
Whispers of nortale : a tale of Magic and Resilience

In the midst of James Pogger's tumultuous life, a twist of fate has set him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and revelations. From the shattered dreams of a promising soccer career to the sudden imposition of rent by Olivia, his journey is marked by resilience and determination. As James navigates the complexities of his new reality, the introduction of nortale, the oldest academy of magic and wizardry in the New World, adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative. This unexpected twist hints at a realm of magic, adventure, and possibilities that James is yet to explore. The contrast between the harsh realities of his current struggles and the promise of a magical world creates an engaging dynamic feeling. James's quest for education through photography takes on a new dimension as the magical realm of nortale beckons, offering a glimmer of hope and transformation. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel is inspired by the story of Harry Potter, but there is no resemblance or identical characters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you. You add my Novel to your library for reading it . and it will be kind of you if you can support me with Power Stones. And thank you for your time

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Chapter 17 : Sipping in safety : first steps in the magical cauldron

As I walked towards the right wing, I reached Sabrina's classroom. Upon entering, I noticed the room's decor, as if I had entered an enchanting house, and the desks seemed like they were awaiting princesses to be kidnapped. Sabrina welcomed me and began to speak.

" Students, welcome to our first potions class , my name is Sabrina spellman , i will be your teacher. What do you think of our interior design. 

I can tell by your wide eyes that you've noticed , it's quite unusual ..isn't ? That's because our classroom is the last remnant of the original academy. 

When nortale was restored all the rooms were gradually modernized. All of them except this classroom. It's walls and floor are soaked in the fumes of hundreds of thousands of magical elixirs. And that somehow makes theme indestructible. 

The headmaster has long wondered how to get rid of this effect. But so far no one has been able to find a way . "

Can potions do that ? Or is it just a story to justify the disrepair? I guess we'll never know . 

" That concludes our forays into nortale's history. Today you begin your study of the noble art of potions . But I hasten to disappoint you. 

You won't be going near the cauldrons today . Because a couple of years ago, some of the freshmen didn't follow the safety instructions. There was a minor incident. And there were a few casualties. "

What the fuck? She's saying it's more dangerous to make potions than do magic. 

" So now the learning process has been relaxed. Today we start with theory. Then there's safety stuff. And only then will begin the real magic of the subject of potions. 

We're clear on that. Or are there any questions? "

I raised my hand and asked. " excuse me. Did you say 'casualties' ? Is brewing potions that dangerous? "

She replied" of course not. It was a very unfortunate set of circumstances. There's nothing safer than brewing potions . 

I've devoted my whole life to it and look at me. Not a scar, not a scratch. So don't worry about that silly story . 

" you've made me feel much better. And I don't mean to sound ignorant. But this whole world of magic is new to me .

 If wizards can conjure, why would they need potions? "

Her facial expressions revealed anger upon hearing my question, and she let out a sigh " ohhhh. I confess, for a teacher, such a question is insulting.

But i will forgive you. Especially since this is an important topic. Wich we will discuss during today's class. Any other questions? "

" Thank you very much. So far, everything is clear. "

" The main topic of today's introductory class will be potions. And why you should learn the art of making these magical drinks . 

I'm sure miss lapis has already told you about the sources of power. And that magic is as much a part of nature as you or me are . "

Haley then spoke. " yes , we've been through that . but what does this have to do with potions? "

She started explaining " not all sources of magic are equally subject to the power of mages . Especially since every mage's connection to the elements is individual. 

And with potions. Any mage can overcome those laws. Potions help confuse enemies. Enhance your skills . And heal wounds quickly.

A skilled potion-maker can grant power and take life with just one drop . The potions course goal is to teach you how to determine the magical properties of the ingredients. As well as how to mix and prepare them to obtain the desired effects. 

You all should have received your textbooks. They will be your trusty book of recipe and tips. Carry them to every class. Because you can only access the cauldron if you have the textbook. Safety precautions. 

Your homework assignment is to study paragraph 1 and 2 in your textbooks. Memorize the ingredients for all the potions mentioned in the paragraphs. It's necessary so that we can into practice and brew the first real potion. I'm looking forward to it myself. 

Okay students. Class dismissed. "

I exited the classroom, recalling my plan to meet Elijah at the café in the evening, as he had informed me earlier.

I opened the door . Hmmm , so this is the local cafe ? It's not bad. Oh ! What do we have here ? Is she waitress or the best dish in the menu , anyway , she looks pretty cute. And she's looking at me . I have to say something...

" Hi , I'm James pogger. " 

She responded " oh , hi my name is molly. Haven't seen you here before . Are you new here ? "

I answered" Yeah , freshman, just looking around. "

" That's cool . Congratulations. "

" This place looks very cozy. "

" Thanks, that's nice to hear. So , cup of something hot? "

" No, thanks, I don't have any money right now...."

" Don't worry, it's my treat. "

" Well, in that case. A cup of tea , black, no sugar. "

" Just a minute " She moved to the opposite side of the counter, and after a minute..."here you go. "

" Thank you " I took a sip and asked " are you a magician too? " 

She replied " no, an aspiring entrepreneur. "

" That's sounds interesting. So you got a job as a waitress " 

She smiles and replied" not exactly, this is my cafe. "

I exclaimed in shock " really. Sorry, I thought you worked here as a waitress. "

" I am , it's a small business for now . So i work by myself. "

" That must be very hard . "

" It can be hard. But that's okay. I can do it "

" I know what I'm talking about. I worked as a waiter for a while. I can imagine the workload. I've been a bartender too. "

Molly was surprised" really. "

I replied" yes... I needed something to do after I broke my leg. Long story. "

She began pondering for a moment before uttering..." hmmmm....what if? James i had a crazy idea. You said you were broke... Would you like to get a part-time job. "

" Wow , that's an unexpected offer. But one question . You're inviting all strangers to work ? "

She started laughing" hahahah. No, but I got a bunch about you. And my instincts never fail me . 

Especially since you already gave me your full name. If anything goes wrong, I'll find you. "

"he he he .." creepy. I'm terrified . But I need some cash so I replied" sound too good to refuse . "

" Does it ? That's great. Then come back in the afternoon or evening when you have some free time. It never hurts to have extra hands ."

" It's a deal . "

Molly returned to work, and as I continued to scan the room for Elijah, suddenly, someone placed their hand on my shoulder

and greeted, 'Hi there, mate , you're late.'

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