
When the world falls asleep

The world is nearing worldwide destruction. To stop this from happening the world found a way. And the way is to set everyone asleep as the earth recuperate from the damage it has taken. Then comes 8 young teenagers who will find the missing civilisation and rebuild the world again.

lullabyforapenny · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


The world was once full of greens that extends for miles. Animals, Trees, and resources lived in balance. The earth was bountiful with resources that can feed millions for thousands of years. However, humans continued to take it for granted. Building Skyscrapers to reach the sky, digging the soil to obtain minerals, and squeezing every last of the earth juice out of itself. In the end, the greediness of humans has caused their peril.

Millions of trees are harmed to supply the world's increasing needs. The world's resources thinning as the number of the population continued to surge and there was only one way to stop this from happening. Scientists tried to come up with solutions to this worldly problem. Nevertheless, their efforts were still useless to prevent the world's destruction. They came up with one way to stop the world from being destroyed and that's to remove the virus of the world and let the planet heal itself. The solution was to exterminate humans from the planet. Leaving only one civilization to start anew and lead the earth to greatness. Hoping that the last of the human's civilization will fulfill the right thing and prevent doing the same mistakes that they did.