
when she meets him

Anu was sitting in the waiting hall of the City Hospital and waiting for number,there she met him for the first time...Sanju who was on his way to therapy room...their eyes met but they retracted as soon as they saw each other....that's how they met for the first time.... . . . . . Sanju..."babe ,it's been already 8years and you still don't know how to kiss properly. " Anu....."it's not like I was practicing how to kiss all these years..hmph" . . . . Anu is a normal girl that you can find within yourself ,who struggled ,fought and got what she want.Join me to find out how she rose from a normal high school girl to world renowned Scientist. Neither the FL nor ML has something extraordinary..(just normal couple) This is my first Story. English isn't my first language so..please do forgive my mistakes and guide me through . Cover page isn't mine,I just did some editing according to my preferences.

LittleRedMist · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Sanju's thoughts...

Sanju waited continuously for the next two days for the girl who occupied his thoughts all the time and didn't get to meet her.He was disappointed and lost hope about meeting her again.soon he started concentrating on his work.

The next day morning Mr.Riaan came rushing into their lounge and whispered something in Sanju's ear.

Sanju had a surprised look on his face and rushed towards the door and stopped himself .he checked out how he was looking,ran his fingers through his hair , took a deep breathe and opened the door.

He was surprised to find out that the girl he wished to see atleast once was really sitting in the reception room and waiting for her number.

Her jet black medium length wavy hair was neatly swept to one side,She sat with a crossed leg and was scrolling through her mobile with a serious face.She looked completely different from how she looked the other day.

'So,she didn't come for her mother,but for herself. ' He thought. 'Why isn't she looking at me?is that stupid mobile more attractive than me?Aah...she never saw me ,how should I get her attention?'

He thought for some time and went inside the lounge and closed the door.after waiting for a couple of minutes He opened the door making some sound expecting to gain attention from her.

When he came out He saw her lifting her head and looking at him,When he saw her face he felt as if the time was frozen for a moment.She has a round face,with big eyes .Her deep black eyes will suck you and make you will lose yourself.Her celestial nose and those red lips add another charm to her face.

'Ahhh.....did she find out that I was checking her?Sanju mind your image ...'with that he went outside.

When he came back after receiving a call from Riaan ,he bumped into her.soon a sweet vanilla scent assaulted his nose and made him want more.

Both apologized at the same time and she smiled at him and left from there after nodding her head.

'Look at those animated eyes that accused me for bumping into her , the way she rubbed her forehead was really cute.I can live for an eternity just looking into those watery eyes of her.I want to hold her and touch those lips' Sanju was surprised by the thoughts that where running through his head.

After his shift,he went out to get some fresh air.while roaming he saw a familiar figure sitting in the balcony of a dorm building and doing something serious in a book .It looked like she was considering something serious.

Next day they coincidentally bumped into each other,when he went downstairs to the office lobby to check his schedule, he enquired with the reception lady about the girl who went upstairs with Mrs.Arya.

From her he came to know that her name is Anu and she is just 17 and came for treatment. She is a regular patient of Mr.Pal for the last 6 months. He didn't ask for more details.He felt like it's his only chance to get close to the girl .He waited for her to finish the treatment ....soon he saw her coming downstairs and left without taking rest.

He frowned looking at her pale face,He gave it a thought and decided to drop her off at her dorm .when he came with his bike,he saw her walking with unsteady steps and was about to fall.without thinking much he went and braced her from behind ,preventing her fall.

She looked surprised and thanked him and made some distance between them.'Does she hate my touch?'He frowned and told her it's not good for her walk after nasyam without taking rest.

He asked her to hop on his bike ,but she rejected making his frown deepen.

'Eventhough she can't walk properly, she refuses to hop onto my bike,does she hate the thought of getting on my bike that much ?'

He got irritated at her stubborn behavior and went back to get his bike.She hoped on his bike and held his shirt .

'She held my shirt,maybe she doesn't hate me'he was happy for a second and the next second he became angry at the thought of her hoping into another man's vehicle.

Soon he reached her dorm and wanted to ask for her number ,but soon stopped himself from doing so.'What if she thinks that I am a play boy?ugh...I should have asked where she is staying before dropping her directly as if I already know where she lives....what if she thinks I am stalking her???' As soon as she got down and said thanks without waiting for another word, he nodded and left from there naah...he actually fled from there fearing that she will find out about his thoughts.

The next day he found that she accidentally mistook her medicine and is coming back to return the wrong package,'Here is my chance,I should give her this package rather than making her walk all the way here,' with that he took the medicine package and left from there.

After sometime at the crossroad he saw her.He was mesmerized after seeing her walking towards him.He chuckled at the sight of her walk ,it seemed funny to his eyes.God knows how badly he wants to tease and make fun of her.

He went to her and gave her the package ,She thanked him and both left from there.

After returning to his room ,He laid on his bed and tried to get some sleep.whenever he closes his eyes all he can see is Anu's smile, he never felt like that in his entire 19 years life. He felt that it's going to be hard for him to live his normal life and Anu is occupying his heart and mind more than he could think.

The next few days he had a busy schedule and couldn't even get to glance at her,He was surprised to find out how much of influence she had on him.He went to Mrs.Arya to find out about how many day's Anu will come for the treatment, But Mrs.Arya didn't give him any appropriate answer.His schedule got cleared after 5 days, he was happy that finally he got to see her.But he didn't find her even after waiting for an hour.He wanted to ask Mrs.Arya but stopped himself from doing so .

when Mrs.Arya came to the lobby, she saw Sanju sitting absent minded.She had to shook him to get him back to reality. "Are you thinking about Anu?" she teased him.

"..Ho..How do you know?"he stammered .

"It's all return on your face,you started showing attention in a person who isn't your patient and you won't care about the patients after they leave this compound,but you go flying once the matter involves her.You will never give Away a chance that will let you know more about her. "She responded to him,"If it's just a crush let it be like that, don't try to convert it into a relation,that girl I don't think she will be interested in all these stuffs and I heard that she is the topper of province A ..she is probably a book worm,she won't come today ,her Nasyam got completed yesterday ." With that Mrs.Arya went back to have her breakfast.

After listening to these Sanju got depressed ' I don't think it's just a crush.if I don't get to see I feel empty ,how should I explain this ?'

He took his Mobile and called his elder sister Sanu and told her how he felt right now.Sanu teased him for some time and told him not to jump into any conclusions and give this matter some time to understand the girl and how he felt about her.they chatted for sometime and hung up the call.Even after talking to his sister,he couldn't get an appropriate answer for his feelings.

As he was free of all schedules ,he set off for a long drive with Riaan to get some fresh air.They visited an old fort ruins and had some fun and returned in the evening.

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