
Where I want to be

When yesterday take too much of today~

Lebian_heart96 · Teen
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61 Chs

Chapter forty two: Difficult To Convince

"You tried to call y/n!?!" hearing Miles shout so suddenly, Henry and Jay turned at him confused.

not long after, they noticed Henry's phone in his hand.

Well aware that Miles checked the call history, Henry jumped up from his seat, "give it back!" but when he tried to snatch it, it was moved further away from him. "even after everything we agreed to, what were you possibly trying to tell her?!"

"I didnt get to tell her anything. her phone was switched off." henry replied with complete control. after much effort, the phone was finally in his hold. not sparing a second glance, he plopped down on the nearby couch.

"we are not supposed to talk to her until she apologizes for her mistake. why must i repeat myself everyday?!"

"Im sick and tired of your same words! for how long we have to cast her away just for a 'good for nothing'

apology?! "

"Its the only way to make her realise our importance and stay away from that bastard! I told you we'll make it up to her when the time is right."

"Can you even imagine how lonely she may feel until your damn 'right' time comes around!" henry gave the other a raging look that made the next words caught in his throat. Miles remained quiet. "i agreed on acting along for a week or so. why do you think this isnt the right time?!"

suddenly the doorbell rang, stopping them from shouting any further. Miles glared at his opponent, "we're not done yet." he walked off the main door.

Jay who seemed to be just watching them, decides to stand up and ease Henry into it, "Miles's lately in a bad mood. lets not trouble him anymore..."

"am i the one at fault here?" henry shouted, clenching his fists.

Jay felt defeated in the spot. one way or another he felt like containing two kids. one caused trouble over every small matter, other can throw tantrum if not given what he wants.

but amidst all these, he noticed how they all were bothered with this decision. specially henry, who seemed to be the most changed one since they stopped hanging out with

y/n. it was miracle that they were able to hold him back until now.

a sudden shout was heard from the main door.

weird enough that Miles hasnt returned yet. they looked at each other before sprinting toward where the other one stood. they were caught in surprise with their unexpected guest.

A guest they never wished to give them a visit.

Thomas gasped for breathe, hinting his great effort while trying to reach them. he arrived desperate and dishevelled. yet it was difficult to convince them that he came with no bad intention, "please- listen to me i need your help."

Miles flared up in anger, grabbing the other ones shirt-collar, "get out of my sight." figuring he wasnt in his right mind to hear out anything, Jay took the lead. he pushed the other one away to confront Thomas, "what do you want?"

"its about y/n-" upon hearing her name, Miles once again burst out in anger, "of course its about her, you just cant leave her alone, can you-"

henry who had no personal enmity with Thomas, decided to stand back. but hearing the name of his precious friend, he went ahead, "what about her?"

"she's nowhere to be found ... the door was broken and... i found this in her house." he reached out a piece of cloth for them to see. "it was thrown on the floor...im afraid what something like this could mean. . ."

While the other two were confused looking at the piece of cloth, henry took it in his hand. The strong smell of alcohol permeates his senses.

he sniffied it few times. his eyes shot up in fright. just from the slight sniff he felt like his world was spinning. he imagined what would it be like to force it on someone's face.

"it can mean only one thing..."





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after a long time of fighting with the heavy slumber, y/n woke up. as if she woke up from a nightmare, she was unable to move or speak for several minutes.

her heart pounds loudly once she realized she has no idea of where she is. her hands were tied up around the chair she sat on.

'what's happening?'

'who has kidnapped me?'

'where am i...?' once her head stops spinning, she slowly started to calm down. looking around at everything to try to figure out where she is.

it looked like an old warehouse. pretty much the ones if passed by no one would spare a second glance at. the walls were old to the point that it was almost breaking apart. this big of a room had only one door and window.

y/n struggled to break through the tightened rope around her hands. but it was useless. since her fever hasnt gone down yet, she was feeling physically weak. there was this unpleasent feeling in the back of her throat. what could all these mean..where did she possibly end up in...

hearing the noises, a man entered her sight. his sudden appearence frightened her. she freezed. "what do you want!!" her voice trembled in fear but the man remained indefferent. "there has to be some kind of misunderstanding, please let me go!"

following the man, click of high heels echoed around the room. her eyes roamed the warehouse to figure out which direction it was coming from. with the little light beaming in the middle, it felt like a continuous struggle to make out anything far away, let alone looking at ones face.

fortunately, the woman had no intention to hide herself like the other one. she leaned closer to y/n's face and happily gave her the view, "nice to see you."

"arent you..." her blond hair, attractive features, honey like voice, all add her up to one person, "grace...."

following her answer, grace let out a laugh. "what kind of childish act is this! let me go!" harshly moving her hand beneath the tight rope, it made all sort of aggressive sound in the quiet room. in a situation where any victim might expect answers from the attacker, it left her in shock that grace decided to remain silent.

"You wont get away with this! Untie me this instant!" grace held up her hand high, receiving the sign, the other man left them alone. there was this heavy weight in her chest making her feel like something awful was about to happen.

"how's Thomas doing?"

"..." having no answer in return, grace observed her speechless state before trailing down her long nails beside

y/n's fearful eyes, "how does it feel to be his girlfriend?"

"are you crazy! you brought me here just to ask these nonsense!  you must be out of your mind-"


"my whole life, ive been doing everything to make him fall for me! only to be losing from a low born like you? ! ?

whats the point of trying so hard, when someone else took such an easy way to my goal." the words slipped out through clenched teeth.

cough! cough! "you have it wrong! i have nothing to do with your boyfriend-" before she could react, her anger was replaced by confusion. what did she ever do to make grace or Thomas feel like this. since the beginning, her only goal was to avoid them.

"ex-boyfriend" grace corrected, leaving the other one speechless. "..."

"what? didnt he ask you out yet? too bad, we broke up because of you, yet you have no idea about his feeling, y'all amaze me."

"whatever it is, it can be settled down with talking, why do you have to go to such length-"

"I cant. i've never done such thing. i was only taught to destroy anything that comes in my way." she glared, waiting for the other one to speak.

knock! knock! the man walked inside, "miss, you're getting late for your schedule."

"too bad. dont get tired of me already. i'll come again tomorrow.

then we can have a lot of fun." a dangerously mischievous grin grew on her face.

"Wait- Wait! you cant leave like this! get me out of here!" just the thought of being left alone in that creepy place made y/n close to tears.

Too busy in the struggled of calling out, she didnt notice that the man injected her neck. in the sudden sting of niddle, everything began to fade away.





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"Nonsense!" Miles aggressively pulled thomas's shirt collar, "listen you eyesore, im not in the mood to hear your stupid jokes. so just get your face out of my sight."

as if Thomas was unable to stand anymore humiliation, once let go, he spoke out, "I wish it was a joke too, which i have no interest to share with you. it's an serious crime which took place last night and ive already reported it to the police." his hands lifted to show them the proof.

"If you dont believe it just because its me saying it, then i suggest you to check it on your own.

the first thing i wanted to do after hearing was to inform you. i thought you're her friends, guess i was wrong." leaving them standing, Thomas walked back to his car.