
whispers of desire : shadow of power

meeting of soul of a beauty and a royal love.........some haters are there but true love never be changed.there is some our loving people.they love us but only front.....................................can do anything

Mehzabeen_Ansari · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


Merina was feeling well. She was living with love and care with her family. But there was a person , she can't saw them happy. And it was Margrate. She always pushes to Merina.One day she got a plan. She has to came Merina's room and told her about her plan.Merina was shocked but that plan was look like natural, thatswhy she was agree with her.

It was next day morning.The sun rose over Winsheild Castle, bathing the kingdom in its golden light. It was a beautiful morning, one that held the promise of a special day. King Roland had organized a grand celebration to mark Princess Merina's complete recovery from her previous illness. The entire castle was bustling with activity as servants and staff worked tirelessly to prepare for the festivities.

The castle grounds were transformed into a magical wonderland. Elaborate decorations adorned every corner, from colorful banners fluttering in the breeze to delicate flower arrangements that seemed to have been plucked straight from a fairy tale. The fragrance of fresh blooms filled the air, creating a sensory symphony that was simply enchanting.

King Roland and Queen Sophia spared no expense in creating a visual feast for their beloved daughter-in-law. A massive marquee had been erected on the castle's sprawling gardens, where the main celebration would take place. The tent was a masterpiece of elegance, with billowing silk drapes in shades of lavender and gold, and crystal chandeliers that sparkled like stars in the night sky.

As the final preparations were being made, Princess Merina stood at her window, taking in the breathtaking sight before her. She was dressed in a gown of shimmering lavender, her hair adorned with delicate flowers that matched the decorations outside. Her heart swelled with gratitude for the loving care she had received from her new family, and she couldn't wait to celebrate her recovery with them.

Downstairs, in the grand hall, the castle's chefs were hard at work preparing a lavish banquet fit for royalty. The aroma of freshly baked pastries and sizzling bacon wafted through the air, mingling with the sweet scent of fruits and the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The breakfast spread was a sight to behold, with a variety of dishes that catered to every palate.

Guests began to arrive, and the castle came alive with laughter and chatter. Nobles from neighboring kingdoms, dignitaries, and esteemed friends of the royal family gathered to celebrate Princess Merina's wellness. The atmosphere was one of joy and camaraderie, and the guests marveled at the grandeur of the celebration.

As the morning sun climbed higher in the sky, the main event of the celebration approached - a dazzling dancing performance. The stage had been set up in the center of the marquee, adorned with flowers and draped with silk. Skilled dancers from the kingdom's finest ballet company were poised to take the stage and mesmerize the audience with their grace and talent.

King Roland and Queen Sophia, resplendent in their regal attire, took their seats at the front of the stage. Prince Aric, dashing in his royal attire, escorted Princess Merina to her place of honor beside his parents. The excitement in the air was palpable as the dancers took their positions, and the music swelled.

The performance was nothing short of breathtaking. Dancers moved in perfect harmony, their graceful movements telling a story of love and triumph. The audience was captivated, their applause filling the marquee like a thunderous wave. Princess Merina watched in awe, her heart brimming with happiness.

After the performance, the guests were treated to a sumptuous breakfast. The banquet tables groaned under the weight of delicious offerings. There were platters of freshly baked croissants and pastries, an assortment of fruits, and a selection of cheeses and cured meats. Guests could also enjoy made-to-order omelets with a variety of fillings, as well as a buffet of mouthwatering sweet dishes, from crepes with berries to delicate custards.

As the guests savored their breakfast, the atmosphere remained festive. Musicians played lively tunes, and some of the guests even took to the dance floor, twirling and waltzing in the soft morning light. Laughter and joy filled the air as people celebrated not only Princess Merina's recovery but also the bonds of love and friendship that had brought them all together.

Throughout the morning, Princess Merina was surrounded by well-wishers who offered their congratulations and warm regards. She greeted each guest with grace and gratitude, her smile radiant as she basked in the love and care of her new family and friends.

King Roland and Queen Sophia watched their daughter-in-law with pride, their hearts filled with affection for the young woman who had become an integral part of their lives. Prince Aric, too, couldn't have been prouder of his wife, and he held her hand throughout the celebration, silently conveying his love and support.

As the morning celebration continued, it became clear that the day would be one to remember. The beauty of the surroundings, the exquisite dancing, and the delectable breakfast all contributed to the sense of magic in the air. Princess Merina's recovery had brought the royal family and their guests together in a way that was truly special, and they reveled in the joy of the moment.

As the sun reached its zenith in the sky, the festivities showed no signs of slowing down. The celebration continued well into the afternoon, with more performances, music, and dancing. It was a day of pure happiness and celebration, a testament to the power of love and family.

As the beautiful morning turned into a splendid afternoon, Princess Merina couldn't help but reflect on her journey. She had faced illness and uncertainty, but she had emerged stronger and surrounded by a family that cherished her. The grand celebration was a symbol of her triumph over adversity and a reminder that love and care could heal even the deepest wounds.

There was a couple dance programme also . Prince Aric's heart beating fast to see Merina's beauty. He gives his hand to Merina and offered to dance with him. Merina accepted with a charming smile. Many couples started dance with them. Then Margrate came and request to king and queen for dance. King was denied but Merina came and take them in dance lobby.

They can't denied to Merina. They are also dancing. All couples were stopped and saw king and queen dance. King Roland got romantic to see eyes of her beautiful queen Sophia. thet forgot all things and moving slowly slowly. King Roland started to kiss her queen. With his passionate kiss Queen Sophia also forgot all people.  King roland don't want to leave sophia.

Every one was in happy mood. Suddenly  Aric push them fast. And chandlier broken down on floor with great sound. Glasses spread here and there. Suddenly Margrate  crying with sound ," Oh,Aric.my child. Are u ok? have you any injury?"

Aric  quickly stand up .There is injury on his hand. Glass has injured his forearm. doctor came fast and dressing done on his hand. Then king Roland shouted,"how was chandelier broken?" everyone was shocked to saw this scene. But nobody knows. Margrate and Merina were behind of its. this was a unsuccessful plan of Margrate. But luckily it was not harmful.

As the day drew to a close, the guests departed with smiles on their faces and hearts full of fond memories. The castle returned to its tranquil state, the echoes of laughter and music fading into the distance. Princess Merina and her family retired to the palace, their hearts full of gratitude for the beautiful morning  and bitter memory of broken glass and the bonds that had grown stronger through adversity.

The celebration had been a resounding success, a testament to the enduring power of love, family, and the resilience of the human spirit. Princess Merina knew that she was truly blessed to have found a second family in the royal household of Winsheild Country, and she looked forward to the adventures and joys that lay ahead in her new life as a member of their loving and caring family.