
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · Fantasy
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42 Chs

chapter twenty three torn between love and revenge (8)

Kiara's attempts to reach Sefra went unanswered, for she hadn't yet acquired a new phone after it was stolen. She felt a growing sense of frustration, unable to shake off the feeling of being kept in the dark. What could have caused Sefra to vanish without a word?

Her mind raced with possibilities, conjuring up scenarios that only served to deepen her unease. Had something happened to him? Was he in danger? Questions multiplied like a storm brewing within her, fueled by the weight of their unfinished conversation and the lingering pain of her pack's loss.

Three days had passed, and Sefra's absence continued to gnaw at Kiara's heart. The worry had escalated into a consuming fear, and she felt a sense of helplessness creeping over her. With each passing hour, her desperation grew, and she knew she had to take action.

Kiara paced the living room, her mind racing with various possibilities. She couldn't deny the truth any longer—Sefra was missing, and the circumstances surrounding his disappearance were shrouded in mystery. The thought of involving the human police crossed her mind, but how could she possibly explain the situation without revealing the supernatural world?

She was nothing but a desperate human girl and had no powers to defend herself talk less of trying to find a missing person.

That evening she went to get a new phone and put in a new sim,she didn't want to go back home because it was going to be only her at home,she decided to walk a little but she was more careful than the last time, she was still walking when someone stopped her.

Hey it's you,I thought we won't meet again,a voice said as she turned back.

the face was familiar yet strange.

Um I..,she said but was cut short.

It's Ariel,how could you forget so quickly,she said sadly and Kiara's mouth was in a form of an O.

Am sorry,I was just lost,Kiara explained.

It's fine,you didn't call,she said.

did you even get a new phone?,she asked.

I just got one a while ago,Kiara replied and Ariel nodded.

Okay give me your phone,she said and Kiara looked at her with a raised brow.

Just give it to me,she said with outstretched hands making Kiara give her the phone.

She inserted her number and called herself saving her own number,after that she gave her back her phone.

So what's good,she said and they indulged ina conversation,it was vibrant and Kiara found herself liking it,she didn't feel too burdened and relaxed a bit, Ariel strolled with her till they arrived at Kiara's home.

You coming in?,she asked and Ariel followed her in.

They entered inside and as the place was cold she turned on the heater and watched as Ariel admired the house.

It's really pretty,she complimented before sitting down.

Do you want anything?,she asked as she learned that human were used to showing hospitality to visitors at their home.

I'll have only water,she said and Kiara nodded before Kiara went into the kitchen.

Ariel stood up and was still admiring the interior when suddenly she heard the doorknob open,she turned her head to look at the strange but handsome person she had ever seen.

Sefra who had come home was surprised as you who the unfamiliar face was,he raised his brow as hr closed the door behind him and walked into the house with a stern,cold face.

Who are you?,he asked and she finally snapped out of her daze.

Uh..um I,she stammered and for a second he though she had bad Intentions till he heard the familiar soft voice he had being yearning to her for the past days.

You're home, Kiara voice echoed in the room and Sefra turned to look at her completely forgetting about the stranger in his house.

Sefra turned to see Kiara standing there, her worried eyes meeting his. The moment their gazes locked, all his worries seemed to dissipate, and he couldn't contain himself any longer. He rushed towards her, pulling her into a tight embrace, grateful to have her in his arms once again.

Kiara hugged him back, her concern for his safety evident in the way she clung to him.

As they separated, Sefra finally took notice of the stranger who was still standing there, observing the emotional reunion. He caught a glimpse of surprise in her eyes before she composed herself. "Kiara, who is this?" he asked, gesturing towards the stranger.

Yh this is Ariel,I met her a few days ago,she helped me when I lost my wallet and phone,she explained.

Ariel this is Sefra,she said and Sefra looked at her expecting her to say something more but Ariel had already stretched her hand out for a shake.

Her boyfriend,he completed the sentence for Kiara and she looked stunned as she looked up at him,and with that he shook Ariel.

He turned back to look at Kiara, I'll be upstairs if you need anything,he said and she nodded before he walked up the stairs.

Ariel who was still mesmerized by Sefra and his mysterious aura could not help but ask Kiara.

You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend,she asked and Kiara muttered under her breath "I didn't know I had one too".

It wasn't important,Kiara said.

What,have you taken a good look at him,he looks like a Greek God, someone made by God's own hand,she said and Kiara never took notice to all this so it was strange hearing it.

I'll get the water for you,she said and walked back into the kitchen to get the water for her,they talked a little more before Ariel went back home.

Kiara who had arranged the living room went upstairs to Sefra's room,she knocked on the door but he didn't reply she tried knocking again but still the same,no response.