



Ryan entered the room and Dave sit on the bed and Ryan sit on a sofa in the room;

Ryan) you didn't bought nothing for me, from France! And Dave smile and say; yeah I bought you something; and he open his closet and took some box out and handed it to Ryan while smiling. Dave turn to sit on the bed again; and Ryan said; Dave what is wrong? What is making you unhappy?

Dave) bro am fine; nothing bothering me; I'm ok! And Ryan said; Dave you grow up with me; I know when you are happy and when you are pretending; can you stop acting and open up to me! And Dave stared at Ryan quietly; and said it's too late, there is nothing you can do about it! And Ryan said; nothing is too late unless death; so far as you have life; you can make everything possible! And Ryan walk to Dave and sit opposite him on the bed; and Dave said; I love her; I have give her everything! But she still dump me. where did I go wrong? While Dave shed tears; and Ryan held Dave hand and say; hey; you know why, she left you? and Dave respond; no and Ryan said; because you too special for fake people like her; God said; hey Dave she doesn't deserve you; there is someone special am preparing for you!

Dave) how can you tell; I will be able to love another girl like her?

Ryan smile and say; forget about her; she is a gold digger; you will find someone who truly deserve your heart and attention; till then let forget about the pass and be happy; and Dave hug Ryan tight and say; thank you so much bro; and Ryan said; you know mum hate it seen you hurt; don't hurt her with emotions; and both of them smile;

The next day morning; Ryan rush downstairs and greet everyone and say; I have some deal to close today in office; am off to office!

Some minutes in Ryan office; Lily and Ryan entered the office and Ryan hug her and say; thank you so much for the support; I can't believe we have that contract and Ryan notice Lily didn't respond to the hug and he move back slowly and say; am sorry I let my happiness; and Lily said; is ok; am going to my office and she turn to walk out just when Lily open the door and Dave bump up to her; and Lily trip to fall and Dave grab her hand; while she hanging; and Dave pull her her up and bump to Dave arms and her lips touch Dave lip; and Lily push Dave backwards and walk away to her office while Dave stared at her walking away; and Dave turn towards Ryan to ask who is she; and he saw Ryan stared at him and Dave ask why that look? and Ryan; said nothing;

Dave) who is that girl and Ryan said; Lily my assistant; and Dave said, oh; I see; and Ryan said; you didn't tell me you will come around; and Dave said; wow you have nice office!

After some minutes in J restaurant; Ryan and Dave walk in and sit on one table and and the waiters bring them ordered manu and Dave order the food; and they serve them; while they're eating and Ryan said; what do you think about Lily and Dave ask

Who is Lily; and Ryan said; my assistant and Dave said; she is a nice girl; why do you ask? And Ryan said; I was thinking you and her can! Dave didn't let Ryan finish his sentence and said; nope I'm not interested and Ryan said ok;.

4:30pm in Ryan mansion; Ryan entered the mansion and Juliet take his bags to upstairs and Ryan greet the family and went to upstairs;

In Ryan room;

Ryan sit on the bed; and Juliet said; you have to refresh yourself and come down for dinner and she turn to leave the room but she notice Ryan is quiet; and she turn back to him again and call him; and Ryan respond; yes yeah I will come there soon; and Juliet said; what is bothering you and Ryan said; Dave!

Juliet) what did he do? And Ryan said; he is sad inside him; but pretend to be happy, because he doesn't want the family to be sad and Juliet said; what is the matter? what makes him sad? And Ryan said; his girlfriend broke up with him? And Juliet said; we can help him get over this; and Juliet move close and whispered something into Ryan ears and Ryan smile and say you are right; and Juliet said now go bath and come down for dinner!

In gray mansion;

gray sitting in the living room and his mom walk up to him and sit opposite him; and say so you are letting Juliet snatch everything you have been working hard for? and gray said; mum I have my plans; don't rush! and his mom eager him to bring Juliet down in life and gray smile and walk towards upstairs

The next day in Lily house! Juliet knock on the door and Lily open the door and welcome Juliet and Juliet sit on the couch; and Lily said what brings you here? and Juliet said; now I can't visit my friend anymore or? And Lily said stop pretending; I know you are here because of something; what is that bring you here? And Juliet said; ok, am here for something! And Lily said, what do you want! And Juliet said; am sorry; I have to tell you this now; I have arrange a blind date for you and my male friend tonight in my restaurant; and Lily said; and what makes you think I will go that blind date? that is ridiculous; how do you expect me to go on a date with someone I haven't meet before;

Juliet) that is why it call blind date! And beside he is my friend; I know him, he is a good guy; a lovely guy; and Lily said! You are not serious and she turn to go kitchen and Juliet; stand up and follow Lily while telling Lily ; about the boy; and Juliet beg Lily go the blind date for her! if she truly loves her as sister! and Lily stop and stared at Juliet quietly and say; ok I will and Juliet jump up and hug Lily and thank her for accepting to go the blind date;

After one hour and Juliet said; I have to go and Lily walk Juliet to her Car and give her hug and wave her bye;

In Ryan mansion; in downstairs Dave walk up to Ryan and ask him; can I use your car tonight; I have to attend one of my friends birthday party tonight! and Ryan said you just return yesterday and Dave said; yes I meet him on Facebook; not knowing; he lives around here; and today is his birthday; he invited me over; and Ryan said; okay; no problem!

8 o'clock pm in J restaurant; Lily arrive and call Juliet on phone and Juliet describe the person who Lily is going a date with and the color of a shirt he wear and and Lily breath out heavy and walk towards inside the restaurant ---



In J restaurant; Lily breath out heavy and walk inside the restaurant; and look around and saw Dave sitting right next to her; and she walk up to him and say hi; and Dave stand up and say hello; and Lily said, you;

Dave) have we meet before or? And Lily turn and walk away and Dave follow her to outside and stop her;

Dave) I guess you come here because of your friend? we can pretend; you don't have to leave and make her sad; and Lily said; am not ready for dating now! So bye and Lily walk to go while Dave stared at her leaving and Lily bump up to some group of boys! And her phone fall down; and one of the boys pick the phone and Stretch his hand as if he wants to give the phone back to Lily; and Lily stretch her hand to take it and the boy rase his hand top and Lily jump up to grab the phone from the boy hand but she was not tall enough to reach the boy hand and the boys start laughing; and the one holding the phone said; common girl take your phone; and he lower his hand down and Lily try to reach the phone again and the boy rase his hand up again!; While Lily try to reach the phone and the boys make fun of Lily; and the boy that hold Lily phone said; if you can't get the phone we are going; just when the boy turn and Dave grab his hand and pull his hand down and turn the boy hand to his back and the boy knelt down and shouted, ahhh it hurt and Dave move his head close to the boy and whispered to him; never bully others and Dave grab the phone from his arms! And the boys move backwards and went inside the restaurant; and Dave turn to Lily and handed the phone give her;

Lily take the phone and turn to leave and she stop and come back to Dave and say; thank you; and Dave said; no thanks!

Lily) let go inside and Dave ask inside? and Lily said are you not interested in the blind date anymore? And Dave said; I don't mind let go!

after some hours in Lily house; Lily is walking towards inside while Dave stand beside his car staring at her and Lily smile and wave him; and enter and Dave enter the car and drove away

The next day morning; in Ryan mansion. Ryan sitting in the downstairs and Kiara run to him and sit on Ryan laps; and say dad we have some competition in school! Next week; all parents will come and support their are children; I want you and mum to support my team, and Ryan ask; what roll you will play? And Kiara said dancing and acting!; And Ryan ask; who is your coach? and Kiara said we are still looking for some! and Dave arrive and say; I can do that; since am a dancer;

Kiara) you are a dancer? and Dave said mhmm and Kiara get down from Ryan laps and go to Dave! And said let go and practice and they went to the backyard;

Three days later in Kiara school; Dave and all the students are practicing in the dance class; and Lily and Juliet arrive on the dancing class door and Dave said! that is all for today; everybody can go! And Kiara run to Juliet; and Dave walk towards Juliet and Lily and Lily said; you are a teacher and Dave open his mouth to say something and Juliet said; Lily we are going now; we will meet and Juliet carry Kiara and walk away! and Lily turn to Dave and Dave said actually am not a teacher but am a dancer; I just return from France and since all my companies is in France! I diced to teach the dance class since they doesn't have teacher to teach them! While they walking out;

Lily) if you are from France then how did you meet Juliet? and Dave smile and say; Ryan is my brother!

Lily) what? Oh my God; your dad always talk about you; and your sister; and Dave said; smile!

After which in Lily place; Dave get down from the car and open the door for Lily and Lily come down! And Dave said would you mind to have dinner with me tonight? and Lily said; I have a date with someone tonight and remember we are just pretending nothing serious between us; and Dave smile and say; yeah I remember!

In Ryan mansion! Kiara and Juliet walk inside the house; and Kiara run to Ryan on the couch and Ryan hug her and say how was school today; and Kiara said; everything was great;

Ryan) how is the dance class go? and Kiara said; uncle Dave is the best dancer; so our school will be one to win the competition next week! And Ryan said; ok go and change your uniform and come downstairs and Kiara stand up went to upstairs; and Ryan walk to Juliet and grab her and say; I hope our plans is working how we expect; and Juliet said; I think so; and Kiara call Juliet and Juliet too go upstairs

The next day in Kiara school; in dance class; Dave choose the students for the competition coming up; to give them extra classes;

In gray mansion; Gray sitting on the sofa and three boys stand in front of him; and gray give the boys a picture of Juliet and Kiara and say; I want you to kidnap the woman in this picture; but don't kidnap the child; and the boys said; no wahala boss! and they turn and walk out;

On road side; in some ice cream shop; Dave and Lily buy ice cream; while they're eating the ice cream; and Dave saw some of the ice cream on Lily cheeks and he move close and place his finger on Lily cheeks and weep the ice cream from Lily cheeks smoothly; while lily stared at him; they almost kissed and Lily move backwards and say; we have to go and she stand up and Dave too stand up and they walk away;

After some minutes on Lily gate; Lily get down from the car; and say; have a safe journey and Dave said; wait and he walk to Lily and say; in case if you change your mind; I will always be there for you; and he turn and enter the car and drove away while Lily stared at the car going

In Ryan mansion; Dave walk in and Kiara said; uncle Dave you didn't come to school today what happen? and Dave said; sweetie, I went to somewhere! tomorrow I will come; and Kiara said; we only has five days left to practice and Dave held Kiara cheeks and say; yeah I know; don't worry everything will be alright! And Dave went upstairs to his room!-----



The next day in Ryan office; Dave walk in and sit on the chair while Ryan is working on some files and Ryan stop flipping the files and say; is there something you want to discuss with me or? And Dave said; where is your assistant and Ryan said; she doesn't feel well so she didn't come to work today! And Dave stand up and say; what? And Ryan said; why are you this worried about her? Is there something you are not telling me? And Dave said; nothing; am going and Ryan ask him; going where your class is around 3:30 pm that way and it's just 10 o'clock A M and Dave said; it doesn't matter am off; and he walk out

After which in Lily house; Dave knock on the door and Lily open the door and say; you, what are you doing here? You didn't tell me you are coming and Dave said is because you didn't tell me you doesn't feel well!

Lilly) you doesn't have to come around; because is just normal thing for women; and Dave said yes I know that; I bought some drugs to help you calm the pain down for you; and Lily said come in and Dave entered and sit on the couch and say; you have nice house! And Lily said thank you;

In Kiara school all the students is in the dance class practicing and Dave arrive and he complement them and say they are doing great job; and say; we only have three days left; we have to work hard towards the competition so we can win the cup;

The students and Dave practice together hard; till closing bell ring and Dave tell them to keep practicing hard; when they get to home and the students said! Ok sir and they walk out and Kiara walk to Dave and Dave said let go and he grab Kiara hand and they walk away towards Dave car

After some minutes in Lily house; Kiara and Dave get down from the car and walk inside; and Kiara say auntie Lily and trough herself into her; on the couch and Dave ask; how do you feel and Lily said; better now and Dave said; I come to check how you feel! Since you are doing well; I guess we have to leave and Dave said; Kiara let go and Kiara said; auntie Lily bye bye!

The next day; on road side; inside gray car! Gray waited in the car after which and two boys arrive and they enter the car; and gray said; Juliet daughter school has competition with another schools! Juliet will be there. am looking forward for you guys to kidnap her! don't allow her go to the occasion, ok and the boys said; ok sir; your wish is our command! And gray said; you can go and the boys come down from the car and look around and walk away and gray move his car and go

In J restaurant; one of the waiters; knock on Juliet office door and Juliet tell her to come in and the water entered and handed and bunch of plowers plus small paper on it give Juliet and say; someone brought you this and Juliet take it and thank the waiter and the waiter walk out and Juliet open the small paper! The paper said; sweet heart; this is your husband to be; I was wondering if we can take a walk to have some ice cream; I love you! If you are not busy enough give me call mwah. and Juliet smile and grab her phone and call Ryan;

Juliet) 📞 hello naughty boy!

Ryan) 📞 hey pretty! Am I safe or I should use my head; and Juliet said; permission is granted; come pick your baby up and Ryan said; please tell that sweet girl to wait for me in front of her restaurant; am coming; and Juliet said ok daddy and Ryan said; what did you say; and Juliet reply nothing and hung up the call

A few minutes later and Ryan arrive in front of J restaurant and he get down and open the car door and say; let's go Queen of Heavens and Juliet smile and enter the car and Ryan open driver side and entered and drive away; after which and Ryan stop by one ice cream shop and they walk in and Juliet sit on chair and Ryan go buy ice cream and return to Juliet and handed one cup of the ice cream to Juliet and Ryan too sit! While stared direct in Juliet eyes and Juliet said why are you stared at me like that and Ryan said; wait and he move close to Juliet and leak ice cream from Juliet lips! And Juliet look around; while feeling shy;

Evening in Ryan mansion in the living room; Ryan and his parents is watching TV and Mr Bryan said; we will go Juliet parents house this weekend to pay her bride price; and fixed a date for your wedding with Juliet; and Ryan said; but we haven't bought everything yet and his mom said; we went to the market today; everything is ready!

The next two days in Kiara school; Kiara and Lily get down from car; while the MC on the program says ; everybody should have a sit is time for the program to start; and he thanks all parents for coming to support their childrens and schools

In Dave and his team changing room; Dave ask the other kids; where is Kiara; and the kids says Kiara is outside and Dave went out to call Kiara; while Kiara and Lily is walking towards the program and Kiara ask Lily to wait for her she is going to urinate and come; while gray boys are following them; Just when Kiara walk towards the bathroom and one of gray boys cover Lily nose and mouth with a white handkerchief; thinking is Juliet and Lily fainted and gray boys drag Lily inside they're car and drove away; Just when the car move and Dave arrive; and Kiara come out from the bathroom and walk to Dave and Dave ask Kiara; where did you go? And Kiara said where is auntie Lily and Dave said I don't know! Let go it is almost our time to perform and Dave hold Kiara hand and they walk inside----



Dave held Kiara hand and they walk towards they're changing room

On road Gray boys drive towards some place while lily laying on the back seat; and the leader of the boys tell the other boys to keep eye on Lily till they get to their destination; and one of them call gray on phone; and say, sir our plans has succeed; we have Juliet with us in the car, and gray said! Ok; take her to your place I will come around to see her! And the gangster said! We will take her to the place we play gamble everyday! you can come around there anytime you are ready; and gray say; ok then keep eye on her, ok' and they hung up the call

In Kiara school; Dave is walking down towards the cloud while looking around searching for Lily; but he can't see her; and Y.P.F dancing coach bump up to Dave; and Dave said; am sorry and Y.P.F coach said; Dave, kings academy coach right and Dave reply yes; and the Y.P.F. coach said; so you are the one am battling with! And Dave smile and said; is just a dance. who is good win; please can you excuse me and Dave walk away

After some minutes And the MC said; well well; we thank all the schools that has been perform so far; ladies and gentlemen; is time for one of our top schools to perform; and that school is; Y.P.F. and the cloud clap and yelling; and Y.P.F. dancing team arrive on stage;

Gray boys gambling place;

gray boys tired Lily; up and and go sit aside playing cards, and smoking; and Lily open her eyes trying to move and realize the boys has tired her up; she was trying to; untired herself; and saw one of the guys walking towards her and Lily pretend as she is still unconscious and the guy check her and say she is still breathing; but why she is still unconscious; she supposed to open her eyes by now! And the guy return to his miners and sit and they continue playing cards

In KINGS ACADEMY Dave and his team just dance finish and the cloud shouting and yelling and the MC come to stage; and thank Dave and his team! while Dave on the stage looking in the cloud turn his head around searching for Lily in the cloud but he can't see Lily; and Kiara held Dave hand and say; let go and Dave say; ok yeah let go while he looks around everywhere in the cloud; and they walk to they're changing room, and someone walk to the stage and handed small paper give the MC and the MC said! So far we are appreciate all of you for coming! And So far all the schools has do they're best; but we can only chose top three school who will get rewards; and the school who is top three is K.F.C. and the cloud shout; and the MC said; we still have two tops schools who they're point are equal; one is Y.P.F. and the almighty KINGS ACADEMY! And the cloud shouting yee and yelling; and the MC said; calm down guys; we will like to those two great schools perform again to see who take the championship!

and the first to perform is Y.P.F. after that KINGS ACADEMY too will perform! And The Y.P.F. school coach look at Dave and smile while Dave is busy looking around searching for Lily in the cloud and Dave opponent whispered to Dave ears; after this round; we will see the one deserve the cup and Dave turn and went to the changing room; and took his phone and call Lily, and Lily phone ring so many times but no one answered; and Dave get so worried! while Y.P.F. school team is on stage dancing with skills; and people and giving them fans; after which and they get out from stage and the MC said! Now is time for KINGS ACADEMY to perform! While Dave is still in the changing room walking up and down thinking where Lily could be.or she is in trouble; and Kiara run to him and say; uncle Dave it our time; and Kiara grab Dave hand and drag him out to the stage and red carpet cross in front of them and the cloud after few minutes and the carpet roll to top and the beat start; while Dave on the stage and look in the cloud; the dance become boring! And Kiara jump into Dave and Dave grab her and Spain around; while the cloud are yelling and Kiara said to Dave that; remember you promise auntie Lily to win the cup! And Dave imagine Lily kissed him; for winning the cup; that was when Dave brought out his skills the dance floor was mad!

Juliet turn to Ryan and say; OMG, wow Dave is amazing dancer; after which and Kiara jump into Dave arms again and Dave flip her in the air! the cloud was afraid Kiara will fall down and everybody stand up at once and Dave grab Kiara a knelt on his one leg and all the team too knelt down on their arms on they're chest and the beat stop; and the cloud start shouting uncontrollably! And Dave and his team go side of the stage and Y.P.F. teams too come on the other side of the stage! and the MC said; wow that was awesome performance; that is untouchable;

Gray boys gambling place the place

; gray arrive outside and the boys, go out to meet him; and Lily untired herself and go to the table and pick one of the boys phone and text her location to Dave and said; am in trouble; some bad boys has kidnap me;;

In KINGS ACADEMY school; on stage Dave reach his pocket and took earbud and put it on his ears; and the MC said; now is Time to announce the winner of this competition to you guys; while some are saying kings academy and some are saying Y.P.F. and the MC look at some small paper in his hand and say; the winner is. Kings academy. just when the MC announced kings academy as the winner and Dave phone ring while the earbuds is on his ears and Dave run out from the stage to the changing room just when he grab the phone and the call ended and he saw the message and he rush out; while they're trying to stop him and present the winning award to him; but he didn't stop and Ryan and Juliet run follow him outside but before just and Ryan get out Dave has already move his car with full speed;

Ryan call Dave but Dave didn't answer any of the calls!

Gray has cover his face and left only his eyes

gray and the boys is walking towards; where they tired Lily and Lily drop the phone on the table and hide behind the door; just when gray and the boys enter and Lily run out and shout the door! And Gray boys look at where they tired Lily but she is not there and they open the door force; while Lily is run towards the road side; and the boys chasing Lily!

Dave was coming with full speed, on some police stop! They have closed the door and Dave drive in and hit the gate and everything scattered and he pass and the police enter they're car and start chasing him; while gray boys too are chasing Lily hard

Lily is still running towards the main road and Dave arrive; and step on break on the rough road; and the boys stop and Lily run towards Dave and one of the boys rush to catch Lily and Dave kick him him with his leg, and all the boys rush towards dave and the police car arrive and the boys run away; and Dave grab Lily and hug her tight and ask are you ok, while holding her tight; and the police come close and say; sir you are under arrest! And Dave said! You are police and you left those kidnapers escape! After which on the police stop; Dave sign some papers and the police officer said; next time, don't break the roles and Dave give them money to restore everything he has spoil;

The name is B. P. R. Benjamin Prince Ramzey