
Whispering of The waves

   In the world of Alvera, People born with gray eyes are deemed flawed. An omission of the moon goddess. The Grays were never once considered in this world, always left out. Always looked down on.     An outcast, they would say.   Zera was one of them, A Gray. The beauty of her had always been left overlooked. One look at her gray eyes, no one would ever throw a second glance.   The life of Gray was never easy. Nowhere near easy.         It was all until A boy with the softest shade of lavender eyes and a smile so bright as a million suns invaded her space. And then deliberately invaded her life. Her moments. Herself.      She was for him. And he was for her.       Until it's not.  OR    Where two young souls find home in each other only for it to be shattered down by the harsh truth of the world they live in, tangled up in the strings of a forbidden love.  _____ Theme song: Yes to heaven! UPDATE EVERDAY:)             

arywrites · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Touching my soul

I stand there like a sculpture. eyes stuck on the waves rushing to kiss the shore as my mind runs to Arlo and to the possibility of never seeing that gorgeous face of his ever again— Never being able to drown in his lavender eyes again. 

    "I wasn't expecting you."

The voice I've been dying to hear hit me like a warm breeze and I am a feather. I'm floating in the air. 

 I turn around too fast that I almost tripped over and fall on my face. 

    When my wide eyes find his lavender ones, I almost faint and my soul flies to heaven. 

        Arlo is standing in front of me. His light is blinding my eyes. i must be dreaming, but why it feels so real?

    My heart is beating so fast I'm sure it will break free from my ribcage. I can't move. I'm an ice cube. 

      Arlo stares at me with his eyes a little wide. He steps into my space and waves a hand at my face. I squint my eyes at him. 

     I'm a tomato. As red as crimson and heated like a summer beach. 

      "Did I startle you? I'm sorry."

   I finally find my voice and then I'm babbling, words splattering out like water droplets. "No! I mean yes. But I'm really happy to see you again. I thought I would never see you again."

    A smile splits my lips as I watch a similar one bloom on his own. 

  His eyes are glowing and I can see myself in them, his fangs are flashing as he grins at me and he is taking my breath away. 

      "I've kept coming here since last Friday and you weren't here. I thought you lied. About this being your spot." He says, fingers scratching the back of his neck beneath the collar of his black silk shirt. 

      I shake my head a little too fast, "No I wasn't. I'm the only one who comes here, I swear. But I only come here on Fridays." 

        "You didn't tell me."

        "I forget."

   A few breaths of silence come and invade our space. Arlo keeps staring at me just as I refuse to take my eyes off him. He has his hair hanging down his forehead, his locks seem fluffier than it was before, like a cloud. Making my fingers ache from the yearning to run them through it. And find out if it is just as soft as it looks. 

       His lips are soft soft soft pink like a rose petal. I wanna touch it too…but not with my fingers—

   "You only come here on Fridays. Why?" His question snaps me out of my trance. I watch him walking to the balcony and taking his place on the edge just as he did last time. 

      He glances at me as if he wants me to do the same. I try not to show how much I've been looking forward to this and how happy I am to find him here, unlike the first time. But the music of my footsteps as I walked toward him gave it away. 

     "Because my parents won't let me out if it's not with them," I say as I sit near him. And my heart is not beating at its normal rate, it's too loud I'm afraid he would hear it from the way how close he is to me. 

        I can taste lavender on my tongue. 


    "Because no one treats me well and they don't want to see me hurt." I chuckle. A chuckle to hide the way my tone took a ride down the hill. 

    Something flashes in his eyes, something I can't place, "People are really crazy, aren't they?" 

      He stares into my eyes, touching my soul with his gaze. "It scares me sometimes." It is a whisper of words that flee past his lips and clouded the space between us. 

          "It scares me too"






Short chapter, I know. I'll make it longer in the upcoming ones ;)

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