . I won't miss the train because of him. I've got everything under control. " 

Sam entered the room and stood in shock without moving a bone . Because I'm still naked obviously.

" Sam , where are your Manners? Who taught you to barge in without knocking." 

She started stuttering " but ... Cou...ld you ....cover him up"

I covered myself " do we have to go now"

 She kept standing without uttering a word " Sam . Samantha "

Then She's back to her conscious " admit it , did you do it on purpose?"

" I did what in purpose ? Woke up in my bed " 

She replied" you met me undressed on purpose "

I said " You broke in so fast , I didn't have time to think. By the way , your cheeks look nice with a blush on then ! "

She turned red " jerk . I got your invitation from my parents , because without it they wouldn't let you on the train . Hurry up and get ready , we don't have Time for this . I've already called a taxi , I'll met you downstairs with your things in ten minutes ." 

She left the room , is it just me . Or I imagined that she couldn't take her eyes of my cock. Anyway I'd better hurry . 

I packed my luggage, went downstairs, and no one bothered to say goodbye. I ignored that . And left . Sam and I took a taxi to the train station.

Well here we are. The train station. still can't believe it's true .... Sam start running, where she's going? 

" oh my god! Audrey " then she turn to me " James stay here , I'll introduce you! "

Who's that ? Samantha is so excited to meet her. I've never seen her like this with any of her other girlfriends . Yeah, and this girl....she's smoking hot... But there's something wrong with her. 

I approached the two girls, and at that moment, she turned to me. And said " yo. Sam ,have you hoocked up yet"

Her comment made my words falter." Um, ahem , actually ...."

Sam start laughing " stop chocking James , she's just kidding , Audrey this is my friend James . Remember I told you about him . James this is Audrey. My classmate and best friend "

" Nice to meet you Audrey "

" whatever , you're cute , but you're cuter Sam "

Strange , why do I feel this troubling vibe around her ? 

" Thanks I guess "

Then she touched Sam's ass and said" I'll get us a compartment , babe . Don't hang out here too long "

She left while I satyed with Sam " and this ...is your best friend ?"

" Oh shut up , she just don't know how to make a first impression . You need to get to know each other better!. "

" Well, we've got a whole trip to do that ... Let's go, show me where the compartment.."

She stopped me and said " hold your horses , buddy , it's not that simple"

" I'm confused, what's not so simple "

She replied" see, there's a separate compartment for freshmen. And you can't go in there. And you won't be able to join us . It's academic policy "

" Oh come on, that's ridiculous . Why can't I go with you "

She replied" so the sophomores don't tell you the secret of the entrance exam for .. " 

I interrupted her" excuse me , the entrance ex.... The entrance exam "

Samantha started laughing " hahahah , that's the exact reaction I was expecting from you "

" So this is funny for you ? How am I supposed to pass the school of magic entrance exam, Sam? I don't even know any card tricks ...."

" Relax , it's no big deal... But that's all I'm gonna tell you "

I started begging " Samantha, have some sympathy, please , I'm sure you want me to pass and study with you , you know how much I need this chance right now....help me not to lose it! "

"Oh shit . I can't resist you . You know that . Give me a goodbye kiss on the cheek "

That's weird order " what?"

" Just do as I say "

With no more words I kiss her on the cheek and she whispered " I'll meet you on the platform when you arrive. We'll have about ten minutes before they come to meet you . So don't wast any time "

" You got it" 

Then Sam pointed behind me " oh look, I think I see your compartment "

I turned to see " where ?"

" The second one behind you . It was listed in the letter "

" That's great . What would I do without you , Sam "

She smiled and said " you'd have learned to read letters by yourself . You..you can read, can't you "

" Very funny Sam "

She pushed me to go " go be yourself , such a charmer will easily make friends"

Friends like yours? I don't think so " Yeah, I could use some friends " 

" Oh kido , see you in the other side !"

" Go on , then , run to your girlfriend! "

It wouldn't be polite not to give your beloved friend a look.... Especially since she's a real eye candy. Even her friend Audrey looked at her so predatory . I'd give anything to know what would happen in their compartment.....

Anyway it's time to find out what awaits me in mine ....

I'm in the train and thinking. Where am I heading? I still can't believe it. Samantha was always enthusiastic about nortale ..... 

On the other hand , she lied that she was studying to become a lawyer. I even googled nortale. The wiki says this an ivy league elite educational institution. 

Yet there was nothing about magic..... Is that true ? Am I a wizard? 

My though were interrupted by same one knocking on the door .

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