

Jimoh_Maryam · Urban
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12 Chs

Welcome to my abode, beautiful stranger!

"I won't even mind having you in my bed, tonight." Stella announced to the strange man before her.

Sam was flabbergasted.

"Excuse me? What are you saying, woman? Do I look like a man who is available for free use? Do I look like a man you can use and dump?" He bellowed, furiously.

"No. Of course not! I told you, you're attracting me like a delectable chocolate, I won't mind having you to myself, forever." Stella stated, with a shrug.

Sam scoffed, feeling annoyed.

"Can you get out of my sight, please? I'm here to take care of something and I just want to do so, in peace." He stated, firmly.

"I'm not cheap. I'm not one of those cheap men you can toy with." He added, with finality.

Stella smiled.

"That's exactly what I want. I love that! I don't like cheap men, either. I do not do cheap things. I love expensive things... From what I eat, to what I wear, down to who I roll with. Believe me." Stella insisted, with a relaxed smile.

"A handshake to friendship?" She said and extended her hand to him.

"What are you doing? What do you think you're doing?" He inquired, feeling embarrassed.

"I'm just trying to show you how much I admire you. Won't you let someone admire you in peace." She explained and added the last part, jokingly.

Again, Sam's lips parted in surprise and he was rendered speechless. The audacity of the strange woman before him was unbelievable.

Sam inhaled and exhaled slowly, then calmly looked into Stella's eyes and saw what blew his mind away. He saw pure admiration.

His face softened, a bit. Then he allowed his eyes to roam around her body, and took in her appearance. He could see she was indeed a gorgeous woman, who seemed to have everything she needed and wanted.

She was tall and of average weight. She'd gathered fat in the right parts of her body as an African woman.

Her pretty face was adorned with cool, dreamy eyes. A pointed nose. And, full, succulent lips.

After that quick assessment of her body, he suddenly became interested in getting to know the beautifully audacious woman.

"Really?" He inquired, softly.

Stella nodded and bit her lower lip as she smiled at him.

He smirked.

"I like your audacity. It is admirable. You're definitely one of those fierce females out there." Sam pointed out.

Stella smiled, gracefully.

"It pleases my heart so much that you find my attitude admirable, when I actually admire you." She replied him, gratefully.

"You're intriguing, I must confess." Sam stated.

"Let me ask you a question." Stella announced and Sam nudged her to go ahead.

"Would you rather say everything you're thinking of, and bare your mind, to the people you're thinking about, or not say anything even though it will hurt your heart?" She inquired.

"As long as it will hurt my heart, if I do not, I will bare it all." He replied, firmly. She smiled.

"Good! That means we have something in common. No wonder, I was so drawn to you." She pointed out.

"Oh, well, I guess you can claim that." He replied flatly.

"Another question! Do you believe in love at first sight? Are you in a relationship?" Stella asked him, curiously but prayed in her mind that he wouldn't have.

He heaved a sigh.

"Those are two questions! But well, let me answer you since the answers to the two are the same. No." He told her.

His curt answer gave Stella mixed feelings but she shrugged it off. She was certain it wouldn't matter.

"Huh! Okay, let's make this interesting." She announced.

"How?" He smirked and asked. He was becoming really interested in the conversation. He had been feeling shitty because of a particular disappointment he'd got that afternoon, and the conversation with her, was making him feel better.

"If I can guess correctly what your favorite colour is, then you'd follow me to my place and I get to have my way with you." She informed him.

"And what if you didn't get it right..." He asked, with amusement.

"Hun... Then, I would follow you around till you agree to get to know me better. Either ways, I'm giving you a chance to unravel this mystery of a woman before you." Stella stated, all smiles.

Sam couldn't contain his amusement. He snorted with laughter.

He later stopped laughing and looked straight into her eyes. She held his gaze. And they'd stared at each other, intensely, for some minutes.

"So, what are you doing here? I'm seeing you here for the first time. This is my area." Sam broke the silence.

Stella narrated her plight to him, and Sam was glad to help her retraced her steps to where her car was parked.

"I can't believe a grown up adult would forget where they parked a whole car. Did you eat a lot of chocolate before leaving home? Are you high on chocolate?" Sam inquired, jokingly, as they walked. Stella laughed.

"Who says I'm a grown up adult? I'm a teenager so don't blame me. And yes, I'm high. It's my first time coming across such too gorgeous man, so I'm high." She replied him and they'd thrown random jokes at each other till they got to the car.

It was as if they had been friends for a while and knew each other well.

Sam saw the car and marvelled, inwardly. It was an exotic car. He concluded that getting close to a person of her caliber, wouldn't harm him and became eager to get to know her better. So, when Stella suggested he followed her to her place to hang out with her for the rest of the evening, he couldn't say no.

And off they went, to her breathtaking house.

"Welcome to my abode...my haven!" Stella stated as they stepped into her living room, some minutes later.

"You've got a nice place!" Sam complimented, with a small smile. That small act brought his cute dimples on display and Stella became smitten, all over again.

Somehow, she got closer to him. Indecently close! Close enough to feel his warmth.

He smelt incredibly good, just like how he looked, and that was doing something indescribable to her core.

Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his neck and attacked his lips with hers, wildly.

Sam saw it coming. He wasn't unaware so he gave back the same energy. He grabbed her backside like that was the weight supporting him, and took control of the hot exchange.

Stella, on the other part, didn't allow her hands to be idle. She used them to grip his head, as if trapping him down to her lips, and ran them through his thick hair, energetically.

Within seconds, Stella was laying on a sofa, with Sam on top of her, as their lips fought for dominance, while their hands explored every part of each other's body, thoroughly.

They were like a long lost couple who found each other again, after a long, heartbreaking wait.

The going was fantastic not until Sam, through the corner of his left eye, saw a man standing and staring at them, shockingly, from the dinning hall.