
Chapter 29

We went down the hall to a set of stairs that led to a big open room with tons of windows. I really needed to explore this place. There were a lot of rooms I hadn't seen yet. As we came down the stairs, I saw Bucky waiting at the bottom with Vision and Clint. He looked up at us and froze, eyes wide. I faltered a little. Did I look ridiculous? Bucky saw my indecision.

"Damn Doll. You look... breathtaking."

Smiling, I walked the rest of the way down the stairs to his side. 

"Thanks Buck. I admit to being a little nervous."

"Don't worry. I won't leave your side. And since Loki hasn't made it back yet, shall I escort you in?" He held out his arm to me. 

I laughed and took his arm. "I would be honored, handsome sir."

The others looked at us with big smiles and we all went into the party room. It was amazing and filled with people. Of course, I had no idea who any of them were as they were Tony's guests, but I didn't care. I was determined to relax and enjoy my first birthday party with my family. On a sour note, I did notice Sharon was among the guests. 

"Who invited the Wicked Witch to the party?"

Bucky laughed. "No one. She just shows up uninvited. Just ignore her Doll. Don't let her ruin your night."

I gave his arm a squeeze. "As you command."

He stared at me for a moment and then led me to an upper level where everyone was waiting. 

"Hi everyone. Tony, it looks amazing in here. Thank you so much for the party. Um, have you heard from Thor and Loki?"

Tony smiled. "You're welcome, Kid. And yes, they are running a little late, but they should be here soon. Now go out there, get a drink, and have fun."

"Will do boss."

Tony rolled his eyes at me and went back to his discussion with Bruce about something. I looked at Bucky. "Drinks?"


We went to the bar, and it seemed Nat was mixing drinks tonight. "Ah, no need to ask what you want. Scotch neat for Bucky. Orange juice for Ariane. A virgin screwdriver."

"Nat, you know us so well. Thanks!" I sipped at my drink and watched as Bucky took a long swallow. I watched the movement of his throat and felt a little thrill. I wondered what was going on. I shouldn't have this attraction to Bucky. I really needed Loki to come home. 

We stood talking until I heard my favorite song come on. 'Thriller' by Michael Jackson. I set my drink down and grabbed Bucky's hand. 

"Come dance with me!"

"I don't dance, Doll."

"Well, neither do I but I want to dance and I want to dance with you, so come on!" 

I pulled him laughing onto the dance floor and started moving. I was moving my hips in time with the beat when Bucky grabbed my hips and started matching my movement. All of a sudden, he took my hand and spun me in a circle and dipped me down. Giggling, I grabbed his shoulders. 

"See. And you said you didn't dance. Thank you for this. It means a lot to me."

Bucky gave my waist a squeeze. "Anything for you Doll."

We continued to dance until I was breathless and desperately in need of a drink. We went back to the bar and grabbed more drinks then headed back to the upper landing. 

"Wow... did I really just see that?" A tall black man had joined the group,

Bucky looked at him. "Hey, Sam. When did you get here? And did you really just see what?"

"About thirty minutes ago. And seeing you... dancing?" He raised his eyebrows with a grin.

Amazingly, Bucky actually looked embarrassed. With a smile, I came to his rescue.

"I didn't really give him a choice. Hi, I'm Ariane." I held out my hand. 

Sam shook my hand. "Sam. Nice to meet you. Tony was filling me in on what I missed. So, you're Loki's soulmate? Gotta admit I didn't think he had one. And then he ends up having a beauty. Some Gods have all the luck."

I laughed and we all stood around talking as the party came to a close. All the guests had left, and it was just us. 


 I heard a familiar voice that I never expected nor wanted to hear again. I froze. Bucky looked at me in concern and then everyone looked at the newcomer as my face went white. Filled with dread, I slowly turned. I felt Bucky's hand on my lower back to give me support, not quite knowing what was going on but realizing I was upset.

"Dean." I looked at the men just behind him. "Sam, Cas."

I could feel the hostility building behind me as everyone realized exactly who was standing in front of me. I noticed Bucky's metal hand was fisted by his side. 

I sighed. "What are you doing here Dean?"

Dean gave Bucky a black look as he saw him standing close to me with his arm at my back. He almost seemed jealous. He didn't seem to care about the fact Bucky had a metal arm, especially with how advanced it was.

"I'm here to take you back. You don't belong here."

"No. You told me to leave your life and I did. I told Sam for you not to look for me. I don't want anything to do with you. I found a new home and I have a family here that cares about me. So go back to your realm and leave me to mine. Now fuck off."

I started to turn away from him when he grabbed my wrist… hard. I felt the bones grind in my wrist, and I knew I would have bruises later. I twisted my arm to try to get free.

"OW! Let go! That hurts!"

"You ARE coming back with me. I am not leaving without you. And I am not taking no for an answer."

Bucky moved to make Dean let go when we all heard an angry voice.

"You would do well to remove your hand from her before I remove it from your body. Even then, I may still yet remove it for hurting her."

My heart leapt as I heard Loki's voice. He had come home. I turned to him as he came to my side. I saw he was looking at Dean in a dangerous way, his eyes filled with violence.

I tried to pull my arm away again. "Let go, Dean. If you don't, this won't go well for all three of you." I saw Thor standing with a menacing look. Seems my new brother was a protective one and he was not happy with what was going on. Not that anyone behind me was either. 

Dean let go with a hateful look and I turned back to Loki. 

Loki finally took his eyes off Dean and looked down at me, his eyes softening. 

"Hello, pet. I am sorry I am late. But it seems I may have come just at the right time. Although… I must say this dress is stunning my dear." 

He picked up my wrist and saw the bruises that were already starting. All of a sudden, his eyes widened as what I said registered and fury filled his face. I shivered as I got a glimpse of the dark side of him, although I found him hotter for this dangerous edge.

"You called him Dean. Is this the same Dean you spoke of before? The one that hurt you so?"

I sighed. I had to calm this down before anyone died. "Yes, Mischief Man, he is. And no bloodshed, please. At least for tonight. I don't want to spoil my birthday any more than it already is by making a mess. Plus, I'm sure Tony wouldn't be happy if we made a mess of his party room,"

"I don't give a damn about the mess. You do whatever you need to do with this piece of shit," I heard Tony say behind me. Everyone else agreed quietly, trying to let me handle it but I could feel in my head how much they wanted to jump in and give me justice.

"I will try my sweet, but I am afraid I can make no promises in that regard." He gently rubbed my sore wrist, absently trying to give me comfort.

I nodded. It would have to do. I leaned up and kissed him. I felt the heat simmering as his mouth devoured mine, staking his claim to me in front of Dean. When the kiss ended, I was a little dazed and very turned on, which was amazing given the situation.

 I did manage to whisper. "I need to talk to you later. I need some input."

He stroked my cheek with his fingers gently and kissed the top of my head.

"Anything my lady wishes she shall have."