

Jimoh_Maryam · Urban
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11 Chs

Meeting the beautiful man!

The environment appeared peac`eful bu`t Stella's mind and stomach were in diso`rder.

She had been to the area for a survey and while looking around, she had wandered very far off from where she had parked her car. So, retracing her steps was wearing her out, and her empty stomach wasn't helping her weak legs either.

She was still surging ahead, weakly, when she laid her eyes on what made her suddenly wanted to stand tall, and appear elegant and sophisticated like she used to be. On bright days.

Standing in all gloriousness, by a corner, was a very beautiful man who looked as if he just descended from heaven.

Cle'an. Fre'sh. Pu're. Too gorgeous!

The man was tall and lan'ky. You'ng, definitely in his early thirties, just like she was.

His skin color reminded her of the tanta'liz'ing chocolate, she had refused to take, the previous night, because of her di'et. And at that moment, she regre'tted not eating it.

His short af'ro hairst'yle was the cool'est hairst'yle she had ever seen on men. It looked really ne'at and attra'ctive, and she wondered how it would feel to run her hands through them.

She believed it would be so enjoyable that she might even fall asleep doing that. And his bea'rd was also neatly carv'ed and well kept, as if he just got out from a salo''on.

Then, there was that too cute dim'ple that appeared at the corners of his mouth whenever he smiled, as he typed on his phone.

As if that wasn't enough for his ha'ndsom'eness, he had the most beautiful pink lips she had ever set her eyes on.

He was everything she wanted and needed.

As seeing him from af'ar, was sending shi'v'ers down her spi'n'e, she became really curious to know how it would feel to be close to him.

One of the biggest lessons her 32-year-old bra'in had taught her, was to go for whatever she wanted without any hesitation, or doubt.

With her best lad'yli'ke smile on full display, she straightened her tired body and catwal'ked to his side.

"Hey, handsome. Do you perhaps have an invis'ible mag'net on your face? Your face won't stop pulling me to you." Stella hai'led him and stated, sweetly.

The young man was taken aback. He hadn't even noticed her walked up to him. His gaze had been glu'ed to his phone all along.

"Hey, hi!" He muttered, with a soft chuckle. Stella nearly mo'a'ned. His deep voice was s'ex'y.

"I'm Stella by name." She stated, warmly.

"Okay, I'm Sam. How may I help you, please? You do not look fami'liar." He inquired, calmly, and looked at her fully.

"I do not look fami'liar but you look fantastic so I want us to famili'arize." Stella stated dreamly and Sam couldn't help but chuckle again.

"Such beautiful eyes...so allu'ring! I love them. It's like they're not only drawing me in but trapping me..." Stella couldn't keep the excitement to herself as she saw his eyes, so she wondered aloud.

"Excuse me, what's that? Is there anything I can help you with?" Sam inquired and looked at her like she'd suddenly grown two heads. He was confused at her wei'rd behavior.

Stella flashed her sparkling teeth at him.

"Yeah, many things! But you can help me with your number, first. I want to know you." She stated firmly.

A fro'wn cre'pt up on the man's fine face.

"You want to know me? Why?" He inquired, confusedly.

"Because you're attractive. You're attracting me. I like what I am seeing, Sam. So, I want to get to know you better." She revealed.

"You look like a tanta'liz'ing chocolate, and I'm so ready to eat this chocolate everyday of my life." She added, unabas'hedly.

The way she broke the news openly, and calmly, made Sam's lips parted slightly in shock. He was flust'ered. He had never come across such straightforward woman before in his life.

He peered at the gorgeous, soph'isti'catedly dressed woman, standing before him, with her head held high, and wondered if she was serious or merely kidding. He could see she was a classy woman with the way she dressed, smiled and talked. She was carrying herself with much elegance and grace. And that confused him further.

"Are you being serious right now? Wait, is this a pra'nk? Do you have cameras set up somewhere?" Sam inquired, unsurely as he searched the area, frant'ically.

Stella laughed.

"How about you follow me to my home so I can show you it's not a prank, beautiful man? I'm serious about everything. I won't mind having you in my bed, tonight." Stella informed him and Sam gasped lowly.

He was flabbergasted.

"Excuse me? Do I look like a man who is available for free use? Do I look like a man you can use and dump?" Sam bellowed, furiously.

Hey, beloveds. Do well to drop a message for me. I'd love to hear from y'all.

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