
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · Fantasy
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42 Chs

chapter ten unworthy (3)

Now are you going with me or not,he asked with a cold voice and she nodded with fear as he left her and walked out of the room leaving her in tears.

He went back to his room and slammed to door,walking around to calm his temper that was now boiling.

I try to be nice to her,she just makes it hard for me,he said.

She doesn't like me being gentle with her so then I'll use force and see if she can be stubborn,he added.

Sefra knew that her acquiescence stemmed not from trust, but from the realization that she had no choice. Stripped of her powers, she had become vulnerable, and Sefra held the upper hand.

The night of the party arrived, and Sefra had sent dress and accessories to Kiara's room,as much as she wanted to deft him,she was now a little scared a him and just did as he said.

Kiara stood in front of the full-length mirror, her reflection adorned in a dress that had been sent to her by Sefra. The gown clung to her figure in all the right places, the rich fabric shimmering in the soft glow of the room. She adjusted the delicate necklace around her neck, her heart pounding with apprehension.

As she made her way out of her quarters, Kiara felt a rush of nervous anticipation. The moment Sefra's eyes fell upon her, she saw a flicker of surprise and admiration in his gaze. It was a rare sight, to witness the typically composed vampire caught off guard by her beauty. Yet, as she observed his reaction, she maintained a distance, not allowing herself to be swayed by his charm.

They didn't compliment each other as if it wasn't necessary and it didn't bother Kiara that he didn't compliment her..,she didn't really care.

Together, they entered the grand hall where the party was in full swing. The room buzzed with conversation, music, and laughter, but as Kiara and Sefra stepped into the crowd, all eyes turned toward them. Whispers spread like wildfire, the attendees captivated by the striking couple who seemed to embody both mystery and danger.

Kiara's discomfort grew as she felt the weight of countless gazes upon her. The men in the room stared with a mixture of desire and curiosity, their eyes lingering on her as if she were an exotic creature on display. Sefra, sensing her unease, attempted to shield her from their prying eyes, but Kiara instinctively moved away, refusing to rely on his protection.

As Sefra engaged in conversation with the guests, Kiara stood by his side,

she soon got tired and went to take a seat as the dance was about to begin, her eyes were scanning the room for an escape. Just as she contemplated slipping away unnoticed, a young man, around her age, approached her with a charming smile and extended his hand.

"May I have this dance?" he asked, his voice filled with a friendly warmth.

Kiara hesitated, taken aback by his boldness, but she found herself unable to refuse his polite request. She placed her hand in his, and they gracefully moved onto the dance floor. The music swirled around them, enveloping them in a rhythm neither of them knew, but the young man guided Kiara with ease.

As they danced, the young man made an effort to get to know her, asking questions about her life, her interests, and even her name. Kiara felt a strange mix of guilt and exhilaration as she wove a web of lies, creating a fictional persona to protect herself. She responded with a name other than her own, telling him stories of a life that did not belong to her. The young man seemed genuinely interested, his eyes filled with curiosity and a growing fondness.

So what's your name?,he asked.

Umm it's Luna,she lied.

Luna,like the moon,he said and she smiled.

So mind telling me about yourself Luna?,he was quite interested in her now.

um well I live with my aunt,my parents are not in the country,am done schooling so am looking for a vacant job opening,since I want to be independent,she said and he found himself more drawn to her and she felt herself loosening up thou she knew she had created a web of lie.

That really cool,cause every girl wants to be pampered and taken care of,he said and she frowned.

So human girls are so delicate to the point there need someone to take care of them,she thought as she felt goosebumps.

I can't continue to be a human,I don't need protection from anyone,she thought.

are you okay?,he asked as he noticed her frown.

Yeah I was thinking.. you said girls are tender,like how tender exactly?,she Inquired and he was surprised.

with a laugh he said"you guys are all tender and need your boyfriend's attention and all,he said.

boyfriend?,she muttered but he heard her.

who needs a boyfriend,when you can take care of yourself,she said.

And also not all girls are tender like you say,am am exception,she said proudly and he laughed.

Unbeknownst to Kiara, Sefra had been watching their dance from afar, his expression a mix of anger and possessiveness. The realization that the young man who had captivated Kiara's attention was the nobleman's son sent a wave of fury coursing through him. He abruptly excused himself from the conversation he was engaged in and made his way toward them, his steps filled with purpose.

As the young man and Kiara finished their dance, Sefra appeared beside them, his eyes locked with the stranger's. The tension in the air was palpable, the room falling into a momentary hush as everyone sensed the brewing storm.

"I believe it's time for me to reclaim my partner," Sefra stated, his voice laced with an icy warning.

The young man glanced between Sefra and Kiara, a flicker of realization crossing his features. With a polite bow, he stepped away, his eyes lingering on Kiara before he disappeared into the crowd.

Sefra turned to face Kiara, his expression a mixture of anger and concern. "Who was he, Kiara? Why did you dance with him?" he demanded, his voice strained.

Kiara met Sefra's gaze, her own eyes reflecting a defiant resolve. "He was simply a distraction, Sefra. A respite from the suffocating atmosphere in this room," she replied, her voice cool and composed. "But make no mistake, I am still here with you."

The tension between them remained, the unspoken questions and emotions hanging heavy in the air. Kiara had sought a momentary reprieve from the intensity of her connection with Sefra, but she couldn't deny the magnetic pull that continued to draw her back to him.
