
When We Meet Again - Will You Still Love Me?

It's like they have their fate swapped since one has the nature that she shouldn't be having. While the other has the instinct to do the thing that he shouldn't be doing. "I don't think a mere human should be doing that." Feeling nausea by the scenery before her eyes. Indeed... she is the only vampire on earth who hates blood. He pulled out the dagger from the body he step upon without even battling his eyes. His vision is now raised to the lady that is trying to stop looking at the blood that starts pooling. "Says someone who should be drooling over a little 'feast' but didn't." His word somehow is getting on her nerves. The scarlet eyes she possessed, glimmered in the pitch black of the night. "We don't know each other. But I have decided that I hate you." Atlas smirked at the view of the nails that sharpened by the corner of his eyes.  "Feasty, I know the reason why you are here." Octavia flinch. Her fingers curl into a fist with her eyelids shut closed, deeply inhaling her breath trying to calm herself. Slowly the beautiful eyelashes flutter as it opens. Her cornea turned back to its initial color, black. "Good girl. Now tell me, who sent you here?"  He cleans up the dagger he holds while listening tentatively. Looking straight at the person standing in front of her. She speaks, "You are Atlas Soreus?" "I am," he replied calmly. "I need your help, sir." His hand movement halt for a brief second. Keeping his smirk that haven't faded, he raised his head. Facial expression turns cold. "A vampire... Need help from a mere human?" Seeing the serious face in front of him. He chuckled in the mid of the silence. "Interesting."

Lemoness · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: The Vampire Who Can't Hunt

"Hey, you said you will love me only right?" The voice of an eleven years old girl echoed in her eardrum. The cheeky smile planted wide on her face.

"I will." The blur appearance of a young boy enters the frame.

"Even if I become an octopus for my next life?" She laughs so hard afterward, trying to joke around.


"Octavia Ashburn!" The loud voice cause her to come back to her sense at once when she was called upon. Blinking a few times before turning to the right side of her seat.

Did she just fall asleep while sitting at the dinner table?

"Pardon? What were you saying?" Eustice glared at her niece when her question was not being listened to by the girl itself.

"I said. It is a serious matter. You should learn how to hunt."

Keeping a straight face she put the fork and knife next to the plate. The half-eaten meat enters her view. "I did."

For God's sake, her ears going to bleed soon due to the same repeated questions from her relatives. What is wrong with a vampire not wanting to take a single bite on a human?

"You did? Hunt what? A rabbit? Are you being serious? You are already 21 years old, Octavia. Just in case you forgot. You are a vampire, my dear. From an elite family. So act like one!"

"Enough!" Eustice's high-pitched voice not just pricking on Octavia's nerves but the head of the Ashburn house as well.

The cluttering sound of the utensils is the last sound they hear before the atmosphere becomes heavy. "Eustice."

One word that echoes across the dining room makes the rest of the vampires in the room shuddered in fear. "Ye... Yes, brother."

"Is Octavia your daughter or mine?"

Her head hung low. "Yo... Yours," she replied with a shaky voice.

"Do you know why I am The Head of the Ashburn family?"

"I acknowledge the bloodline power passed down to you, brother."

The scarlet eyes that shifted slowly subside to black color. "This is the only warning. One more time you disturb my daughter. I will make sure you feel my wrath."

She got goosebumps with what she heard. Ashburn power is not something anyone should mess with. One snap of the finger and that person will cease to exist. It is just that no one can predict to whom the power will be passed to and she knows she can never win against her brother.

"I will keep that in mind, brother."


When she thought she finally escape her own disaster, it turns out it is only the beginning. Taking a peek at the man that never aged, she replied with a small voice.

"Yes, father?"

"Meet me in my reading room later."

When she was just about to open her mouth to reply, the man that was supposed to be replied to vanish in a split second. The end of her lips flinches in annoyance. 'Why on earth did I was born in this family?'


The silent atmosphere is killing her. Peaceful but deadly. They are sitting opposite each other only to be separated by the coffee table in the study room. The room is a bit shady due to the wallpaper color.

"Tell me."

The blood from her face drains downward once the voice entered her ear canal. Head hung low out of fear and respect.

"Is there any particular reasons that you refuse to hunt human?"

Hunting in this context is just about drinking human blood. Truthfully speaking, no one knows why vampires need blood to survive. Its... Nauseating, to be honest. That is the only thing that is peculiar about her. She is that kind of vampire that loath hunting humans. It is not like she refuses the tradition that is classically passed down to their bloodline though, it is just that she can't.

Slowly she inhaled fresh air before arranging her words to speak. "Truthfully father, I'm not sure as well. I wish I have a proper answer to your question... but unfortunately, I don't."

He sighed upon hearing the answer. It's hard to solve his child's condition if the causes remain unknown. Perhaps his child only needs a trigger? But what is it?


"It's fine Vivie, I understand. We will figure this out together, okay?"

She froze. A bit startled due to the comforting reassurance from her father but she know she need to stay composed. Deep in her heart, she knows his father will always support her in silence and that helps her to be at ease.

Only able to nod, accompanied by a slight smile, " Thank you for your kindness, father."

"I will always be by your side to protect you as long as I lived." He mumbled in a low voice but still can be heard by Octavia.

'He is so sweet even with that stoic face. No wonder mother loves him till her last breath.'

"You may go now." Octavia blinked a few times before realizing that the command was dedicated to her.  With a rush movement, she bowed down.

"Yes, father."