
When Mankind Falls

Tragedy struck a divided world in the form of an otherworldly disease. It is up to a collection of select individuals to seek out a solution or face the reality of mankind's fall. (Do be warned that mature subject matters and situations will be explored throughout the story.)

Dr_Son · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

A Promise Across the Stars

 With Rumin and Kazumi still in medical care, Gale and Ume found themselves walking through the village. Since there were a few days before the conclusive end of the Tournament, the girls could've easily started prepping for the upcoming match, but there was something lingering in their minds. "sigh~... I was honestly hoping they wouldn't be stuck in there so long."

 Gale would yawn, unable to hold in her disappointment as Ume could only nod her head. "Well you know that we both take our fights seriously since we don't want to lose. Though, I wasn't expecting your sister to be 'that' advanced with her element. Even yours is a rare commodity amongst the masses."

 "Frankly, it was best you managed to stop her before she got too heated in that match. As for your statement, I suppose that can be the case but Father trained us from young due to the potential he saw in us. It was only meant for us to be able to fend for ourselves, but that expectation was surpassed pretty quickly."

 Ume giggled slightly. "Guess that doesn't make us all too different after all. When it comes to potential, we certainly are a cut from the rest." She smiled before urging Gale to walk alongside her.

 It didn't take long before Maya rushed to the scene, stopping just in front of the pair as she caught her breath. "Phew... Looks like I managed to find you two just in time." She perked up as her friends didn't quite understand what she meant.

 "Well~... I was kind of planning for us all to visit a restaurant, but it looks like your sister and new friend are still in the infirmary." She looked to the side for a moment before putting her hands together, making a loud clap.

 "We can still go ourselves! It's not often that you two get to let loose a little. Come on~. It's going to be fine I promise." Before the two had a chance to refute, Maya dragged them by the hands, ensuring their next destination.

 Despite the chatter of passerbys, the first thing that grabbed the group's attention was the aromatic scents wafting throughout the surrounding area. Of course that could mean one thing... "Here we are!"

 Maya stood proudly as if presenting a marvel to the world. Gale and Ume could only stare silently as they instantly recognized the place. "You've actually been here???" Ume was cruious based on what she knows about her friend, but Maya firmly nodded her head.

 "I may not look like it, but there were 'instances' of which I was brought to this place. That's not the whole reason why I've come to like this place though. The food always hit the right spot despite whatever mood I was in and the staff were always forgiving. Wonder if they still look as threatening as ever..."

 She trailed off in thought for a moment before pulling her friends inside. The ringing of the oriental bells gave away their location as a burly bovikin (cowkin) greeted them at the entrance. "Welcome to The Heart of the Valley. We hope that you will enjoy our humble cuisine."

 Despite their appearance, you can certainly tell that they were a bit nervous. However, it was the appearance of a male pankin (pandakin) approached the group. "Well well well~. If it ain't the finalists of the upcoming finale accompanied by one of our favorite regulars. I was wondering if I'd ever see your faces again. Especially those two Miss Kuroda."

 The old male lets out a hearty laugh as Maya soon followed suit. "Well consider this a 'thanks' for the meal you gave me last visit. Not often a treat is rewarded with another." She teased the man, who could only share the sentiment with a hand motion resembling the act of requesting payment.

 "Guess that means you'll be paying this time then? In that case, I better start counting my blessings before I pass on." He laughed again before folding his arms. "Yua! Set up a table for three!"

 "Yes Mr. Sota!" The bovikin bowed in respect before heading off to get the table ready. Sota took a good look at Gale before addressing her directly. "You've grown quite alot since last time young Miss. Why you were nothing more than a tiny little tyke back then. Now look at you."

 Gale's face would fluster with a shade of red as her tail curled between her legs. "Come on old man... It's not like I didn't want to come back here. It's just that-..." She was then interrupted by a nod from Mr. Sota.

 "Believe me kid. I've heard quite a bit from your little sister. She's quite popular around here. A real social butterfly if you ask me. Between you and me though, she sure has a mouth on her."

 This loosened up the tension a little, allowing the two to share a brief chuckle before he continued. "Shame she couldn't join you all for the festivities but let her know that I'll have something special for her once she's back on her feet. Also, don't think I left you out of the conversation on purpose Miss Otogi. It takes quite a bit to catch up with the past I'm afraid."

 Ume nodded after being addressed. "By all means, take your time Sir. I know it must be a thrill seeing your former patrons in the flesh after so long. My apologies if I seemed a little left out." A squeak escaped her as she got patted on the head.

 "Now now~... I know you youngsters like attention, but sometimes you just gotta wait your turn. This tired, old body could only attend to so much at once after all." He laughed as Ume pouted with reddened cheeks, looking in the other direction.

 "Well I better let you girls enjoy your meals. I've taken up enough of your time." With a smile, everyone waved each other off as Sota made his leave, allowing Yua to guide the group to their table. Once they were seated, each were given a menu as the waitress went to assist with the other tables.

 "That was definitely a surprise welcome. I didn't expect the old man to be out and about today." Maya giggled, giddy from the little bit of information she had now acquired about her friends. Both Ume and Gale groaned in annoyance, shifting their gaze to the menus in front of them.

 "I admit it was still a bit refreshing, even if it was a little embarrassing to hear."

 "I don't like it, but I suppose you're right..."

 "Come on Gale~. You know better than I to believe that you didn't feel the same way."

 "Ugh~... Fine... Let's just place our orders and get this over with." She snorted, raising the menu to cover her face from the others.

 After some time, Yua returned to their table. "Was the time sufficient for all of you to make an order?"

 "I'd like to have the usual please." Of course Maya was already well-adjusted enough to speak her order first as it was already set in her mind. Yua nodded, taking a mental note as she waited for the others to decide.

 "Yeah. I'll need about a dozen stuffed buns. Mix them up a bit and add one bowl of Seafood Wonton Soup." Gale sat the menu down and crossed her legs as she streched back a bit to lounge in her chair. 

 Ume crossed her legs, taking a more polite posture as she placed her menu alongside the others. "Three veggie buns and a bowl of Miso Soup for me. Can I also get a cup of Matcha Tea as well if possible?"

 With all the orders placed, Yua pulled out a miniature calligraphy pad and stroked down a few notes before bowing. "I'll take your orders to the cooks right away. It'll be some time before the orders would be ready however. May I suggest a set of Spring Rolls or Sweet Rice Balls to curb your appetites for the time being?"

 The group looked at each other before agreeing to a small pallet of Rice Balls to take the edge off. Since there was time before they could eat, they decided to speak among themselves.

 "So when was the last time you guys been here. Mr. Sota sure speaks highly of you two; so it had to be quite some time ago."

 Gale would groan, balancing off the tips of her toes as she rocked in back and forth her chair. "You really want to know that badly? Well, let's just say that I was barely a few feet tall when I last stepped into this place. It's different now to say the least."

 While Gale was eating, Ume decided to interject. "As for me, it's been approximately seven years since I las visited. I'm glad that the restaurant is still doing well after such a long time. Many pleasant memories came from this very place..."

 "You two sure are lucky; that's for sure." Maya scarfed down a ball before perking her ears up with an idea in mind. "I know you guys don't favor much of my ideas fondly, but there's something I'd like for us to do. Wish everyone could be here for it, but this will have to do."

 Gale and Ume looked at Maya, who was clasping her hands together while uttering a mantra:

"When the land cries out in seek of life;

 When skies rebel and the people lie barren.

 Hold on tightly to your neighbor,

 That God may notice and return the favor.

 The stars align to shine anew,

 The cosmos dance, may fortune renew.

 Our answers heard, may all rejoice,

 Relish in grace; return your voice.

 My brothers, my sisters at long, have last,

 The time has come to end your fast.

 Life will surge across the lands,

 For together, as one we held our hands."

 She held out her hands as Gale had a questionable look on her face. "I don't mean to be a stick in the mud or anything, but what the hell was all that?"

 The two could only stare at her with the same look, but Ume remembered just how isolated Gale truly was. "It's a pretty common mantra among the general public, courtesy of the Harvest Queen. It symbolizes unity, faith and little bit of other things depending on who you ask. In short, it's more of a promise between us and the stars above to ensure fertility of the land to avoid famine."

 Just before she could elaborate any further, Yua had returned with their meals. "I hope that it didn't take too long, but here are your meals. May the Pillars favor upon you."