
I'm both of them

Zine is already in the school ground's. Before Zine even gotten to the school.

While leaving their house....

Zine is now preparing to go to school while his parents are preparing for thier daily routine but the word "rival or-" is still going through thier mind's.

Cilestle: "are you going to school now?"(asking her son )

Zine: "yes !!...now bye "(while hurrying to go out of the house )

Katao: "he has really grown up so fast"(worried voice and talking to his wife)

Cilestle: "are you going to eat ??"(asking her husband)

Katao: "no ...I have something to take care of...bye love"(he was going out of the door and in to his car to drive to his company)

Cilestle: "*sigh* like father like son..hmm... when will you guys meet?" (she smiled after sighing then she remembered someone)

Zine was already in front of school he was thinking "why the heck did mom enrolled me here ...she said I have to hide my powers now she enrolled me to a school for halves is she joking with me??" he was on his way to the classroom where he was a signed ,students were looking at him ...then he bumped into Jake ....

Zine: "not again " (his palm was on his face )

Jake: " hah!!...so were in the same class in every subjects" (his voice was like he doesn't want to be with him)

Zine: "why?...you don't want to see me?" (in a sarcastic tone)

Jake: "why is there something to see in you?" (in a sarcastic tone)

Jake: "there is but for you there's no hope of seeing anything" (he grins after saying it)

Then the whole building were they are starts to shake all the students that was inside already made a barrier so they won't be hurt by some falling objects...

{In Jakes thought}

there's no point in getting angry for just a mere talk ...(the whole building was still shaking) hah this is all hmm... let's see were you go....

He started to compete with Zine's anger while Zine was making the whole building shake Jake in the other hand was suppressing Zine's anger Jake was suppressing it easily at first but it began to be hard to suppress so he takes it seriously they were like darkness and light fighting each other. The students who was inside can't take it anymore so they teleport to the school ground the principal was already in the school grounds making a barrier to protect the students because every thing that was in the campus started to shake...after sometime Zine gave up and is nearly out of energy that he falls down on his knees ,while Jake on the other hand was nearly out of strength but has a little left that he still can stand up....

After sometime the principal brought down the barrier because it was already safe the students are alright and acting like it never happened the building's that was crumbling and nearly destroyed looked like it was new built everything was new even the things in it was brand new... While Jake brought Zine to the nurses office to replenish his strength same goes to Jake . Jake was occupying the last bed in front of the windows his friends came in with the principal but someone who hi didn't know was with them too that someone head to where Zine was laying and the principal went to the nurse, while his friends was heading towards him.

May: "what did he do to you?... Does it hurt somewhere?.... tell me!" (she was nearly in the brink of crying her eyes out while Kyle on the other hand was supporting her to stand up)

Jake: "I'm ok..." (he gave a boxy smile)

Jake: " I can still stand up see " (he stand up out of the bed to show he is fine and smiles again)

Jake: "why did it took so long?" (he asked Jake)

Jake: "hmm... because his to eager to beat me " (again gave a boxy smile but his voice sounded sarcastic)

May: "don't act always sarcastic...and don't always act so though "(she regained her strength to stand up by herself )

While on the other side of the room that someone who was with the principal and his friends while going in the nurses office was talking to Zine but Zine was still unconscious ,then Jake stand up and went to that side of the room...

Jake: "ummm... miss do you know him??(while being supported by his friends)

Cilestle: "yes I do .. I'm his mom" (her eyes were nearly filled with tears )

Jake: "maybe I over did it on suppressing him "(scratching his head)

Jake: "I'm sorry..." (Jake bows in front of her)

Cilestle: "it's ok , sometimes he over underestimate everyone" (she was nearly crying but Jake hug her to comfort her)

Cilestle: "thank you..."(she smiled as a sign of calming down)

Jake: "how about I transfer some of my energy to him so he could recover his energy faster? "(he again gave a bright smile)

Cilestle: "but only angels and cat shifter's can do that "(she was going to cry again)

Jake: " it's ok ma'am, I have a cat shifter's blood running through my body "(then he smiled with hope)

Cilestle: "but you just-"(she didn't finish her sentence because Jake was giving a sign that he will do it)

May: "ok "(she is really worried about what Jake's going to do next)

Cilestle: "but there's another problem his not another species his a devil that won't do ..."(her hope was lessen because she knows even he could transfer some energy there would be another scar being left in him)

Jake: "it's ok I can still do it ma'am, both a demon cat shifter's and an angel cat shifter's blood are running through my body since I'm a mixed race"(he smiled again)

Cilestle: "but ..how can you be?.."(she was gripping Zine's hand really tight)

Jake: "My mothers parents were both cat shifter's but they were of a different race a demon and an angel " (his speaking like he is exaggerating )

Jake: "now enough with the chit chat let me do it aunty "

Whit out thinking again he went to the other side and grab Zine's hand and he starts transferring his anergy his hands was starting to shine after sometime he transform into his original form and the whole room was filled with light but that light turned into different colors the nurse who was inside was shocked she never knew that someone has different energies .But the most out standing of all the black and white lights they were mesmerized and all of them in the room was receiving energy too

To be continued...


" Sometimes love is like the sun and the moon, you have to wait and be patient and when the time comes you two will be one like a beautiful eclipse, when two souls meet once again "