
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · Fantasy
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42 Chs

chapter eight unworthy (1)

she had been kidnapped by another group of vampires,she was already managing with Sefra now another vampire,what exactly had she done this time...

turns out they want to eliminate warewolf everywhere in the world and there came to the human realm to deal with her,but there were also trying to lure my captor which is Sefra.

How stupid..., Sefra won't even move a muscle if I found I got kidnapped talk less of actually showing up,she thought with a self deprecating laugh.

Well sorry to disappoint but my captor won't be coming in today,she said.

or never,I guess,she joked and the clan leader looked at her furiously.

He better if he still wants you alive,he said and they stomped out of the room.

Was that a joke,if he still wanted her alive,of all vampires to want her alive..Sefra was not included at all.

unknown to her...

Sefra paced restlessly in his chamber, a sense of unease gnawing at him. Kiara had been gone for far too long, her absence weighing heavily on his mind. Concern mingled with frustration as he contemplated the possible reasons for her prolonged absence.

Unable to shake off his growing worry, Sefra made his way down to the kitchen, intending to check on Kiara. As he entered the dimly lit room, his eyes fell upon a shattered glass on the floor. A sinking feeling gripped his heart, and he knew something was amiss.

The remnants of the broken glass revealed a clue—a hint of another vampire's presence. Sefra's instincts kicked in, his senses sharpened as he pieced together the puzzle. Kiara had not escaped, but rather, she had been taken captive by another vampire in the human realm.

Rage coursed through Sefra's veins, his eyes glowing with a fiery intensity. He bared his fangs, his anger at the audacity of this vampire burning like a raging inferno within him. No one would dare harm Kiara while he still drew breath.

Sefra's mind raced, considering his options and formulating a plan. He would track down Kiara's captor, rescue her from their clutches, and exact vengeance upon those who had dared to cross him.

With renewed determination, Sefra set off on a relentless pursuit. His senses guided him, following the faint traces left by the vampire who had taken Kiara. He moved swiftly and silently, a predator driven by both fury and a growing sense of protectiveness.

As Sefra ventured further into the human realm, he encountered obstacles and challenges along the way. He battled against the night, the relentless passage of time, and the cunning of his adversary. But none of it deterred him. Kiara's safety was his utmost priority, and he would stop at nothing to ensure her rescue.

With each step, Sefra's anger intensified, fueling his determination. He was unyielding, a force to be reckoned with as he closed in on Kiara's captor. He drew upon every ounce of his vampire strength, pushing himself to the limits to ensure a swift and decisive resolution.

Finally, the moment of confrontation arrived. Sefra stood face to face with the vampire who had dared to imprison Kiara. The air crackled with tension, the atmosphere heavy with the weight of their opposing forces.

Sefra's voice rumbled with fury as he addressed the vampire before him. "Release her now, or face the consequences of your actions."

The captor sneered, their gaze filled with disdain. "She is nothing but a weak human now, stripped of her werewolf powers. What use is she to you?"

A primal growl rumbled in Sefra's throat as he lunged forward, his movements a blur of speed and precision. In an instant, he overpowered the captor, immobilizing them with his supernatural strength.

With a triumphant glare, Sefra whispered, his voice laced with danger. "Never underestimate the lengths I will go to protect what is mine."

You really care about her that much..,how pathetic,the other vampire said with disdain as he was pushed aside and Sefra went to the other rooms to look for Kiara,he saw he sitting lonely as she was tied against the chair,she seemed weak as her hair covered most part of her face.

He swiftly freed Kiara from her restraints, his touch gentle yet urgent. Kiara's eyes widened with relief and surprise as she beheld Sefra, her rescuer, standing before her.

"Sefra... you came for me," Kiara whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief.

Sefra's gaze softened as he met her eyes. "I could not bear the thought of losing you, Kiara. You are more important to me than you can imagine."

He said shocking her more,this revelation was most shocking to her as she never thought that the vampire responsible for the death of her pack mates,her kidnapping and what else would have feelings for her.

The revelation hung heavy in the air, a truth that threatened to shatter the fragile bond between Kiara and Sefra. Kiara's eyes widened in disbelief as Sefra confessed his true intentions—his belief that she was destined to be his mate, the reason he had spared her while ruthlessly eliminating her pack members.

Her heart raced, torn between conflicting emotions. Kiara's mind replayed the memories of her lost family, the pain of their brutal deaths, and the captivity she had endured. Anger and betrayal swelled within her, causing her voice to tremble with intensity.

"You dare speak of destiny, Sefra?" Kiara's words were laced with a mix of fury and sadness. "You think that justifies the pain you've caused? The lives you've taken? Destiny is no excuse for your actions."

Sefra's eyes pleaded for understanding, his voice tinged with remorse. "Kiara, I know it is difficult to comprehend, but I have felt this connection between us since the moment I laid eyes on you. I spared you because I believed in our shared destiny, even as it tore me apart."

Kiara's gaze hardened, her voice filled with defiance. "Your belief in destiny does not give you the right to determine my fate. I am not a possession to be claimed, and your actions have shown me that you are unworthy of my trust or affection."

The words unworthy lingered in his mind as he took her back to his place,she had called him unworthy..if it had being someone else,he wouldn't waste time tearing their mouth apart but it was Kiara..,his mate.

He knew he messed up but nothing can changed,the deed had being done and her pack members were all dead,he didn't mind at all that he killed them and that he mercilessly watched them die,he had killed them but he didn't feel bad about doing it,it was in him to kill but now Kiara called him unworthy..

He returned and she immediately left where he was going to another room where a guard came to tend to her afterwards she slept alone as she cried thinking about her family and the revenge she vowed to take causing her to fall asleep.

Sefra on the other hand was up in his chambers and could vividly hear Kiara's cry,she had lost her warewolf power but he's was still intact and it pained him hearing her sob like that.