
When The Fallout Comes

Ray McAllister having a recurring Nightmare where's the world end is near. Armed with that knowledge he will attempt to save his friends and family. (sorry for the bad grammar etc. its my first time writing and as per usual Fallout is the property of Bethesda Softworks) Here if you want to support me : p@reon.com/Dowaray or https://ko fi.com/dowaray

Dowaray · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 7 (edited)

The last bell is ringing. It's time for the students to go back home. Out of the blue, George shouting at me. As I'm taking a step on the classroom door, "hey, wait for me, Ray!" Puzzled, I'm stopping in my track and wait for him to catch up. Panting, George patting my shoulder, "haah. Let me tag along with you, Ray. You want to go to Bruce home, right?" Smiling, I nod, "sure, let's go then." But my smile, disappear as we step outside the school. Gnashing my teeth, I'm falling on my knee while clenching my fist in anger. Seeing my scooter completely trashed by someone.

The scooter paint is gone, with sign of scratches everywhere. And the headlight cracked beyond repair. While both of its wheel getting slashed by a knife. Furious, I'm pounding my fist to the ground, shouting, "god-damn you. Damn you all to hell!" Angry, George tapping my shoulder to calm me down. While he's gnashing his teeth, "damn it, those jocks have gone too far." Out of nowhere, I'm hearing laughter from the gathering crowd. Irritated, we turn our head toward the source of the laughter. Finding the same group of jocks from before, laughing at us.

One of the jocks with a bandaged chin walking in front of us. With a Smug expression, he says, "Humph, remember this nerd. This is the result for anyone dared to attack our official member." Both of us scowling at those arrogant jocks in silence with gnashed teeth. Those jocks turning their back on us with arrogance. While the Jock with bandaged chin stop in his track. And leaving a message to us, "don't you dare annoy us again. And don't think we won't do anything to you. Even thought you are Nicole acquaintance, mark my word."

Before long, Nicole passing by while riding her bike. She's noticing a crowd forming as we are glaring at the jocks back. Curious, she parks her bike and check on what happen. As she's approaching us, she notices of what happen to my scooter. Furious, she lifts both of her sleeve and charging at the leaving jock. While shouting, "those spineless bastards. How dare they targeting you instead of me. Hmph, I'm going to teach those bastard to not mess with my friend!" the crowd getting excited, hoping for another fight.

Scared of causing any more problem at school. Both of us, holding back the charging Nicole and try to calm her down. After minutes of bargaining and plea. She's calming down a bit at last. Breathing a sigh of relief, I get down and check the scooter, "phew. Thanks god, the engine is safe, but man they're sure destroying my scooter." Hearing about the damage, George ask, "so, what would you like to do with the scooter, Ray?" I stroke my chin and reply, "well, I want to bring it home to fix it myself. But, first we better go to Bruce and ask him to send my scooter home. He's got a pickup truck we can use."

Embarrassed, I scratch my cheek, asking, "so, can I ride with you to Bruce shop, George?" Smiling, George nodding, "sure. But, I better retrieve my scooter from the parking lot first, so wait for me, okay?" I'm nodding, feeling grateful, "Okay George, thanks for the help!" He waves his hand, "nah, don't sweat it, you're helping me when I distressed too." After saying that, George goes to the parking lot. Leaving me alone with Nicole as she still here without any reason. Nervous, she's playing around with her finger while taking a peek at me.

With a gaze filled with determination. Nicole takes a deep breath and nudging my shoulder. While I'm bored waiting for George to come. Feeling curious, I take a look at her asking, ""what is it Nicole?" Feeling hopeful, she's looking at me with those cute eyes of hers, "hey Ray. Can I follow you guys?" Smiling, I'm nodding, "of course. The more, the merrier, isn't it?" Her eyes lit up in happiness as she let out a heartfelt smile. Hearing me, agreed to take her with us. Making me feeling warm, as I gaze upon her smile.

Feeling my warm gaze, she tries to hide her shyness. By putting up an excuse, "o-of course. I'm following you guys to protect you from those jerk, you know." Grinning, I'm giving her a head pat, "yeah-yeah, I believe in you." She puffed her cheek in annoyance, for getting a head pat, "hmph!" I'm laughing seeing her cute act. Flustered, she punches my stomach. I get down on my knee, while I'm clutching my stomach in pain, "guah. Why did you keep punching me?!" Feigning annoyance, she turns her back on me. Hiding her blush, while saying, "because, you are an idiot, that's why."

While both of us bickering, I'm using the Pip-Boy in secret. As I want to check something. I'm feeling very weird today. For example, That time when I'm grabbing Teacher Ellen breast on, accident. Instead of going mad and slap me in the face, she gets flustered and run away. And I find myself conveying my feeling better toward Nicole than the usual. As I'm a shy and reserved kind of guy. Opening the trait section, I'm finding two new traits in it, "huh that's kind of weird?" I'm reading the trait description at once.

Ancestor Blessing

Feeling your high luck, your ancestor has given you their blessing. By giving you some buff at random. If you please them enough, they will give you more buff. + 1 Intelligence, + 1 Charm

Sex Appeal

Member of the opposite sex react to you in a more positive way. While annoying the other members of the same sex. +10% damage to the opposite sex.

Hearing my sudden remark. She's looking at me with curiosity, "What's weird, ray?" Surprised, by her sudden question. I confuse her by pointing my Pip-boy, "ah, nothing. I'm finding a bug in this thing." Confused, she's tilting her head and asking, "eh. A bug, where?" Moving closer, she's looking at my Pip-boy, "there's no bug on it, though." I let out a forced smile, at her cute question. While holding on my laughter. By giving her a succinct explanation, "it's a software problem, not an actual bug."

Annoyed by my sardonic smile, she ignores me with a humph. She's still having a suspicion on my answer, though. As she feels I'm hiding something from her. But, she decides to let it slide for now, by not pressing further. I'm stroking my chin and think. Hmm, the sex appeal explains woman reaction to me and George jealousy. But what is this ancestor blessing? I'm never programming that trait into the game. Or did the other adding this trait without my knowledge? Wait, is this trait related to those fish. It looks like there are more secret in this world than I can imagine, huh.

George finally appear with his own, scooter, as I'm going deep into thinking. Surprised, George ask, "oh, why are you still here, Nicole?" She replies with a smile, "well. I want to follow you guys in case those jerk attacking Ray again." Even though George feeling suspicious with her statement. And want to tease her for it, but his rationale won over. Fearing, if he ever does that, Nicole might get violent and punch him. As he, still want to live. George nodding So, without further a due. The three of us going to Bruce shop. Walker's used electronic and repair shop.

"Ding!" The doorbell ringing as we enter the store. Noticing us, Bruce gets up from the counter and greet us, "yo! It's nice seeing you guys decide to come here. Anyway, Ray, I already prepare the thing that you ask for." He put a small box on the counter. My eye lit up in excitement leaving the other on their own. As I take the box from the counter. Shrugging their shoulder George and Nicole check on the stuff in the store. While I'm checking the content of the box. And finding the chip that I ask for. Smiling, I'm nodding with gratitude, "thanks, Bruce. I'm always can count on you."

He replies by waving his hand, "no biggie." Without saying anything, I'm paying the chip according. What written on to the label right away. Embarrassed, I ask, "Anyway, Bruce. Can you, help me with something?" Cocking his eyebrow, he asks, "what is it?" With a sigh, I explain what happen to my scooter. Angry, he's shouting, "What, those jerk thrashed your scooter! Wait here for a sec, I will ask my old man for permission." Bruce, leave the counter before I can say anything. Before long, I can hear a muffled conversation from the ceiling.

And soon enough, Bruce gets down with a key in his hand. Grinning, he's beckoning us, "come on then. Let's go back to school and get your scooter, I'll drive." I stop him for a bit to tell him something, "ah, wait. We better go to the part shop first. I need some part to fixing my scooter." Smiling, Bruce nodding, "Sure." We follow him to the garage located in the back of the store. Nicole and I are sitting at the back of the truck with her bike. While George follows the pickup truck with his scooter. Bruce, driving us toward the nearest auto shop from his home.

After getting the part I need, I'm going to the counter to pay for it. But, George stopping me, as I reach for my wallet, "ah wait! Let me pay it for you today. After all, the reason your scooter getting trashed is because of me." I'm nodding with gratitude, "thanks, George." Smiling, he's taking out his wallet and pay the bill. On the way to the school. I'm noticing Nicole curious with the store around here. Hmm, I'd better note the places she interested in so that I can invite her for a date latter. At school, the three of us, Bruce George and me, lift the scooter to back of the truck.

With the scooter retrieved, we decide to go back to my home. So, George split from us as his home in other side of the town. Before he goes, I give him my thanks for paying my bill. Arriving back to my home, the other getting back to their own home. After I'm giving them my gratitude. With everyone gone, I'm fixing the scooter on my own. First I start by changing the tires, then the headlight. And I'm repainting the scooter blue. It takes some time, but the scooter finally repaired, and with it's done I earn 15 exp. Looking at the clock, it's already evening, so I made some simple dinner and start working. On my project in the basement while eating.