
Her World Shatters (8)

Evelyn went to the living room and took a seat on the couch. Not long after, Mingxi came into the room. Spotting her boss on the couch, Mingxi walked over.

"Boss," Mingxi started. Evelyn looked up at her raising an eyebrow.

"I was able to reach your Uncle Wai. He is out of the country and will return tomorrow. He said he can meet with you tomorrow for lunch," Mingxi said.

Evelyn was disappointed to hear that but she let it go.

"I booked you a room at one of the penthouses at Oasis," Mingxi reported. Evelyn nodded her head in approval and mumbled her appreciation.

Oasis was owned by the Li corporation and they were known to be very discreet. It was also one that the Wei family had helped with its construction three decades ago.

Lady An quickly came back with a plate of fruit. There were cut up strawberries, red dragon fruit, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries neatly arranged. There was also two glass cups with plain yogurt on them.

"Here you go, I made a serving for you too Mingxi," Lady An said.

"Thank you," Mingxi said, smiling at Lady An.

"Have a seat," Evelyn said. Mingxi sat next to her boss. Evelyn reached for a cup of yogurt and loaded it with fruits.

Evelyn liked placing fruits on top of her yogurt without mixing it in. She quickly took a bite. The way the sour taste from the yogurt mixed with the berries was particularly tasty to Evelyn. It was something her mom used to make for her as a kid.

Lady An, indeed knew Evelyn. She knew just what she needed.

Mingxi ignored the yogurt cup and had the some fruit. She never did like yogurt, it was too sour for her tastes. She had some strawberries and sat quietly with her boss as she ate them. When they finished they set their cups and utensils down.

It was right around then that Evelyn's phone rang. It was Zain. Evelyn picked up.

"Zain," she said.

"I'm outside." Zain said. She went to the intercom by the door and it displayed a man sitting in a car by the gate. It was indeed Zain.

She pressed the button on the intercom and told the guards at the gate to let him in. The gates opened and the car rolled in.

Lady An quickly grabbed the platter and went back to the kitchen. Butler Chu stood at the door and opened it.

"Butler Chu, can you bring my bags to the foyer?" Evelyn asked him. He nodded and moved to do what she asked. One of the male servants hurried to give Butler Chu a hand.

Zain walked in through the door and gave Evelyn a tight hug. He was older than her by two years and was a head taller than her.

"Evelyn, are you okay?" he asked her. She nodded against his shoulder. He pulled back but kept his hands on her shoulders. He looked her up and down, checking for injuries. She laughed and stepped back.

"Zain, I'm fine," Evelyn said. He nodded. He then took notice of Mingxi.

"Mingxi," he said. Mingxi's cheeks tinted red at the sudden attention. She was pretty in her own way. Her hair was almost black, styled straight. Her hair was tied back and reached her shoulder blades. Her bangs were combed neatly covering her eyebrows. She always thought Zain Li was extremely handsome.

"Hi," she said her voice soft, turning even redder.

Zain wasn't oblivious to her reaction to him but he didn't embarrass her further by commenting on it. He turned back to Evelyn.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked her.

She nodded. Butler Chu and the male servant rolled her bags in on a cart.

"Here you go Young Mistress," Butler Chu said. Evelyn hesitated for a moment.

"Butler Chu, can you gather all the staff here right now?" Evelyn asked. He nodded and quickly went to gather all ten staff members. That consisted of two male servants, four maids, two cooks, Butler Chu and Lady An.

"I'll put your bags in the car," Zain said as he heaved two bags out of the cart.

"I'll help you," Mingxi chimed in, grabbing the small suitcase with the shoes and the small carry on with Evelyn's hygiene products.

A few moments later the maids filed into the room. One of them carried another small carry on. She quickly walked up to Evelyn and handed her a bag.

"These are your undergarments, when I was packing your stuff I noticed you didn't pack any. These all new and clean." Whispered the maid. Her name was Linha. Evelyn took the bag from her and thanked her. She was a little embarrassed at having forgotten them.

Evelyn set the bag down next to her purse and briefcase. While she did, the rest of the staff filed in. The last ones in the room were Butler Chu and Lady An.

Evelyn took the time to look each of them in the eye. As she did she felt a sense of melancholy. These people were the ones whom had made her life easier during the past five years. She knew each and every one of them having personally interviewed them.

Her mother had not born to wealth or influence; she had married into it. Evelyn's mother had dealt with many hardships and discrimination because of it she had taught her daughter humility.

"Respect is gained through two ways. You have it by birth, through fear and power. But it's not true respect unless you earn it. Only when respect is earned does true loyalty ensue," Evelyn remembered her mother's words well.

"I want to start by saying 'thank you' to all of you. All of these years you've been a monumental help." Evelyn paused and smiled. The staff looked confused and worried.

"I understand that this is confusing. It is to me too. Mr. Cheng has decided that he wants a divorce. So I won't be living here anymore," Evelyn said.

A collective gasp could be heard before the murmurs began. Evelyn held up a hand to silence them and bring their attention back to her.

"I don't know if Mr. Cheng will keep you on staff or what he intends to do. But," she said before they could voice their concerns.

"If any of you need a job as a result, you will find one with house Wei. I will ensure it," Evelyn finished. She looked them each in the eye and gauged their response.

"Ma'am," one of the young male servants, the one that was had helped her this morning stepped forward. His name was John Ru.

"Yes, John?" Evelyn asked, as she turned her attention toward him.

"I want a job with you," he said, staring at her.

Evelyn smiled and nodded. "Contact me in a couple of days. We will speak about this again," Evelyn went to her purse and pulled out a business card. She handed it to him.

Zain and Mingxi came back in after taking out the last of her bags.

Almost there! Soon we get to find out who the mystery guy was in the very beginning! Any guesses? ^.^

Lilydreamcreators' thoughts