
Chapter 153

"I want to touch your wings, Luci. Please? They're so beautiful."

He nodded and swallowed. I moved to his side and started at the base where they attached to his shoulder blades. I ran my hand along the ridge at the top of his wing and then stroked down his feathers. They felt amazing. I was addicted to the feel, powerful and strong and yet soft as silk. I ran my hand down Lucifer's back between his wings and then repeated the process on his other wing as I went around him to stand back in front of him.

"Now I understand why the Angels felt humans were inferior. You're truly a beautiful being, Luci. And I'm honored you allowed me to touch you. I know that is a rarity and I'll never forget it."

I stared into his eyes as Loki, Bucky, and Thor spoke in my head. 

'Pet… I am conflicted. He is not a soulmate, yet I feel a pull to want to watch you with him. And this confuses me. Watching you stroke his horns and wings…'

'I agree, Doll. It was arousing. And I'm not sure why.'

'Angel, I am not sure about Bucky or my brother, but may I suggest to us all that we have a night with him? I am like Loki and wish to see you fuck him.'

'Strangely, I don't disagree, Doll. I think we should.'

'Agreed, pet.'

I stood there just gaping at Lucifer and he was looking at me concerned. 

"Is something wrong, dear heart?"

I swallowed and for a moment imagined how Lucifer would look naked, those wings brushing my skin and felt heat coil and my panties were soaked.

'If you're all sure? It seems I'm not against it if you aren't.'

They assured me they were serious and that they wanted this. I felt some amusement and I mentally felt them stick their tongues out at me.

'Later I will show you what happens when my husbands stick their tongues out at me.' I sent the message to all three and felt their answering amusement and desire.

I leaned in next to Lucifer's ear and whispered just for him to hear. "I know we still have things to do here tonight with Daniel and Sharon, and hopefully we can free Dean. But when everything's over and settled, come see me. I want to fuck you and my husbands want to watch. And since you're you, Luci, I know you won't mind it being rough."

I heard Lucifer gasp and felt the heat rising from him. I knew he was aroused. I looked into his eyes as I straightened. I had never seen his eyes burn like that and I got wetter. It was a heady feeling to be able to arouse an Angel.

"Done, my dear heart." He stood and gazed at me, struggling to bank the fire in his eyes. "I'll help you with your vengeance tonight. I swear it."

I felt a pull as something bound Lucifer to his words. He knew what he promised. And Angels don't make promises often.

I smiled. "I know you will, Luci. You've never let me down. So, let's deal with Daniel and see what we can do to free Dean. I have the feeling it wasn't really Dean that threw me out that night."

"No Ariane, I don't believe it was. I can feel Dean trapped inside. His fury, his pain, and his fear. Fury at being taken over, pain at how he was used to make you hurt and suffer, fear he'll never get his body back. But I know he was important to you before, so we'll get him free. Daniel will suffer greatly for this." He glanced at Sharon. "I know you have unfinished business with the bitch but once you are done, I have some business with her as well." 

I nodded.

"What did she do to make you to call vengeance?" He gestured to the marks on my arm.

"It's easier to show you, Luci."

I opened my walls for him. He already knew about Daniel and Charlie so there wasn't anything to hide. He read what Sharon had done, trying to shoot me, the kidnapping and torture from Francis, Bucky being drugged and how hurt I was that she tried to break one of my husbands. 

I shivered as I saw the darkness swirl in his eyes. I had seen Lucifer livid and how red his eyes glowed, I'd never seen them go black like this. He was beyond fury and into claiming blood.

"She dared! She dared to torture one of the most precious beings in this universe! She will suffer so much more after you're done with her, dear heart. I vow here and now, she will know torment for eons." 

There was the heat and crackle of flames and a vibration that shook me to my bones. My eyes got really big. Luci had cemented his vow with his magical essence. That never happened with Angels. Ever. But Luci had done it for me. Tears filled my eyes and slid down my cheeks as I realized just how much he really cared about me.

"Don't cry, my sweet Ariane. I can't bear it." He gently ran his thumbs over my cheeks, wiping away my tears. "Let's go and deal with the trash for today and save your friend."

Lucifer turned away from me and strode over to Dean. I felt Loki and Bucky hold my hands as we followed, Thor pressing his hand against the small of my back.

'I quite like him, my pet. A man after my own heart.'

I snorted and rolled my eyes at Loki.

'Yeah, he's pretty similar, Lokes.'

'I like the way he thinks, Doll. But what was that vibration earlier?"

'Luci made a vow. He is still a Divine Being, and his magic sealed the vow. Angels NEVER make vows. It's the first time I've heard of it. And judging by Cas's expression, I'm right. Poor Cas looks floored.'

I felt Thor's rumble of laughter against my back. 'I like your Lucifer friend, Angel.'

'I like him too Thor. But guys… while I'm not complaining… why the urge to watch me fuck him? Is this going to be a regular thing? Again, not complaining as long as I like them. But I'm surprised. What bonds could it create? I don't want another soulmate. Being terrified to lose any of you three is more than enough for me.'

"I am afraid I cannot put it into words, my sweet. I just have an urge to see it.'

I felt the other two mentally shrug. "Same, Doll." I felt Thor nod.

'Ok. We'll see how it all goes. Life with me is never boring.'

'Indeed, my pet. I do not fear if a new bond is created. Then we will all know that there will be one being that will never be able to leave you. I am assuming that Angels are not able to die?'

I considered Loki's words. 'Huh. I didn't think of it that way. And yeah, you're right. Angles can't die, not exactly. They can be sent back to Heaven, or Hell in Luci's case. But they can always come back.'

'Then I wouldn't be scared that you'd lose him then Doll. And if a bond gets made, well… a bond gets made and we'll roll with it.'

We stopped just behind Lucifer, and I let go of Loki's and Bucky's hands and moved to stand next to Lucifer. 

"What do we do, Luci? I want to end Daniel and free Dean."

"Then that's what we'll do, just as my dear heart wishes."

I glanced over and struggled not to laugh. Lucifer noticed and looked over himself. His laughter rang through the room. If Cas and Crowley's mouths opened any wider, they'd come unhinged.

"Did you think you're the only ones that care about her?"

Cas closed his mouth and shook his head. Crowley still seemed too stunned to answer.

"No, brother. But I admit I didn't think your feelings went that deep. We have both been around mortals since time began, but you have done something I have not. You found love. Love that is outside us, outside Heaven, outside our Father. And for that, I'm envious."