
When Mankind Falls

Tragedy struck a divided world in the form of an otherworldly disease. It is up to a collection of select individuals to seek out a solution or face the reality of mankind's fall. (Do be warned that mature subject matters and situations will be explored throughout the story.)

Dr_Son · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Feral Paw Tournament (Part 8)

 The decisive moment was finally underway. Expectations were through the roof in regards to who's going to come out victorious. Once both contestants got in range, their fists reared back before thrusting forward, connecting with one another.

 A concoction of wind currents and water splashed throughout the arena. The resulting impact shook the area for a brief moment, alarming the arena staff to cautiously approach the scene. Some feared for the worst as the area cleared, only to reveal that both fighters had hit one another in the face.

 Just by the look of their fists, you can tell that they were still pressing harder, as if trying to take the other down. However, that's when everyone noticed that Kazumi was unconscious. This was a rare sighting but Gale knew better than any other fighter.

 She used her tail to sweep her opponent off their feet, carrying them to the edge of the arena. "You sure surprised me there, but I think it's time you take a long rest. Hope you'll be rooting for me..." With that said, she placed Kazumi onto the ground, eliminating her from the tournament and allowing the staff to retrieve them.

 Once they had left, Gale was about to step down for the Announcer but was instead halted by the Serpent Maiden herself. "Gale was it?... I must say that you've colored me impressed with that little stunt of yours. It's not often users like us come around but I don't ever recall teaching you anything involving it."

 Their giggle caught the reptile off guard, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. "I'm not sure what I can tell you Miss. Just had a really good mentor is all..." Her expression sunk a little but then the Maiden held up her face by the cheeks.

 Her stare was sharp, intense enough to make even Gale worry for a moment. Thankfully, the Serpent smiled and nodded. "I see... If memory serves me, your mentor might be someone I'm quite familiar with.

 Though it's a disappointment, for I have not seen or heard of them for the longest time. I assume they're doing well given the results I'm witnessing today, but it's probably better this way..." She lowered her head and looked away for a moment, taking note of the approaching Announcer.

"Either way, thank you for letting me take some of your time. I got to learn a fair bit today; so I wish you luck in the finals~" Followed with a wink, the Maiden departed from the tournament early without another word.

 By the time the Announcer arrived, they had no choice but to take the stage and address the audience. "I know that I'm not the only that felt that match. Both fighters had the tenacity to never yield despite the odds! Their very will shaped the environment into a setting most suited for the most determined fighters.

 In the end, it goes to show that even in the most dangerous of situations, you can still find a sense of honor~! Now let's give our honor to our runner-up for this tournament~!" Applause rang throughout the area as Gale turned to face the audience.

 Even if it was just for the sake of the event, it still made her smile that there were some traces of genuineness among the public. Just maybe things won't seem so bad from here on out... Though the Maiden's words left concern in her thoughts. Just what did her Father got involved with in the past?...

 For now, it was still a refreshing moment to behold. Once Gale reached the lobby entrance, she waited to hear what the Announcer had to say. "Talk about a blast from the past folks! Not only did we get the same prominent participants as the last three tournaments, but this has also marked the third year in a row that we got the same result for our finalists~!!

 How will the tides turn in this upcoming spectacle? Who will climb to the top of the pedestal and claim their rightful title as this year's Champion~?! Sadly you will have to find out in the next upcoming days as we give our fighters a little room to psyche themselves up for the penultimate event!

 I hope to see you all at the Championships for it will be an event worth attending~. This wraps up the events for today's tournament~!" She bowed to the audience before waving them off, signaling the end of today's matches.

 Meanwhile, at the Dojo...

 "Any idea as to when Hiraku will be coming back?" One of the students approached the person who Hiraku left in charge, curious about the strange activities that took place for the past few weeks.

 "Honestly, I don't know myself but I'll admit it is a little concerning. Those strange women kept appearing here asking for him and I couldn't possibly see what they would want with someone like him."

 "Yeah... Though you can't argue that they're pretty attractive. They certainly let their presence 'known' if you know what I mean. It's honestly a little weird with Master gone... He always was an active role in our sessions; so I guess you can say we miss him."

 The student sulked downtrodden as the other could only sigh while they swept the entrance steps. "I'll agree with you on that. Getting another chance in life couldn't have come any easier if it wasn't for him all things considered. However, it is still our duty to hold true towards and maintain his teachings until he returns. It wouldn't be appropriate if we were to slack off just because he's not around."

 The student smirked before nodding. "Yeah, you're right. We still gotta make him proud after all." They both shared their laugh before turning their attention to the gate being opened. To their surprise, it was Hiraku covered by a tattered cloak.

 They rushed to his aid, but were shrugged off as he continued going up the steps. It wasn't until he was notified about the three women popping in and out, wondering about his whereabouts that he rushed inside as if his very life depended on it. First thing on his mind was just how screwed he was going to be for being absent this long, but thankfully he was able to catch a call on his cellphone.

 "H-Hiraku speaking... Y-yes I'm aware of my absence... R-r-right now?!! B-b-b-but..." Just on cue, the call ended and footsteps approached his room.

 "Well well well~... If it isn't our 'man of the hour~'. I wondered how long you were just going to keep hiding from us." Nastya was upfront and brazen as usual, flaunting her steps as she got closer to the man.

 "Can you at least stop playing with our recipient's head you degenerate?" Clarissa was already squeezing the temples of her forehead, forcing the hyena to reluctantly scoff, roughly bumping into Hiraku's shoulder in their retreat. The fawn would clear her throat before commencing with the purpose of the constant visits.

 "Hate to be the bearer of this news, but it's best you hear it from me rather than our superiors. It has come to our attention that your 'product' isn't meeting the quota of which you were to fulfill. If you can't deliver the necessary amount of goods, then we'll have no choice but to recollect all of the funding we've put into your services."

 She sat down in a chair as the others stood in front of her, cracking their knuckles with stern looks on their faces. Hiraku flinched at the abrupt news, sweating profusely as he tried to figure out some kind of a solution. "H-how can that-... I-I-I don't... There's no way..."

 His heart sunk; his body fidgeting frantically as he gulped the air stuck in his throat. He couldn't believe what he just heard, but there was no possible way he could return the money that was already spent. "L-look... I'm sure there is some way to settle things without having to resort to 'that' right?"

 The response was met with an amused grin from Nastya, who decided to slam her hand on the table. "Well how good are you at dying kid?" Her glare sent daggers through Hiraku's heart, but thankfully Clarissa had a much more 'suitable' alternative.

 "If you so insist, there might be 'one' solution that'll get you off the hook." She crossed her legs and leaned forward before tapping the ash off of her smoking pipe. "I'll be frank, there would be no normal means of you making up for the amount alotted, but let's say you do have something worth our interests. How willing are you to throw someone under the bus to save your own skin?"

 Hiraku was curious as to what she means by that but after some thought, he grew stiff with wide eyes. "You couldn't possibly mean... That's insane! I couldn't just-..." A knife flew right by his face, hitting the wall behind him as Clarissa reiterated her statement.

 "I'm afraid you don't have much choice on the matter. We tie our loose ends quite well and it would do you and this establishment good if you oblige. Do I make myself clear?"

 She stood up and sauntered over to the man, holding him up by the chin before puffing smoke into his face. Hiraku coughed a little, but reluctantly agreed to the terms, getting tossed back into his seat as the group departed.

 "Master... I don't deserve to be your student. Nor do I seek your forgiveness for what I've done, but please know it was for the greater good..." Tears rolled down his eyes as he curled up into the chair.