
Chapter 136

"Ariane, you dropped into our lives, literally. I was amazed to see how well you handled yourself as you landed. And then was pleasantly surprised at how well you accepted all that happened and all of us. I saw my brother's interest and it delighted me. To see him open himself love was something I had always hoped for. And then you turned out to be his soulmate and I couldn't have been happier for him. And then Bucky turned out to be one as well. I could see the family the three of you were becoming. 

But I was concerned because I was starting to feel more for you than a brother should. When I saw your past, all I wanted was to go back and avenge you. To have them hurt someone I was falling in love with filled me with rage. I was glad you had Loki and Bucky to help you get through that.

I was devastated when you tried to take your life. I had no idea what had happened to make you do that, but I knew you had to have been hurt deeply. You never gave up during your past, but to see you give up then… I knew it was bad. And then you wouldn't wake up. I prayed to every God there was for you to wake and be ok.

And then you did wake up, but you were anything but fine. I watched as you wouldn't talk to anyone. I heard everyone say that you just sat and nodded, never speaking. I waited to be the last. I hoped I would be able to help you. I walked in and saw how broken you were, how lost you looked, and I cried. It broke my heart to see such a strong and beautiful woman suffer so much. So, I just held you. I knew you didn't want words since you did not speak before.

Then a miracle happened. You cried out all that pain. You spoke to me, asking me not to leave you. I thought my heart was going to stop that night as I held you in my arms, protecting you in your sleep. I had dreamed of holding you and here you were asking me to just that. And then you asked me to come back every night. I was trying hard to not fall in love because you were with my brother, but it was useless to try to stop it. 

I knew I needed to tell you I loved you before I spent more time with you. And you made me happy that some part of you wanted me too. I knew it was wrong and I felt like a horrible brother. That night while you were in the shower, I leaned against the wall and tried not to imagine you in there, the water running over your body. I will admit I did not realize I had that much self-control when I heard you moaning in the shower." He smiled when I blushed. "I wanted so much to go in there and make you moan louder. But only my brother stopped me. I would not, could not, do that to him. 

I had never disliked my brother so much as when I heard why you had tried to take your life. To have tossed you aside like that, especially after you showed us a side of you that you had shown no one before. I could not help myself when I went to tell them you would see them. I punched Loki and only the fact that even though Bucky is a Super Soldier, I was still a God and I would possibly have killed him, was why I did not punch him too.

So, I helped you heal and watched the three of you come together again. Most of me celebrated but part of me was sad and disappointed. I had wanted so much to win your love. But I thought it wasn't meant to be. And then my brother managed to shock me. He and Bucky gave me the night of my dreams. To hold you and love you.

And you, my dear Angel, you truly shocked and pleased me when you showed your love of pain. I knew then you were the only woman that would ever be in my life, even though I only had that one night. I was determined to make the most of it. It seemed life had many more shocks coming to me. You could heal, they wanted to see me give you pain and pleasure, and then you wanted all of us. I was surprised it was not awkward to be having sex with my brother's woman, with my brother at the same time. But it was nothing but pleasure.

And my world changed. I was one of your soulmates as well. I do not know what I had done to deserve to have the woman of my dreams not only love and want me but be my soulmate when I thought you were beyond my reach. I love you, Ariane. More than life. I would give up all my eternity in Valhalla to stay by your side. The realm of death could not keep me from you. I will always be with you no matter where you are."

He slid the ring on my finger and the red stone lit up. 

I looked at Thor, moved beyond words. "Thor, when I first got here and got a proper look at everyone, you made me smile. I couldn't help it. Even though I had no idea who you were, I had to smile. Then you said God and I admit I was skeptical. But you showed your lighting, and I was amazed. 

I always felt your presence and how comfortable I felt with you. When you came to my room that day, you gave me exactly what I needed. Someone to give me comfort but not expect anything from me. I saw you crying, and I was floored. It's what made me let go, you crying for me. It made me realize that at least there was someone that cared for me. I was terrified when you went to leave. And I slept deeply for the first time in weeks. I didn't have any nightmares because I knew you were there.

I was surprised when you kissed me and told me you loved me. And I was very tempted. But I had made a vow to never betray them and I refused to. I had to know and hear them say they wasted their time, and that they didn't love or want me. My mind froze when they said they still loved and wanted me. And part of me missed that I wasn't going to be able to be with you, to sleep in your arms anymore. And then my two loves, who knew me best, gave me a gift. Gave both of us a gift. They gave me a night with you. And you were the first to ever understand me wanting pain, loving pain. And you gave it to me in spades. 

Having you in my life as my soulmate completed me. I now had the three of the most important and precious things in my life. Nat said it best. That even though I went through hell to get to this exact point, if I hadn't, I wouldn't have had each of you. If they hadn't hurt me so much, we wouldn't have found out I had a third soulmate. 

I love you, Thor. With all of me. You're an amazing gift and one I'm thankful for every day. My love for you grows every day. And while I'm terrified to be considered a queen, I'll deal with it because it means I'm with you and I'd handle anything to stay with you. If you ever fall, I'd storm the gates of Valhalla itself to get you back. Nothing, not even death, will keep you from me.