

From a naive and ignorant celestial maiden, she embarked on her journey with hope and optimism, observing all things in this world and comprehending its myriad facets. Gradually, influenced by the complex emotions of the mortal realm, her laughter lost its purity, and a faint sorrow began to veil her face. She became as cold and unfeeling as a member of the demonic sects, unmoved by anything in the world, her heart seemingly dead and devoid of passion. However, when she encountered the "immortal" she had first met again, it felt as if she had gained everything and yet lost everything. A deity is emotionless; emotionlessness defines divinity, while emotions define humanity.

Paienier · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter Twenty: Light

The sound of chains clashing and a few muffled roars turned into black and white shadows in my blurry vision.

Who has arrived?

My already cold body gradually warmed up, the warmth of a nearby furnace spreading. A familiar scent, like the blooming of a night-blooming cereus, brought a comforting fragrance. Ripples stirred in the dream, and as my gaze lifted, I couldn't help but smile at that familiar face.

"I'll take you away."

The calm words, devoid of any emotional fluctuation, unexpectedly evoked a sense of reliance.

"Alright." I lowered my head and leaned closer to his chest, enduring the pain all over my body to say a word with some steadiness.

The shadow of the sword fell swiftly, like thin threads slicing through, silver sword light constantly sweeping through like the moonlight spilling in the night. His body remained steady, only his arms and the sword moving, like surging yet calm waves, always accurately erasing some threats while preserving others.

Quickly, he broke through the encirclement, leaving that sunless place.

The crisp and refreshing air gradually cleared my mind.

Behind us, members of Xinghuo Hall continued their relentless pursuit. The great immortal, still composed, held me with one hand while fending off the attacks from behind.

He always exuded a sense of reassurance and tranquility. He never made people feel that he was someone who needed to be worried about.

However, no matter how calm and flawless he appeared, his rapidly beating heart could still be heard through his chest, reaching my ears.

"Thump, thump, thump..."

For a moment, I felt that he wasn't born this way. It was because he bore so many responsibilities, had to protect so many loved ones, that he couldn't and didn't dare to reveal his emotions to strangers.

Holding me like this, his hands clearly trembled slightly.

Was he worried about me?

I gently grasped his hand, wanting to comfort him, but I didn't know what to say. The wounds on my body were bleeding continuously, but with him by my side, I no longer felt the cold or the pain from before.

I quietly watched him, as if admiring the best scenery in the world. I stayed in his arms, waiting until we successfully shook off the pursuers from Xinghuo Hall.

"Great Immortal, there's a cave ahead. You can put me down there." I said hoarsely.

"Don't speak." His reprimand sounded unusually gentle.

I softly replied, "Hmm," and let him carry me into the cave, where he wrapped me tightly in his outer robe.

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me by the riverbank? Couldn't you find it or what? Never mind, from now on, just stay by my side and don't run off." He looked at me somewhat angrily, frowning, and without another word, took my hand and began channeling spiritual energy into my wrist.

The spiritual energy flowed through my body like water, warmth spreading, making my face flush. I felt a rush of warmth in my throat, and I lowered my head, coughing up the metallic taste.

He withdrew his spiritual energy and held me in his arms, asking with concern, "Does it hurt less now?"

How could it not hurt? But if I said it did, he would continue to channel his spiritual energy into me. Knowing that my injuries wouldn't heal no matter how much energy he poured in, it would be better to let the great immortal conserve his strength to protect himself.

"It's not as bad as it was at first. Thank you, Great Immortal," I said weakly.

"Really?" He was a bit skeptical.

"Really, the spiritual energy you just channeled has made me feel much better. It doesn't hurt as much now."

"Let me see your wound."

Wait, what?

I looked into his earnest eyes and, convinced he wasn't joking, crossed my arms over my chest protectively, my tongue tied: "Well... I, um, I'm a woman, and some of my injuries... I can't show you. I'll handle them myself."

"We're well past the point of worrying about such formalities. You've been at Qiong Yun for three years, and I've taught you cultivation techniques for just as long. We've already formed a bond akin to that of master and disciple. It's natural for a master to tend to his disciple's injuries." His eyes, clear and pure like smooth jade, held no hint of impurity.

"But if..." I hesitated.

"If what?" He looked at me, puzzled.

"If I never considered you my master, neither before nor now, what would you do?"

He held my hand, a fiery determination in his gaze: "Although Qiong Yun is a sect dedicated to cultivating immortality, it's not like an ordinary temple; we can marry." He seemed to realize the weight of his words and awkwardly turned his head away to avoid my eyes.

"Would you be willing to marry me?"

"Would you be willing to marry me?"

We spoke simultaneously. Our eyes locked, our faces flushed, yet we didn't look away, letting our gazes deeply intertwine and blend, finally getting lost in each other.

Realizing he wasn't joking, I felt a sudden sting in my nose and quickly looked away, speaking with a hint of self-mockery: "What is this? From the beginning, you saved my life. I should repay you a hundredfold, but I have nothing to offer. I can only repay you by staying by your side. But now, in my current state, it seems more like repaying kindness with ingratitude."

"I don't mind." He pulled me close, gently hugging me, whispering softly in my ear, "I know of an herb that can heal your wounds without leaving scars. I'll find some wild fruits and fresh water first, and once you're better, I'll search for that herb."

"Alright, then hurry up. I'm really hungry." I tried to control my emotions and tentatively wrapped my arms around his waist.

He hesitated briefly before carefully embracing me.

After a long moment, we parted. Sleepiness washed over me, and I agreed to rest while he was away.

But how could I sleep? My wounds were starting to swell and burn. I was afraid he'd stay close by, so I bit my lip to stifle my sounds of pain, enduring until he returned with the wild fruits before opening my eyes.

Seeing my forehead covered in sweat, he reached for my hand to check my pulse. I pulled away, wiping my sweat with my sleeve and changing the subject: "Maybe the cave is just too stuffy. Never mind that, what goodies did you bring me?"

He pulled out a cloth bundle and took out a golden fruit, wiping it clean before holding it to my mouth.

Thinking of everything he'd done for me, I tilted my head away and said, "You first. I'm afraid it might be sour."

He smiled wryly at me, took a big bite of the fruit, and then looked at me, "Satisfied?"

I nodded, pleased, and took a fruit from the bundle to eat.

The taste was sweet, but I couldn't swallow it.

Though the bleeding had stopped, the swelling pain persisted, like an inferno burning fiercely within me, turning grass to ashes and ashes to fire.