
Where the men at: MHA/Taimanin

Waking up in the middle of nowhere was great peace and quiet for the first time in ages... until I found that ninety-five percent of births are women. Most men are small weak frail little things.. they are goddam fat traps too. So now that I am here larger than life. It also appears that most men make up most of the quirkless. I happen to be one with a quirk or a x-gene more preciously Magneto's ability with manipulating magnetic fields. This would be nice except for grape demonesses hunting any potential pleasure 'slaves'. Then there are the Hentai Ninjas. I own nothing but OC and storyline. This is not to be taken seriously if you thought it was... it has Hentai ninjas so yeah.

resistingsea · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Shit didn't know they had those for men.

Looking over my campfire deep in thought wondering what the fuck is going on. Memories of Erik Lensherr were depressing as hell even from his time at the concentration camp. Human beings are stuffed into sheds to sleep and forced to work until they are nothing but flesh and bone either dead from starvation or exhaustion. I rubbed my arm looking over expecting a string of numbers instead of the clean flesh that is there now.

Erik at his lowest point had partaken in the consumption of his fellow Jews hoping that when he died they would forgive him for desecrating their final rest. His mother had not been one of the lucky ones. As young Erik had awakened his X-gene in the moment of separation from his mother separated by high walls of barbed wire.

In his desperate attempt to get back to his mother, he felt the metal all around in his panic he pull and pulled hard. Ripping apart the barrier, crushing the metal helmets, and tearing apart the furnaces. It was lucky one of the German SS officers had been off duty nearby and had a club with him, After finding out that Erik was the cause he proceeded to beat Erik into unconsciousness.

Looking at the flames flicking back and forth looking for any fuel in the immediate area to fuel its never-ending hunger to spread. Looking over the abandoned camping area I found myself in I instinctively pull on all of the metal from the half-rusted benches. Hearing the protest from the metal I instinctively pull harder. Watching the bench splinter apart as all of the non-rusted metals started to snake their way toward me. Leaving behind a small trail of rust on the ground as it flaked off of the non-rusted metals

Compressing, twisting, and stretching the metal into familiar patterns making a series of metal balls floating above my meaty palm. Going through the exercises Erik was forced to practice for meals, and to protect his mother. That was not enough for the German scientists though. After months of being poked and prodded by them, Erik didn't show off how powerful he was. That was his saving grace and his mother's downfall. Already used to the feeling of bullets being fired.

Until one day he was brought before a doctor who attempted to 'sedate' him. Before he could though Erik twisted the needle when he didn't find the familiar form of his mother in the room with them. He would later find out the SS were tired of her being 'useful' to them and one who didn't know who she has killed her and thus their leverage on the mutant was gone.

In a hastily concocted plan, they tried to euthanize Erik. It was later in life that Erik found out that he didn't control metal as much as it was magnetic control with that he could manipulate all forms of magnetism, summon force fields and shoot electromagnetic pulses that can disable electronic devices. This was on a planetary scale after seventy years of honing his skills.

The list of abilities he had later in life was extensive but for now, I have to focus on one of his Magnetokinesis which he had comprehensive control over all forms of magnetism and utilizes that control to manipulate any metal and achieve a variety of effects.

Erik was also fluent in English, Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and Yiddish. Magneto also had such strong willpower that I am feeling a slight influence from it even though I only have a copy of his memories. His main weakness was his body which was just as weak as a peak-level human which had dwindled to a regular old man later in life.

Even with the memories of him completing these feats I only have a few days of practicing the manipulation of magnetic fields. I have been able to manipulate any magnetic metals within a few hundred feet of me by focusing hard. I have mainly been getting instinctual movement of the metals.

Having been moving around the camp bringing and forming balls of metal floating around me in an orbital fashion. Making a platform for me to walk on just above the ground was good practice as well. Letting out a sigh wondering if I am in a post apocalypses world judging by the amount of leftover trash and the amount of rust on all the metals I have collected so far. Looking over the only real useful acquisition I found in the camp was a decently large tarp with minimal tearing.

The only other objects that caught my eye were half-rotten newspapers. Not being able to read what was written was a pain but the date cough my eye was 2149 03 15. Well, maybe I can watch the end of One Piece... what if Oda was never born?! Fuck oh and there was an invasion of Orcs. Giant-breasted muscle-bound Orcs. Squinting down at the half-destroyed photo it looked like the Female Orcs are taking other females away which is good it means I should be safe.

Hearing the rustling of bushes down the overgrown trail I hope to spot a fellow human before realizing that one human is one of the dumbest of animals on the planet when it comes to stressful situations. Two that where ever I am may or may not have friendly people or people at all. Three I am in a country that speaks Japanese at least that is what Erik's memories are telling me when I looked over the discarded beer cans and food packages. He may not have been fluent but he knew enough to ask for the bathroom and to apologize.

Using my metal to make it as quietly as I could to a nearby tree. As I get closer to the trees I started to make steps up to the sturdiest tree branch almost forty feet in the air. Making myself a metal seat in the y-notch of the tree. I pulled all of the metal I used for steps back to me making some shitty armor around my organs, neck, and head. Without using my power I would have broken my neck with the weight of the armor.

Watching whatever was making the noises from earlier come into view I.... have to blink a few times wondering what the fuck I am looking at. It looked like a flightless beholder but instead of eyes, it had vaginas that had a pink mist floating around the holes...

Fuck am I in Monster Girl Quest? No, those monsters at least looked fuckable this thing looked like Cthulhu fucked a Muck from Pokémon and old Arceus added some vags onto it. Ten flailing tentacle Vaginas are being used to push the blob of meat along the trail further along. I do not want to be near that thing.

Covering my skin in a coat of metal while having a snorkel made of metal going above my head. Not today devil I have seen too much Hentai to know what pink gas means. Watching it twisting, and throbbing while licking the ground with its vagina tongues was something else. Glad I had shoes and metal separating me from this cursed ground though.

Watching it disappear around the bend in the trail around the camp I waited and waited as the night arrived with a full moon lighting the area just enough to have some decent vision.

I looked around the valley I have called home for the last few days. I see mountain peaks and some valleys. I need water which would be easier to find downhill from here. Deciding to stay off the trail was a risk, but so was staying on the trail with whatever the hell that thing was.

------(POV Change)------

Looking down at her latest reports coming out of Kanagawa prefecture demon movements have tripled in the last few weeks. Looking over the migration patterns of the squids and Orcs it seemed like there is a situation we haven't been informed of by the heroes or the Government. Leaning back in my favorite chair reflecting on the new information we have been given access to from our 'friends'.

Ever since Astaroth has tried to gain access to this dimension from Hell everything went to hell back a thousand years ago. A plague followed them through the gates of hell. Ever since then everything flopped on its head.

From what we gathered from interrogating the lower ranks every male Demon in Hell died from the same plague that they brought through at first nothing happened.

Then over the next few hundred years, males became smaller and weaker becoming more like women used to be whether it be looks or temperament. They began growing weaker over time. Then the birth rates between men and women became lopsided in one generation. Females outnumbered men almost twenty to one it has only gotten worse with time. With every new generation of births, the divide grows further and further.

Rubbing my eyes looking over Gosha village the only place where Taimanin forces are trained in their respective family arts. We were the first defenders against Demons until our males were killed or taken.

When we tracked them down leaving a bloody path on our way to where they were kept. We found their flesh and molded them into a small milk crate-sized box of flesh with only a hole to feed and a dick sticking off to fuck. After a while, the men who were taken started to commit suicide instead of being turned into a 'sex' box. Over a thousand years now only females remain.

Now there is no more male Taimanin. When we looked further it turned out that the higher-ups in the government had been tipping the demons off to our movements. Too late for regrets we took our anger out on the officials we found colluding with the Nomad forces cleansing almost two-thirds of our government keeping our eyes on them from the shadows while fighting the demons when we can.

Then somewhere in the middle of that shit show so call 'quirks' came into existence. Weird those things are. It turned out Taimanin cannot have quirks we have tried breeding them into our forces in the past but it never took well. After a while Females almost always had quirks, because of this they became aggressive against men.

Those ten years when anarchy prevailed throughout the world. During that time men were being killed, kidnapped, or worse. The only men who survived were the shut-ins who never left their apartments worked from home and marked their jobs as 'other' or just straight-up female. Men started dressing like women to hide. After a year of careful checking, we found out that some males had quirks very few of them did on the statistics it was one percent.

So in the entirety of Japan, there are less than two hundred male quirk users against the almost seventy percent quirk female users. Because of this, the government has had us and underground Heros protecting those males with quirks since they have become a favorite target for Demons, Villians, and opposing governments men have become a national resource.

Those males have been able to make a nice living just sitting in fortresses selling semen. All this while laying back and having sex just thrown at them. All men nowadays have become overweight with the finest foods thrown at them since birth.

The scientists have put together a briefing about how in the next few generations it will only get worse if the plague mutated. On top of that, we now have a group of Demons ' Nomads' going around kidnapping all the men they can get their grubby hands on either killing them if they can't keep them or taking them turning them into semen on tap while turning them into a meat box.

Hearing the door open behind me I let out a resigned sigh knowing that the quiet meeting between the heroes, Government, and Taimanin is about to happen. Each group is only allowed to bring two people with them. Turning around behind me looking at the 'retired' Taimanin. Even though it was just maternity leave that extended for close to two decades. A lucky cow can get old-world sperm from cryogenics. That sperm is worth more than a pound of diamonds for just a few shots of the stuff.

Looking into the amber eyes of my long-time friend. Feeling my eyes twitch at her wearing her old Taimanin uniform. "Mizuki Shiranui, why do you wear that bunny outfit even though it is four sizes too small." I muttered just loud enough for her to hear shooting the water and illusion specialist a stern glare "too late to get changed now we have a meeting to attend." Grabbing my files and heading to the designated warping station in a side office.

Standing by the door was the replacement I have been grooming for the last decade's top scores in our school, on top of her flawless record and most of all one of the deadliest combatants in our program a chain user "Ready Tekkain-san?" Watching the blonde Taimanin nodding her head with a soft smile she always seemed to wear along with the usual purple skin-tight spandex suit.

"Yes, Sakura-same." nodding to her as she came out of a formal bow we all head into the warping area. We all stood still for the required five seconds to be turned into atoms and rebuilt on the other side where the rest of the parties are waiting. With a flash of light and we are in a blacked-out room with nine chairs on a triangle-shaped desk.

Looking to our right the Hero represented Almighty for the ranked and unranked hero's she was chosen not for her mind but her public recognition next to her was Shota Aizawa who was the only underground hero willing to represent them more as long as she keeps quiet we won't wake her up.

Last but not least from the hero's side Principal Nezu. Nobody knows where she came from except one day she just showed up and was one of the leading biologists in the world on top of getting seven degrees in a year and she is one of the only animals with a quirk the world has ever seen.

Nodding to all of them with a small smile on my face before looking over the Prime Minister fighting to keep a frown off of my face. Yui Hina the current Prime Minister who we all have been keeping an eye on in case of another corrupted leader. Next to her is Sara Yua the current military leader of the Japanese Defense Forces. Finally Ino Ichika the head of covert operations in japan.

After all of us have gone through each other's folders we sit in silence until Sara pulled out a folder marked classified. She handed them to her right we started passing around the photos. The photos were of a deep valley with a river running through it. After all of us had the photo we looked back to Sara and handed out more photos. "These photos were taken last night. As we had one of our unmanned drones track a hoard of Orcs." She paused looking down at the photo.

"The Orcs were headed by one of the Nomad's leaders. Ana a Dark elf fire mage one of the stronger ones we have fought, but as of yet had a chance to take out. Going through the photos you will notice between five this morning and six. The entire hoard was wiped out." We all gaped at that Taimanin could take on a few dozen but not a small hoard with hundreds. Only Almighty could take on that many or at least until now.

"That was the only point of interest until we found one last photo" Grabbing the gridded photo and looking down at it I feel the room still. On the photo was a scene from the Sengoku Period. Orc corpses hanging up in trees most missing at least one or more limbs some are impaled by rods of metal.

But those were not what we gaped at no it was the mountain of a man sitting on a floating metallic structure looking down at the delimbed form of Ana one of the strongest mages on this plain. "Comparing the sizes of the Orcs and the man we concluded that the man is standing Two and a half feet tall almost eye to eye with the Orcs. Our experts have guessed that he can control metal. On top of that, he seems to either be immune or has never been in contact with Lilith's Plague." Feeling my heart beating in my chest I looked all of our colleagues in the eyes even Shota was wide awake staring down at the photo eyes flashing red.

"We would like to send a few Taimanin and some heroes to convince him to come back for some tests." We all looked back at her flashing eyes of Sara knowing what 'convince' means either seduce or with force. Looking back at the photo we all looked back up at her like she was crazy. "Don't scowl at me you all know we need him if he is immune to the Plague. If not he may give us answers with his genetics." Very true worse case we have another breeder for the armies of women throwing themselves at men.

Nezu started sipping her tea while her shoulders were shaking holding back her laughter. Almight gripped her fist tight. "Well, who will all be going from the hero's side? We need people who will work well together in case this goes south fast. I suggest no more than four should go focusing on speed and Power." I looked over and asked the three heroes.

The three Heros look at each other speaking quietly for a few moments before coming out of their impromptu huddle Nezu speaks up "We will be sending Hawk, and we will also send Lady Nagant. Hawk's will be able to cover your ladies long range and from above. As for Lady Nagant, she is one of the best long-range quirk users we have available." we all nodded good choices for this operation. Feeling them all look at me I think it over.

"Since we are doing this as stealthily as possible without tipping off the demons. I will be sending Mizuki here with her Illusions and the ability to control water she would be able to cover the long-range fighters easily. As for talking to him..." Closing my eyes and thinking for a few seconds one name came to mind

"Shido Rinka will be the one to make first contact. With her purple haze abilities, she will be the safest as well." Gaining nodds from the rest. Looking back at Mizuki who looked happy to be going on another mission.

"Well that we will meet again after the capture of subject one." Nodding to everyone we leave through the same warping station.

Entering back into my office I look over at the two Taimanin sitting across from me. "We NEED him Mizuki. If he is immune to the Lilith Plague this is what we have been fighting for. The last thousand years all the death that has happened. Do what you must anything goes." Watching her nodding she has been doing this for years. "Good luck" Watching my oldest friend leave I look back a my successor she had her 'mask' on I can see right through it though she seemed tense at the thought of using hypnotism on a male especially one who my be the savior of our corps. Letting out a sigh "These are the discussions you will have to make as a leader." She nodded sullenly before bowing and leaving.

A/N: Why did I make this no clue had it in my history already written out may or may not start writing it. Have been having a hard time on the rest of my stories. Had the next few chapters for them written out then they got deleted so I am just posting my other stories.