
Why is my heart pounding?!

Principal: "Why did you do that for? you know that you can-"(he was tapping on Jake's shoulder but when Jake was turning his head he saw Jake eye's turned into a different color)

When they saw it they were a bit shocked Zine's mother was so amazed at how a little kid could give a lot of energy after competing with his sons powers then at that brief moment Zine woke up he saw Jake's hands was holding his he was thinking....

[ Zine thoughts ]

Why are they surrounding me?..and why is this guy holding my hands?..why is mom here?...why are there a lot of small fireflies?...wait why is my heart starting to beat faster *throb* *throb*..no!!! am I falling for him?!....this can't be!..wait why am I still holding on to him?

After realizing that he was still holding on to Jake's hands .He quickly took his hands off of Jake's grip while Jake retreats his hands off from Zine.

Jake: "ohh... your awake "gave a bright smile while his eyes are turning back to normal.

Zine: "mom why are you here?"he didn't even said hi or thank you to Jake.

Cilestle: "why'd you do that !?...you scared me to death when the Principal called that you caused a big ruckus "scolding him like a mother would do.

Cilestle: "ohhh ... thank you for helping my son" she gave a bright smile to Jake who was preparing to leave from the nurses office along with his friends.

Zine: "why are you thanking him for he was the one who caused me to this mess! "thinking like he wasn't the one who started it.

Cilestle: "even if it is!... you have to thank him because he healed you up!! "she scolded him again.

Cilestle: "and the Principal said if it was him who started it the whole school should be down to earth by now!" teaching her son a lesson.

Zine: "what?!... how come your sidding with him!?" he said while he tries to argue with his mom.

He was shocked that his mother agrees to the Principal about who's the most powerful of the both of them even though his mother knows that his powerful at a young age.

Jake: "well I must be off then I still have to see if everyone is alright"(leaving while waving to them with his friends)

But Zine was still sitting down on the bed and hearing his mother talk about theories to how come this happened and how Zine had able to surppress him.

Cilestle: "tell me what is he really is?"she asked in a soft tone.

Zine: "I don't know what he really is, but I do know that I can push him to the limit of showing his true powers" he smirked while his mother spanked his head.

Cilestle: "I'm asking you not telling you to cause more troubles!" again scolding him .

Nurse: "pfft..."she was holding her luaghter from seeing a mother scold his son.

Cilestle: "ohhh... I'm sorry can my son go for now?" She asked because she can see that the nurse was going to burst in luaghter.

Nurse: "ohhh.. you can Jake already healed him every part that has not healed is now healed" she gave a smile and leave them with a confused face.

Zine: "what is wrong with them and those confusing riddles?!" he was a bit angry but when he stand up he feels that his body is lighter than before while his mother is also feeling something.

Cilestle: "hmmm...this feels good it's like I am 18 again" she smiled with happiness and warmth.

Zine: "what happened to my body why is it so light ?"(asking his mother )

Cilestle: "I told you to thank him but you didn't, he healed you up every part of you the scar from before is all gone" she smiled with warmth and happiness but only leaving a even more confused face on Zine.

Cilestle: "if you want to thank him ,I'll be waiting for you at the gate" again smiling with warmth.

Zine: "fine just because he healed me" he said with a sarcastic voice.

He leaves with a sigh because he knows that his mother wants him to thank Jake but he didn't know that his mother was thinking about something...

[Cilestle's thoughts]

Now l know what was the meaning of him saying "rival or-" I wanna tell this to his father after we get back home my son will be stronger and will have someone by his side I want him to be happier with him and I wish my son to do his best to pursue Jake in the future

she was thinking about it while she was going to the gate and after arriving at the gate she went to her car that was parked near the side walk and opened it and started to wait fo Zine.

While his mother was waiting Zine was trying to find Jake ... After a while he saw Jake sitting on a big tree with so many beautiful flowers Jake was sitting in near the middle of the tree where the shade of the tree was. Then the a huge gust of wind blew on the flowers surrounding Jake and the pettals of the flowers were loosen and goes with the wind the pettals were illuminating a beautiful background and making Jake's beauty stand out then....

Zine felt a throb in his chest as he looked at Jake *throb*.... *throb* he holds his chest once again feeling his heart race fast while he was looking at Jake, he kept looking at him without a blink.

[Zines thoughts]

Why am I feeling this he's a boy so we can't be together ... what am I saying I don't even know if I like him or not... Zine you are just here to say thank you and that's it...what am I saying if I confess to him he will just say I'm joking or make fun of me...

Then someone talk with a soft voice so he snapped out of it, it was coming up ahead where Jake was sitting . A soft voice that was like in his dreams.

Jake: "had enough staring at me?" he say in a soft voice making Zine look in the other way.

Jake ;"Why are you here?"(Jake asked while taking off the petals that was on his hair, that Zine found cute)

Zine: "ohhh...umm" Zine paused and stuttered as he opens his mouth to talk.

Zine: "...I...I...'why can't I say it why is my heart racing so fast'"

Zine kept stuttering as he spoke, there was a tint of blush in his face that even Jake could see from afar Zine stutters was seemed cute like a shy kid trying to talk to another person for the first time Jake though it was cute at his perspective and nearly giggled at Zine who was trying to find the words inside him to vome out.

To be continued...


"You can't pick when or where to fall in love,it comes naturally to you whether it's a boy nor a girl we can't pick the time nor the places to fell for someone"