

From a naive and ignorant celestial maiden, she embarked on her journey with hope and optimism, observing all things in this world and comprehending its myriad facets. Gradually, influenced by the complex emotions of the mortal realm, her laughter lost its purity, and a faint sorrow began to veil her face. She became as cold and unfeeling as a member of the demonic sects, unmoved by anything in the world, her heart seemingly dead and devoid of passion. However, when she encountered the "immortal" she had first met again, it felt as if she had gained everything and yet lost everything. A deity is emotionless; emotionlessness defines divinity, while emotions define humanity.

Paienier · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter Twenty-One: Illusory Dream of the Immortal Spirit

After eating the fruit and drinking some water, I lay down to rest.

As the cold night approached, I never felt its coolness. Instead, the burning pain on my body intensified, scorching my nerves and thoughts. I suddenly felt extremely thirsty, but my throat couldn't make a sound. I tried to get up to drink water, but my hands had no strength.

What's happening to me? Could my wounds really be worsening? Is my end near?

I gritted my teeth, struggling to find a trace of spiritual power within me. Slowly, I tried to push that power throughout my body. Eventually, I managed to slightly move my wrist, but it was far from sufficient. In my desperation, a metallic taste filled my mouth, and my vision darkened.

I found myself back in that sea of dreams, but this time I woke up on a tree branch. Turning over, I almost fell off. Opening my eyes, I saw a deep abyss formed by white mist below. To my surprise, I felt no discomfort in my body, which was a thousand times better than being immobilized underwater.

I steadied myself against the tree trunk, trying to sit upright. Unexpectedly, the ancient tree was covered in slippery moss, causing me to slip and fall onto something soft.

"Who's there?" A slightly annoyed voice seemed to come from beneath me.

I looked down to see a pair of emerald eyes glaring at me. Startled, I recoiled, accidentally grabbing a few green feathers.

Only then did I realize I was on a large green bird. It seemed to be practicing flying, and somehow, through some method, it had stumbled into my dream.

"I... I didn't mean to," I stammered an apology, unsure whether to stay put or jump off.

The green bird let out a sharp cry, flapping its colorful wings and diving downward. Afraid of being thrown off, I clung tightly to its feathers, ignoring the wind tearing at my hair.

In a flash of blue light, I landed safely on the ground, my hair disheveled over my face. The strange bird was nowhere to be seen. Instead, the man in green robes from my previous dream had somehow conjured a jade table and chair, calmly sipping tea.

Suppressing the urge to give him a good beating, I forced a smile. "What a coincidence, meeting you again."

He glanced at me, his Adam's apple moving slightly. "You've changed your attitude this time. More polite, less aggressive."

Strange. Why should I need to be polite to him? He was the one intruding into my dreams without reason. Shouldn't he show some courtesy to me, the dream's owner first?

I cleared my throat with a few heavy coughs and said, "I apologize for my previous rudeness. I didn't know you, a celestial being, were rescuing me every time I was gravely injured and unconscious. My eyes were blind to your kindness. I hope you won't hold it against me. Also..." I hesitated, my voice trailing off.

"Hmm?" He straightened his slightly wrinkled sleeve and looked at me intently.

"How do you account for kissing me without reason?"

I went for it. Whatever happens, happens.

He blew on the rim of his cup, his face unperturbed. "It was to save you."

Save me? Did saving me require kissing me? He must have taken advantage of my vulnerable state. I huffed internally and rolled my eyes at him when he wasn't looking.

"I know what you want. Helping you is no trouble," he said slowly, setting down his cup. "But I will take something from you in return, something unnecessary and unimportant to you."

If it's unnecessary and unimportant, he can take it. But does he really know what I need from him? I scrutinized him, noting that he didn't seem like someone who lacked material treasures. Since he could freely traverse my dreams, he probably sought something beneficial for his cultivation.

After pondering, I realized the only valuable thing I had was one item.

I removed the jade pendant from my waist and handed it to him. "Alright, I agree."

"I will take what I need after you wake from this dream," he said, glancing at the pendant and smiling faintly. "Are you confident you can heal your injuries with your own cultivation?"

What did he mean by that?

Seeing my confusion, he poured another cup of tea and placed it on the table, as if inviting me to listen carefully.

It was just the two of us here. Why so mysterious? Was he afraid someone else might overhear? What a strange man, always so secretive.

I sighed inwardly.

Despite my thoughts, I obediently sat down next to him and took a sip of the warm tea.

"This tea is fragrant and delightful, with a lingering aroma. It's truly excellent," I praised, using flowery language.

He seemed to appreciate my flattery. With a wave of his hand, a few plates of pastries I had never seen before appeared on the table.

Seeing his nod, I quickly picked up a translucent pink dumpling and took a bite. It was sweet and soft, leaving a lingering taste in my mouth. Such a delicacy was rare in the mortal world, a true celestial treat.

This time, I sincerely praised the pastries in my heart.

Watching me devour the food, he seemed somewhat annoyed and with another wave of his hand, made the plate I was reaching for disappear.

"What are you doing?" I asked urgently.

He frowned, looking at me in confusion. "What is it you seek from me?"

Coughing, I realized I had been distracted by the pastries after days of not being able to eat properly. I needed to focus on the important matter.

"Indeed, your magical skills are extraordinary, conjuring such delicious treats at will." I respectfully cupped my hands and produced the jade pendant. "As for the matter of this jade pendant's healing properties you mentioned earlier, I would appreciate your guidance."

He drew a line across his own wrist with his finger, and immediately a deep cut opened, gushing blood like a spring. Yet he seemed oblivious to the pain, not even furrowing his brow, as he took the pendant from my hand and held it in his palm.

Good heavens, does this immortal have a penchant for self-harm?

I nearly fainted on the spot.

But then I remembered, this was a dream. In a dream, there's no real sensation. Perhaps his dramatic actions were meant to make me understand more clearly. I reassured myself and continued to watch his next move.

The pendant in his hand began to emit a blinding white light. Shortly after, his wrist was restored to its original state, without a trace of a scar.

I clapped my hands in amazement. "The immortal indeed possesses profound powers and vast knowledge."

He twisted his wrist, then handed the pendant back to me. "Now, do you understand? Transfer your spiritual power into it and hold it tightly. This spirit jade will heal your wounds."

This Moon Spirit Jade was indeed a treasure, capable of such remarkable healing. Even the great immortal had not known of its power. It seems this man, able to freely wander my dreams, was indeed a highly cultivated immortal. However, I still didn't know his name. If I met him outside the dream, I wouldn't know how to repay his kindness.

As he waved his sleeve again, the surroundings began to fade. I hurriedly grabbed his robe and timidly asked, "Qingyue is deeply grateful for the immortal's many dream-time interventions. May I know your name and your duties in the mortal realm? So I may seek you out and repay your kindness in the future."

He hesitated for a moment before slowly speaking, "Qingwu, just a wandering immortal of the dream realms."

A wandering dream immortal? Why haven't I read about him in any books? I might as well think of him as a dream immortal who helps people in their dreams.

"If you wish to see me, place the Moon Spirit Jade on your chest and channel your spiritual power. You won't have to be forced into my dream palace every time."

So every time I fell unconscious, I ended up in this dream immortal's home? No wonder it always felt different from normal dreams, where I couldn't act freely.

"Alright, I understand, Dream Immortal." As the dream completely disintegrated, I waved to him. "Next time we meet, I will come to visit you healthy and whole."